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Status Updates posted by TomE

  1. Suddenly September doesn't seem that far away........

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Just 'cos yours is done Will! ;)

    3. TomE


      I'm considering taking a bulldozer down to the real Ropley and removing the bits I haven't finished yet!

    4. Will J

      Will J

      A layout is surely never done, especially when you have friends willing to unpick bits of it to re-do!

  2. I went to the zoo the other day. It only had one dog in it. It was a Shih Tzu.

  3. Don't slouch, Darling.

  4. Looking forward to the Abingdon show tomorrow!

  5. Was verging on a Malcolm Tucker moment at work today!

    1. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      I'm secretly hoping Peter Capaldi will have a similar moment as Doctor Who...

    2. lyndonsdad1
  6. 05:30 start for work in the morning...yay! Happy New Year all!

  7. 05:30 start for work in the morning...yay! Happy New Year all!

  8. Merry Christmas RMweb!

  9. Can't believe Argos have taken away the laminated book of dreams!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DanielB



    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      What's happened?!

    4. TomE


      They are switching to computer terminals instead of the books.

  10. Looking forward to Warley tomorrow and hopefully a much needed enthusiasm boost!!

    1. cornish trains jez

      cornish trains jez

      Yep! Me too! Will be an excellent day!!

    2. backofanenvelope


      For the first time I have no income and bags of enthusiasm where usually its the opposite :)

  11. Walked from Hope to Edale then back via Hollins Cross and Lose Hill today. So nice to be back in Yorkshire for a while, makes Hampshire look flat!

    1. Armchair Modeller

      Armchair Modeller

      I got thoroughly soaked to the skin there 2 weeks ago -

      It's in Derbyshire, by the way!

    2. TomE


      It is indeed, but on the doorstep of Yorkshire!

  12. Typical. First time in months I have chance to do some serious modelling and the Mek bottle is completely dry. Curse you warm weather!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ian


      Cellulose paint thinner works well as an alternative.

    3. Tim V

      Tim V

      Do you not put the lid on it? it does help...

    4. TomE


      Lid was indeed on! It was a relatively old bottle so the seal may have been past its best.

  13. Well that's extra large bin liner No.6 gone. How on earth have I managed to accumulate so much stuff I don't need, including enough electrical cables to wire a 747!

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      You never know when a certain Good Captain may pass by with an urgent request to rewire his Boeing 'airship' on the spot. And having only recently chucked that pile of cables out you'll look a right proper chump!! :-P

  14. Wondering if I'll need polar survival gear for the climb up the hill to AP this weekend!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. richbrummitt


      Show me where to rub... I'd much rather go on the train; I've heard there are engineering works on Sunday. I suspect they don't affect up trains from Basingstoke though.

    3. Sasquatch


      Maybe I can catch a 747 from San Fransisco tomorrow after I've driven the 350 miles down there. Then theres the tube from Heathrow to Wood Green and then I think I'll manage the last 2000 odd yards on foot! Have fun!!!


    4. Sasquatch


      PS I'll bring my Anorak!

  15. Was hoping for Pope Flasheart. At least he could have appeared from behind that curtain shouting "iiiits me! Hurray!"

    1. bcnPete


      Flash by name and Flash by nature - Wooffff...Like the beard Nursey....gives me something to hang on to....shall I go on !-)

    2. TomE


      Captain Darling? Funny name for a guy isn't it? Last person I called darling was pregnant twenty seconds later.

    3. Horsetan


      "Weird! I always feel more comfy in a dress!!"

  16. MHR tomorrow for the Gala and some bridge measuring!

  17. Well there goes the modelling budget. Just reserved my first house!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Will J

      Will J

      You mean they have finally shrunk these old superquick card kits for 2mm fs?

    3. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      Good stuff. I hope it all goes well for you!

    4. richbrummitt
  18. Doncaster tickets booked. Hope it's not as cold first thing in the morning as it was last year!!

  19. It's raining sideways!

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Welcome to Cornwall, Tom. Here it was so blustery today, the rain was blowing upwards. Yuck! :-(

  20. When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

  21. Happy New Modelling Year all!

  22. Merry Christmas everyone!

    1. cornish trains jez

      cornish trains jez

      Merry Christmas mate!

  23. Curses the person who thought putting glitter on Christmas cards was a good idea!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. class"66"


      joys of Hoovering...

    3. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      My American friends insist on putting glittery stars and things loose inside their cards, so when you unknowingly open it... whooops, all over the carpet and your clothes! Sigh... the joys of an 'American Christmas'.

    4. 28XX


      A few bits of blue, yellow and silver glitter needed in Millward's yard to represent swarf?

  24. St Pancras Intl. The coldest station in the UK? Certainly feels it!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      The sun can be splitting the paving outside but just enter the station and slip on the ice...

      Darlington Bank Top seems to think it's a wind tunnel...

    3. ozzyo


      Barrow's not that cold at the moment, it's above freezing. JUST.

    4. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Dent is the coldest I've ever been to. It makes me shiver thinking about it

  25. Anyone passing Tucking Mill at Warley tomorrow please feel free to say hello! It's always good to put faces to Avatars!

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      My Avatar is 'blue' with envy! Please say "hello" to Jerry and Kim from me, Tom. Oh, and check out Maurice Hopper's S scale 'St Juliot' while you're at Warley, it'll be worth it!

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