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Everything posted by 69843

  1. As some of you are aware, I am doing up the station lamps in CAD to 3D print for Gilbert. This is a new learning curve for me due to some of the fine detail and finesse of the top loop, which will be pushing the FUD limits I think. All being done off of pictures as well. I started tonight (actually this morning, as it was past 12am). Well, one hour of fiddling later.... This is the pedestal for one design, with a steel base. Some of the others have a much simpler concrete base, which will also be being done. The A1 diagram is there, as some of the pictures Gilbert sent over had an A1 in them meaning it was easy to scale dimensions.
  2. Following on from the TasRail derailment, here's a shot of TR10 and TR07 showing the side damage https://www.flickr.com/photos/121888416@N08/15640813640/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/121888416@N08/15827211432/
  3. One that I have been hoping for for years, since I found out about the restoration of 93. Even has an Australian connection, due to the seats now in 93 having come out of an Adelaide H Class tram
  4. I can also pass over a test file I knocked up if you so wish. Drop me a PM and I can get it to you to see what the machine can do
  5. I'll keep the 39 over coming to Melbourne..... Don't even need to go there if I want to see an R Class now!
  6. Another problem, as I discussed with a few people last night (including James McInerney of AMRM) is for certain 3D printed plastics in the temperatures out here. With sheds/garages etc. reaching 45+ when in the sun for long hours, it can wreak havoc with certain plastics and methods used in the production of 3D printed items. With it to be 39*C here in Sydney tomorrow, I think many of us may be taking a break from model making tomorrow.
  7. Fury will be getting a big kick start, as I have currently got the 'current' issue of Railway Modeller with the plans (October issue) checked out from the library (no need for the whole issue, but not to say I don't buy it on occasion), so I will be back into it shortly. That won't be a problem, depending on the machine resolution/minimum thickness
  8. Hate to ask, but are there any pics of the bearing covers in there? Cheers. About the only thing I won't have a go at is trying to keep myself sane! Gilbert, I must admit that I am yet to start those lamps, but am hoping to find the time over the weekend.
  9. Happy World Toilet Day!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Metr0Land


      He's out selling flags though I dread to think what the design might be....

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Half a blancmange and five bits of old biscuit

    4. Metr0Land


      I think we're meant to be shifting blockages not creating them

  10. More slight nitpicking, but didn't 60013 have roller bearing tender 5647 from April 12th 1955? I'm looking at ways to make the frames for those available, but pictures out my way are scarce.
  11. That is gorgeous. Captures the utilitarian beauty of the loco very well.
  12. School formal-done. Now finished, bar picking up an artwork! That was a long 13 years.....

    1. Jaz


      give it time....and you'll look back on those days with fondness....

    2. 69843


      I'm certain I will.


      But for now, I think I need some sleep!

  13. Where's the absolutely brilliant button?!
  14. Having spoken to the owner of 42101, it really is an interesting story. I won't go into it all for obvious reasons, but the locomotive was missing several components from the motor when purchased and also all the traction motors, and was about to be cut up for scrap. Now, 24 years later and after several years of inactivity while just stored, he has finally seen the fruits of his labour, and is understandably extremely happy about the entire story. There's been ups and downs, and a change of location (Goulburn to Eveleigh) along the way, but it's nearly at the happy ending of the restoration. Then there's a long operational future ahead of the locomotive.
  15. They would be more than welcome. We're always happy to see things from the NT and SA as well, to add variety in
  16. 69843

    Ride on a railbus

    Some nice shots there Andy, particularly the interior detail. Though that first one makes my eyes hurt!
  17. Are you certain you didn't just shrink 37415? As this is some fantastic work
  18. I take one look away from this thread to actually go and see something in NSW, and the second I close it my work order gets longer. At least it's now Duck season on those telegraph poles. I would have gone insane doing them in CAD!
  19. As long as no-one was seriously injured, that's all that matters
  20. It is truly an excellent video. Here's the second picture: Edited for second picture to be added
  21. 42101s back out this morning, this time running to Moss Vale/Goulburn (not sure yet) to drop of some NAMs for Canberra to pick up
  22. Keep coming, keep coming, keep com*THUMP*......right, that'll do
  23. 69843

    A little Deutz

    Without meaning to sound horrid, this looks pretty decrepit. Well done on the weathering!
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