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Everything posted by MJI

  1. I bought some moulding rubber off Ebay RTV silicone Something like this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/250753625143 or this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/253868374574 I got Scarva Then some polyester resin or similar something like this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/231241882275
  2. Modifiy a couple, make moulds and cast the rest. Much easier.
  3. This is why if the colours are wrong on a model I tend to believe the paint makers
  4. I need to finish mine one day, as long as it can shift a short rake of Mark 1s (cut and shut Triang into TSOs with Replica glazing) I'll be happy. Will do a bit of licence as I saw it with raspberry ripple but the set will be the GWR150 set
  5. I like them, and I guessed due to the tie rod between the axle boxes.
  6. The LNWR livery does look nice. And is that a Ratio bogie under the leading carriage?
  7. MJI

    Near me

    Moved office this year and found it is next to the old MR Evesham loop. Fascinating Then read about the other closed like the Upton branch Loads of ideas for small railways, or even a big one
  8. British designed Diesels can be pretty stylish. Hymek, 47, Lion. Of the modern freight locos the last British design is still more stylish than the US stuff. As to style, HST power car
  9. There has been better PWR services on the Southern Region. 4 coaches with similar power. Was a positioning run as a public service. Also known to have exceeded 110 in tests
  10. How about this method. I NEED a GRCW 119 Cross Country DMU Worsley Works sides and ends Modded Lima underframes (cheap off Ebay, centre car chassis off a donor conversion) Triang Mk1 roofs MJT vents Lima Gangways Plastic card to profile ends Scratch insides Will be running on a kit power bogie when purchased with simple brass bogie frames for the other 5. Resin casting for bogie frames (using modded Lima frame beefed up). Resin casting for roof dome with Derby style destination blind copied from a Lima DMU converted to 116 So using Scratch aid, RTR, kit, home small batch produced, and a small amount of scratch. Do I care what it is? No.
  11. I made up an email and it is not in any breech
  12. Unless it is Oxfords latest attempt at InterCity livery
  13. Blue Grey HST is slightly different to loco hauled blue grey Wider top blue band Lower white line level with top of hand rails, 3a slightly lower. MJT retracted buffers fine for Mark 1 & 2, my Mark 3s have none 3A have Jouef supplied still
  14. I had a variety of teachers, must were decent, even the really strict ones. But one was a sadistic b'stard, taught history (well was supposed to) but I managed to get off the subject completely (I did sciences) partly because he was the most sadistic person I have ever met. ALL the pupils hated him. All I can remember was having a foot stepped on quite hard for something minor (I was generally quite good) no idea what it was, possibly poor homework I don't know. Due to this the only history I am interested in is World Wars and transport history. Done a good job this person must be just over 40 years ago and I still detest the b'stard. I had a lot of exposure to science and maths teachers via railway society and my dad repairing cars. All great people. Oh my woodwork and metalwork teachers were fine as well.
  15. TSOT 2E TSO 2F FO Roofs 2 coats tidid up blue and grey red and yellow class lining done BG Number and lining done one side
  16. No the colours just should be correct, like Precision correct. I go by what the paint specialists have done and not people with less information.
  17. Try an Avenger, coil back end, or even the shorter hatch version. Put it this way, I had a go in my bosses Porsche and commented that the handling was similar in quality to my old Sunbeam (light, accurate, good feel) and he understood.
  18. I had a brand new one! Swapped some 180 rear calipers for it
  19. Have heard on radio it is may be related to Japanese manager pay levels and the expectation to live off company credit cards instead
  20. I am surprised he was still around, how old was he? Teenage spotters thought he was old back in late 70s. Seen him a few times, but never chatted.
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