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Everything posted by 69843

  1. And I reckon a good 300-400 of those are me compiling evidence for further ramblings about all things GWR and 81E
  2. Or 'The King' Blue Suede Shoes-geddit? (I know, coat already moved to the lower peg and taken off)
  3. Linkey: http://greatbritishlocomotive.co.uk/_uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/loco-OO-21-cover.jpg
  4. I do say old chap, that is rather smashing. Pip pip and whatnot
  5. Liking the new RMweb look Andy

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. gwrrob


      It's a bit posh but very nice looking.A bit like me really.

    3. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      All about putting a friendly face on the door for newcomers but it should be of use to the old lags at the same time.

    4. Steve Purves

      Steve Purves

      Like it on the pc but cant access drop downs on mobile devices

  6. If all zombies do in the uprising is dance the Thriller, I think we're pretty safe

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Metr0Land


      There's demons closing in on every side.... or maybe that's just the rivet counters?

    3. MarkC


      You try to scream...

    4. WD0-6-0


      There's something out there lurking in the dark.

  7. Interesting to see that Bittern has gotten a new support coach (BSK 35317, ex 30850/Eastleigh Preservation Society)
  8. They certainly are. They've got a new coat of paint as well-look a lot better now! I've been lucky enough to have a chat to Boyd, and also have ridden in private BAM 1748 while on duty with Heritage Express.
  9. There is a scale tool ('S' on the keyboard) that will take you to a scale tool. You can use this to resize the drawing as required The other option is to, after selecting the circle tool, without clicking, drag the line along the axis, and type in the required radius. This can go down to increments of a mm/in, so is quite accurate. A picture of the bogie might help
  10. Wonder if our resident horse specialist is watching the Melbourne Cup....

    1. Horsetan


      I am aware of it, but I find Flat racing intensely boring. I prefer point-to-point and NH jump races.

    2. 69843


      Fair enough.

    3. Horsetan


      Flat racing starts its horses far too young, and too many get ruined by the time they are four-year-olds, an age when they should only be starting to train.

  11. Some fantastic footage from Friday of 6029 undergoing crew training
  12. Interesting to note that it will be revealed at 1am over there, but will be at 12pm Saturday the 8th here....wonder if there's something behind that reasoning. I also see no-one has suggested an LNER A5/2
  13. Thanks for that David. I also noted the Gin bodies at Goulburn last year. While I didn't get a chance to make enquiries, I believe they might become mounted again if GRHPS can find some suitable frames https://www.flickr.com/photos/nswrailproductions/11491668046
  14. Nice find there David. Just found a video taken from the BG train That Gin is interesting, as it seems to be a standard 40' tank on a 45' underframe...and it's not SWT5/6. Must try and find that
  15. One that Google suggested today.... "When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife."-Prince Philip
  16. Thank goodness my finals are over! Back to CAD and trying to save a loco....

  17. 69843

    Hornby P2

    I have some other shots if you would like me to send them. I do apologise good sir, but at least it was all for a good cause. It stays out rain, hail or shine here, and it's the right weather to use it-it was actually used to cook Swoardfish steaks that very night
  18. 69843

    Hornby P2

    Here's (a Ks) one prepared earlier as 60506 Wolf of Badenoch, Ex-??, ex-Tetleys Mills, now here Down Under I have plans to do another one in similar style if Hornby bring one out or if Graeme does a set of parts, but running with the post 1943, pre-1946 number in the 6099X series. In that version of history, the A2/2s were built as brand new engines.
  19. The Austerity I am leaving for DJModels to do, and as the 50550 is very close in design, it might appeal to Dave to do it. The 16" is a bit of a uniques story, as I will be doing it in OO and HO, due to the only standard gauge Hunslet 0-6-0ST (PWD79 'Plum') in Australia being a 16" at the NSW Rail Transport Museum, and is easy for me, as a volunteer, to access. Same with the Mersey Tank
  20. Do you know where your towel is?
  21. Well, just my final Final to go tomorrow....

  22. Funny you mention that.... I was told by one of the painters on 4001 that when they rubbed down the body to get to the bare metal and repair areas, that there was still a fair bit of the original green left, and still a good amount of blue as well. In fact, they colour matched the blue off of a section that was on the inside of one of the bodyside door sills, and had been kept in almost full colour. I'd love to take a sander to some of the still active 'heritage' locomotives around....I reckon some must have areas with 5 or more paintjobs on them
  23. As far as I can find, it is still definitely the same rear end on 42101, but it has just been rubbed back at some stage. Here's two shots of 42101's #2 end in Goulburn Roundhouse, back in 2008: https://scontent-b-nrt.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/293902_405457736198141_1065708283_n.jpg?oh=0cfe09db44ce2312853850989c4a4fa2&oe=54AE1EC6 https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12235_405457722864809_1075927812_n.jpg?oh=8afa84760f908a89eecf1eb85fc4b200&oe=54AA52F9&__gda__=1423896128_b486ad0036f2765173f91393338e6f59 The side paneling is new metal. The white is just the protective cover over it (which has been on a while). Here's 42101 being shunted at Chullora in 2011: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bl262000/6242933466/sizes/l And, for completeness, 42101 at Goulburn almost immediately after preservation https://www.flickr.com/photos/gunzel412/6398099615 https://www.flickr.com/photos/gunzel412/6537068571 https://www.flickr.com/photos/gunzel412/6537069665
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