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Status Updates posted by TomE

  1. Hmm, this Warley shopping list may need some rationalisation!

    1. TheSignalEngineer


      Just add a heat sink to the chip and pin

    2. Will J

      Will J

      Just scribble out a Cornish pasty or two... Hey presto, a budget boost big enough to fund a carriage... A point motor...

  2. Giving serious thought to adopting the 'Malcolm Tucker' management style!

    1. Jon020


      You're not alone there ;-)

    2. Will J

      Will J

      Somebody get him a ********* Fanta!

    3. 43179


      wants a "Tuckers law" tea towel


  3. Made a note in my diary on the way here. Simply says... "######"

    1. Horsetan


      I have a cunning plan.....

  4. Enjoying the last evening on the Broads with a pint of Norfolk Nog.

  5. Crudely-Painted Not-So-Funny Plywood Cut Out Folk Art

    1. Grafarman


      Not Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubemen?!

  6. Rides home like that make me consider getting the car back on the road, but only for about 0.68 seconds!

  7. Anyone who says N Gauge isn't growing in popularity should have been at TINGS today. Absolutely packed all day!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 69843


      And I always thought you had to be a monkey to model N-gauge :oP

    3. Horsetan


      TINGS ain't what they used to be?

    4. richbrummitt


      The guy selling stock boxes must have had a really good weekend. He had a rather empty looking stand by 3pm today!

  8. Back from the MHR Gala and slightly singed around the edges! Intl N Gauge show tomorrow, thank goodness thats indoors!

    1. -missy-


      I might see you there then :) Got a picnic @ my van..

    2. richbrummitt


      I changed for Sunday because more people could do Sat. :( Will there be a picnic on Sunday too (he said hopefully). :)

    3. Will J

      Will J

      Watch that Warwickshire sunshine Tom! See you all tomorrow

  9. Played postman roulette, and lost! Now has a 'whilst you were out' card instead of the parcel!

  10. Pendon. Wow.

    1. richbrummitt


      Yep. Didcot was really good too.

  11. Apparently the person responsible for flags at the Olympics is now looking for a new Korea...............

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Yeah, I'm like, so totally cool with that...

    3. Horsetan


      Oi. You. Jong Un.

    4. DavidLong


      So that's all good then . . .

  12. It's stickier than a stick insect stuck on a sticky bun

    1. RJS1977


      are you referring to Sticky the Stick insect, by any chance?


    2. TomE


      Him, and the weather!

    3. Will J

      Will J

      Perfect weather for slug balancing!

  13. Not much chance of sleeping today after the night shift. Scorchio!

  14. Just totalled up the Hattons pre-order list.....hope it doesn't all arrive at once!

    1. DaveyH


      Know just how that feels :-0

    2. shanks522


      credit cards do have there uses.

  15. Spent the day trying to have phone conversations whilst F18s rip the sky apart right above the office. Must be airshow time!

  16. Got home to find some b*****d has taken a fancy to my bike and had away with it.......sigh.....

  17. Browsing RMweb at 110mph up the Midland Mainline!

    1. 69843


      You really must be a quick reader!

    2. Jinty3f


      You're not the driver I hope......

  18. Off to the Mid Hants Railway tomorrow for War On The Line, and some Ropley footbridge research!

  19. This is a crisis. A large crisis. In fact, if you got a moment, it's a twelve-storey crisis with a magnificent entrance hall, carpeting throughout, 24-hour portage, and an enormous sign on the roof, saying 'This Is a Large Crisis'. A large crisis requires a large plan. Get me two pencils and a pair of underpants

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      I love it when a plan comes together!

    2. Rugd1022
    3. CWJ


      Genius :)

  20. BBMF Dakota just passed overhead at about 600ft. Lovely!

  21. Just back from a few days on the broads. Very wind burnt!

    1. beast66606


      Sunny down here today !

    2. Will J

      Will J

      Ahoy hoy... Well, you are the only person I have met who gets sunburn inside a beige portacabin .....

  22. Catastrophic will power failure in the Apple Store...

  23. Cycling home from work in daylight = hellooo Summer!

  24. Scotty, I need warp speed in three minutes or we're all dead!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Matloughe



    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      "To the last, I will grapple with thee... from Hell's heart, I stab at thee! For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee!"

    4. bcnPete


      I canno' hold it Captain...

  25. What is it about the prospect of snow that turns people into complete morons. One night of snow does not mean you need to buy 37 pints of milk and a gallon of soup!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. charles2


      I agree - it doesn't mean you need to buy 37 pints of milk - at least 40 is required just to make it through tonight :D :D :D!!!

      Being honest, I saw about 5mm of snow & did say to my wife that surely the UK must have now ground to a complete stand-still!!!!

      On the bright side - if it carries on over night that means snow angels with the boys in the garden or park tomorrow!!!

    3. 47164


      Yes morons is very apt,this is the northern hemisphere we have winters, it snows... just listen to the BBC talking about expected cancellations at heathrow.. its the nanny state all over.

    4. charles2


      My personal view is it's a bit of snow & it's chilly - get over it! Don't get me wrong - I don't say go out for the hell of it, but if you need to go out then go, just give yourself more time and act sensibly!


      And yes, yesterday I did buy a lot of milk (24 pints!) - but in fairness that's what about covers our household for the weekend!! Monday will be another 24ish pints for the rest of the week!!!

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