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Status Replies posted by yorkie_pudd

  1. Is absolutely disgusted with my local city council.Always about the money as Jessie J sang.No it's not.

  2. wonders whether you could call a marshalling yard a stock exchange as well.

  3. Oven died tonight, on the plus side i've just had lovely ruby.

  4. Under 50 degrees in the railway shed this morning and 90 degrees by noon. Longest summer by a mile surely?

  5. Let`s go wellie wanging......

  6. has had a sausage recipe booklet given to him.... Now Shall I scan and Post sausage receipe of the week, or give it to Captain Kernow !

  7. 'Hasa diga ebowai'

  8. Finally in Kings Cross in the UK again.

  9. Is in a Purple Haze-having made beet root soup..... ;-)

  10. And so commences a very very long and tedious evening.

  11. Survived IKEA this a.m. Now in rehab/recovery.

  12. fed up of hotels

  13. This is not a tangerine bicycle.

  14. Asthma and glasses what next? :-(

  15. Survived IKEA this a.m. Now in rehab/recovery.

  16. Ah bliss - took the classic car to tesco to do the shopping 1/2 hour shopping 3/4 hour chatting to admirers

  17. Chocolate bars aren't as big as they used to be or are my hands bigger now.

  18. Is trying to understand how it takes so long to repaint one small coach

  19. is quite mystified by Treasury Solicitors' inability to get their client to act

  20. What joy.... It sounds like it's party night next door! Just in time for a 13hr day at work tomorrow.... Arr

  21. is amused by the increase in flatulence since the operation #fybogel #betteroutthanin

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