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Status Replies posted by yorkie_pudd

  1. I hear Tortoises calling me

  2. I just put another layer of grass on the layout, and I have looked at both sides of the modelled fence and the grass is the same colour both sides

  3. Biology exam done, just Chemistry and Physics on Thursday and Maths and English next week!

  4. Who watches the watchers?

  5. has mown the lawn, and is having a quick glass or three of wine before spreading weedkiller....

  6. Whats on my mind? Kate Beckinsale

  7. Looking for the Summer.....

  8. It's raining in Essex.

  9. Wa hey! 1001 possitive reputation points as of this evening!

  10. I have so many partially finished projects I just don't know where to start.

  11. tomato sausage :P

  12. Apparently eating margarine increases your chance of divorce. Genius

  13. Apparently eating margarine increases your chance of divorce. Genius

  14. ...is very happy! I've clocked 1000 miles on my bike, and went to see the flasks...and saw 37423 in its new colours!

  15. has the really strange urge to wind up the mods until a spring goes boink!

  16. smells of puppy

  17. Sheep..........

  18. Finally decided to build some new baseboards and scrap some of my old ones

  19. is admiring his first multimeter for 24 years. Testing, testing, 1,2...1,2...

  20. new chapels first show was a success

  21. *sigh* wondering why I contribute to 'discussion' threads when they always seem to end up with so much hot air and so little oxygen...!

  22. Eager to prove himself, the butcher was hamming things up.

  23. smells of puppy

  24. I can neither confirm nor deny that I may or may not be developing an interest in or a boredom for sausages or something other than sausages...

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