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Status Replies posted by 69843

  1. Well, apart from 4 tests and a formal, that's 13 years of schooling over!

  2. Great. A part for the swordfish somehow fell off the sprue and got crushed by my chair...great. Didnt even touch the part yet.

  3. Have you noticed how random some of these status updates are becoming

  4. I set my watch on fire in a chemistry lesson in school once, just thought I'd share that.

  5. May be a little early yet, but i'm looking for a bizarre/bad/wtf? 2015 calendar. As 12 months of badly rusting shipping containers isn't leaping out at me can anyone make any suggestions?

  6. little un has broken his arm at a roller skating party!!

  7. May be a little early yet, but i'm looking for a bizarre/bad/wtf? 2015 calendar. As 12 months of badly rusting shipping containers isn't leaping out at me can anyone make any suggestions?

  8. I wish i had more money

  9. just followed a quarry hunslet along the nantwich by pass!

  10. I hereby announce my plans to release a King.

  11. End of a long exhibition weekend. Large vodka & Coke, F1 and Family Guy on the TV to wind down

  12. warm, still, sunny autumn day. Perfect for spraying varnish on a GWR coach. Shame I'm going to Dad's for his birthday.....

  13. 13 years on the railway today!, boy its flown by!!

  14. Not even one day into the month, and there was already a new model announced. Does anybody know the number for the wallet support helpline?

  15. Is wondering if Dave loses track of what he's making sometimes?

  16. Off on holiday tomorrow until the end of the week when I venture to Telford to attend the GOG Show....not taking any pc, laptop or whatever so wonder what other new model announcements will have been announced by the time I log on next Monday morning.... Bulleid DoubleDecker anyone?

  17. Has just received a DRS coach I won on eBay for a whole 60p! :)

  18. Has just received a DRS coach I won on eBay for a whole 60p! :)

  19. I am planning on having an important lunchtime meeting with a chicken sandwich

  20. I am planning on having an important lunchtime meeting with a chicken sandwich

  21. Wow September tomorrow, where did the summer go ???

  22. Another lovely dinner in 'Ursula'.

  23. At some point last week my office chair must have ran over my (then cold) soldering Iron severely bending the tip. It

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