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Everything posted by MJI

  1. I am thinking of trying some of this for a small project, a couple of points and some track. I just do not know what to order. Apart from bullhead NS and 3 bolt chairs
  2. Tick what you have from this list 01 02 03 x 04 x 05 x 06 07 08 x 09 10 11 12 13 Hudswell Clarke early 060 Hudswell Clarke late 060 Hunslet 040 R&H 040 R&H PWM650 x R&H PWM651-4 R&H DS20 Brush D2999 NBL 3 classes of 040 DH shunters 22 classes minimum for BR shunters, I only have 5 of them. And I will haev to add the LMS SR LNER and GWR Diesels later
  3. Nice, I am going to have to do my few now.
  4. When do you hope to paint it? Will be interesting to see it in its colours.
  5. Staycations mentioned above, done those a few times, sometimes spent doing heavy DIY, or car repairs, or we do day trips to NT properties, or similar. Last year relaid the patio. Will be doing it yet again this year, just so expensive to book anywhere. But next year hopefully book a holiday week away in Wales by the seaside.
  6. And yes I had to refit a lot of them as they had gone wonky, currently building up the tanks and their above boxes.
  7. There has been another thing in ladies fashion recently. I think it was Click. Dresses and tops with sleeves but open shoulders. I commented to my wife vaccination dresses. She said it was the current style. We both call them vaccine style.
  8. LMS Garratt oh and LNER Garratt was also a 6
  9. I will admit out of all of those I like the Castles most.
  10. The Germans did state once, that they were tempted to go for Mallards record with their high speed steam loco. The NRM did comment to go for it as the A4 centre big end overheating was solved.
  11. Found more pictures and started on a 6 car set
  12. I do like his POP but sides are best etched I think.
  13. Then can be useful. We are having some help working on a new system. I will not be a major part of the new system as I need to work on the current one, and I am in late 50s. But online meeting after online meeting completely breaking down how own current system works.
  14. Very interesting model. Much better with some sanding. If I wanted one of those I think I would cut it. The 3D printed finish is worse than that of plasticard and a cutter.
  15. As someone who hates the idea of ID cards and the like. I KNOW who I am so why does random twerp need to know? I would like a certificate I can wave and show than I have been jabbed, it is an enabling document, not a snooping document.
  16. I have active anti roll bars on my 4x4. Great fun on twisty roads and very useful on axle twisters.
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