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Butler Henderson

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Everything posted by Butler Henderson

  1. Wether its geo restricted not sure but its available on-line https://uktvplay.co.uk/shows/Hornby-a-model-world/watch-online. Its the Spitfire epsiode. (9)
  2. More than one - Gorton turned out locos in GC livery with LNER lettering. Locomotives Illustrated 98 features as yet to be renumbered "L&NER" 450 while 5165 (Aug 26) dated has a variation with a thinner inner lining band on the tank and bunker sides which also appears on 5129 (Jul 28).
  3. 5168 appears so lined out - Neasden Aug 1924 - photo in Locos of The GCR Vol 2 E.M.Johnson, Irwell Press. It is a LNERised GCR livery.
  4. The major events there, Flower Show, Great Yokshire Show have a bus service from the town centre. Thre are actually two buses a hour on Saturdays to the Sainsburys entrance to the showgound albeit only 15 mins apart currently and then nothing for 45 min; different operators - Transdev Harrogate 7 and Connexions X70. Pre covid it was every 15 mins . Only an hourly 7 on a Sunday. The actual location is a mile walk from Hornbeam Park station which is a better option promoted for the mjaor shows than the 7/X70 bus and walk
  5. Officlal web site but not really any more details https://www.theeventsoffice.com/ and the list of layouts is indicated there also as being incomplete. Possibly will be even more so given the weather forecast and expect Saturday morning could still be a case of layouts etc being set up when it opens. £15 seems a touch steep IMO.
  6. Still scope for SK to reference the iconic Deltic which no else has done in die cast in a future epsiode or then there might the forgotten because it no way iconic 88DS
  7. ESU Lokpilot 5 micro ref 59826 Rails £33 https://railsofsheffield.com/products/esu-loksound-59826-esu-lokpilot-v5-micro-6-pin
  8. The more I watch the goings on at Margate I do wonder if the program is considered to be a comedy at Barwell, Beer, Chirk etc
  9. Of course all too many preserved railways have a scrapheap challenge out which yet another Austerity 0-6-0ST or similar might one day appear.
  10. Took some time but Nectar have finally agreed to contribute the missing 3/4 of the 4x point offer from 27 Jan
  11. If you need a change of height for a NEM Kadee its a case of cut and glue/bolt as appropriate to make an appropraite stepped shank - the shank part of a spare tension lock coupling being fitted on top or below the now prongless Kadee with plastic card between them as may be needed. Importantly in the case of fitting to a NEM mount is to ensure there is no unneccesarily slop in the mount with plastic card or surplus metal etch forced between the mount and the coupling.
  12. Thinking about it SK in the NRM with Evening Star was probably a made for TV bit which happeed at the same time as the prototype TT Scotsman bit as otherwise it seems bit pointless in the developemnt of the model.
  13. Slightly more than that. The X03 had an Alinco magnet while the X04 had a Alcomax magnet - source The Story of Rovex Vol 1 . X03 was later (1978) used for X04 type motors with cut down shafts fitted with a plastic single thread worm with a 28:1 ratio compared the 20:1 of the brass worm on the X04 -source - source The Story of Rovex Vol 3.
  14. Charlie has said Realtrack are making a new 143 with a different manufacture, an implication from that is that the old tooling is no longer required and whether that resulted in a misunderstanding or not the old tooling has no doubt been tweaked in the same way as the Gate stock albeit that was a far more satisfactory result.
  15. Read a comment elsewhere that spare lamp irons are provided in the accessory bag to fit if the lamps are removed.
  16. Earlier in the program - Oh dear, elderly visitor nabs NRM boss and whittles on about seeing 9Fs on Immingham fish trains. NRM man smiles gently and decides not to point the difference between a Britannia and a 9F.
  17. According to the recent collectors club magazine they are in production
  18. As an update having activated the 30x bonus the listing of the item I purchased was still showing the basic 1x £ Nectar rate but having now checked my Nectar ebay account the 30x has been applied. Did anyone see a listing with the correct bonus showing ?
  19. With tomorrows lunchtime bonus offer suggest anyone wishing to take advantage make appropriate screenshots as I have a procession of Nectar offers not fulfilled. A 4 x points offer was acknowledged in the item listing but I only received the basic points (noted on my Nectar app) I then found I could not access the ebay nectar account page - just got a page telling me how to link a card A further purchase was nevertheless awarded the basic points (as confirmed by the Nectar app) On trying to activate a further 4x points offer I was told my card was not linked - having relinked it the time of it being unlinked was when I tried to activate the offer. No item listing took the 4x points into account. Wonders what will happen tomorrow.
  20. The pipe is overly large and probably thin fuse wire would be more accurate for it which would then fit behind the nameplate https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1819996
  21. I wouldn't trust a 3D SK - no doubt it would lie down on the tracks in front of a Rapido Lion preventing it from being run
  22. ...and is running in being done appropriately . I always run a loco in for at least an hour round a Unitrack oval on a wooden floor- 15 min forward, 15 mins reverse, turned round and repeated. That way any pick up issues on curves should show up - worse was Bachmann 7F 2-8-0 which needed all its pick ups tweaking, and should anything fall off it should be easilly found.
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