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Butler Henderson

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Everything posted by Butler Henderson

  1. The current Model Rail (312-May 2023) says there will be a review in the next issue. An example with an badly fitted bonnet sneeks into a photo on page 22 in article concerning touches to a wagon made on, or after, the day after Issue 311 was sent to the printers which would possibly imply a review would normally have appeared in the current issue.
  2. Seems like a well planned retirement, previously selling the magazine titles to another publisher rather than waiting until the last minute and leaving subscribers wondering what was happening.
  3. The GC operated some long distance local services. Bradshaws July 1922 timetable shows for example a 0645 Marylebone-Leicester Central on weekdays and a 0930 Sundays Marylebone-Nottingham Victoria.
  4. The white roof Hardwicke has gone back to £220 but Locomotion were selling them at £180 at York. Turned into an expensve purchase as besides the new tin of Humbrol matt black for the roof it looked wrong attached to a coach and needed an additional purchase of a 1000, found one on eBay £50 cheaper than the rest on their due to the slightly damaged box.
  5. The fact that holidng the model next the real thing on the Yesterday TV program showed it to be the same colour actually proves it is wrong as it fails to take scale into account. A colour always looks darker close up and lighter the further away
  6. Trade obviously goes through change from time to time; bit disappointed that West Hill Wagon Works are not listed. Pondering whether to go tomorrow or not on the basis that I usually find most layouts have been seen before so what do I need that will be availabl to buy...
  7. I know, have stacks - just thought it a bit shoddy to have the springs loose in the packet. I can understand them not wanting to use the plastic holder but a small paper packet would be approopriate.
  8. I have bought in recent weeks 2 packs of no.19s from one supplier and 2 packs from another One pair had the spare coiled springs loose in the envelope with the couplings and I never found any spare of the single wire springs.
  9. Could be a long wait or do some exist that not only run well but have a correctly fitted body without the running plate distorting?
  10. Thankfully PVRed and skip-watched it in 10 minutes - thats 70 minutes lost with the clock change.
  11. Its quite common for other products to state what is compatiable or associated so quite why Bachmann, Hornby etc exhibit a head in the sand attitude is odd. It would quite simple to put a panel on the packaging showing how the model in the box should be run with another model or models or even also include the details in the catalogue making it potentially of use rather than a collection of printed graphics easilly found on the web, Equally if they have based the model on a specifically dated photo state that so at least forums are not filled with complaints that a model is wrong until someone unearths the fact is right.
  12. Suggest use an axle bearing reamer (DCC Concepts ones are readilly available) and/or replacing the wheels.
  13. The A5s were used on Marylebone suburban services until displaced by the Thompson L1s and 69827 and 69829 were the last members of the class at Neasen leaving in May/June 1954. All of the originally built members of the class were based at Neasden during GC days but a batch of 10 ordered by the GCR but delivered post grouping resulted in some of the earlier build being transferred away. So GCR, LNER and BR examples could have been seen on the Met
  14. Presumably a lot of purchasers are oblivous to the SR set arrangements and have bought more composites to stick between the brake ends. EFEs book set approach ought to be adopted by Bachmann and Hornby for their Southern coaches
  15. Its the point of providing a simple to use standard system to allow for different coupling types to be fitted - there is bound to be a compromsie. Where it has gone wrong with UK models is the failure to use the NEM363 pocket on models which have restricted space like Dapols Bogie Bolster and a greater taake of which beyond Vi Ttrains would no doubt have led to greater number of NEM363 coupling types.
  16. I've done similar overlapping a chopped down straight tension lock on top of the Kadee but typically reinforce the joint with a small bolt/nut
  17. On most wagons with a too high NEM socket I find easing the socket down the neccessary amount checked with the coupling against a height gauge and fiiting a suitable spacer of plastic card in the space above works
  18. Awaits the Model Rail review with interest... Q to mods - should not this thread and the one below be merged?
  19. Seems the odd clip can be forced home resulting in a bending of the chassis (or the running plate at least) judging by Hattons various photos of the industral yellow one https://www.hattons.co.uk/612642/heljan_9770_ruston_165_0_6_0_diesel_shunter_in_industrial_yellow/stockdetail
  20. An obscure small trader can easilly get a web presence, they just need to post on here or a more specialist forum like Narrow gauge online . All too many seem to gain custom by word of mouth or someone taking a punt on sending a SAE for an overly expensive badly copied A4 list of items which may or may not be available.
  21. A few did last into the early 1960s in BR use and longer in Ports Authority service. The video is slightly misleading on the Hornby Dublo model as that was continued by Wrenn until the early 1990s so its c.30 years since one was available to buy rather then the 55+ that are implied.
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