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Everything posted by leopardml2341

  1. Dead simple answer..... Use the whole of the oncoming lane to overtake, and if you can't see far enough ahead to do that then it ain't safe anyway. #simples
  2. Anyone on here want to buy one?
  3. As this topic is about driving standards, who wants to confess to having a 'points free' licence since they passed their first test? Making a swift, but within the speed limit, exit 🚔 Car licence in 1982 for me. PSV in 1996.
  4. That's getting dangerously close to the 'If we didn't see it, it didn't happen school of thought'. Not sure that's a healthy sociological model.
  5. Some people think it's wrong to USE the left left; at least on the A50 hereabouts.
  6. Just wondering how a 'reason to suspect' might be determined.......?
  7. Whats even more annoying is when a driver follows closely the vehicle in front with no intention of overtaking. Leaving a bigger gap would permit those behind to 'leapfrog' each vehicle in turn - safe conditions permitting of course :)
  8. At one time there were signs at entry slip roads stating the various differing restrictions for motorway use - IIRC one was MINIMUM speed of 40 mph. Not on the signs: But I remember it from somewhere in the highway code, so maybe there was one of these as well? Well, just checked the highway code and there's no mention of minimum speed limits on motorways, though I'm convinced at one time there was a prohibition of vehicles on motorways where those vehicles could not travel at 40 mph or higher.
  9. I am told, by an occifer of the law, that for speed limits to be enforceable there must be a sign on each side of the carriageway and directly opposite eachother at the commencement of said limit.
  10. ....the need for oversized cars being created by 'oversized people'?
  11. Oval? See what I did there 🏏
  12. I've used owatrol oil as an additive to primer on mi narrowboat - however, beware it DOES change the surface finish despite what it says on the tin. My primer coat, instead of being the required dead flat finish is a now a bit more akin to vinyl silk. The owatrol oil had bl@@dy well better act as the corrosion inhibitor that it (also) claims to be........
  13. Back from mi 'ols; feeling decidedly flat :(
  14. Good Morning all fellow workers.....
  15. A propos my earlier post about days to retirement...... It may have come across as though I am looking forward to that date; not so, I did the calculation only by being prompted by others'. In fact I'm quite happy to be able to say that my current job is the best I've ever had. I work for a company which (through my experience) values its employees. There's a good, albeit defined contribution, pension scheme where the employer matches contributions up to 10% of employee contributions, holiday purchase options and various other contributory benefits including a share investment scheme whereby one share is given free for every two held after three years of holding and at my pay grade, a guaranteed 12.5% bonus scheme. I do feel lucky to be able to do a job of work with (mostly) great people where my contribution is valued and respected as well as being well rewarded in many ways. I'm aware that many people dislike their jobs for 95% of the time, I know I'm very fortunate to be able to say I enjoy mine for more than 90%, especially knowing that if I choose so, early retirement is definitely an option. I too started saving from my very first full time pay packet, and I don't regret it one bit. I've always been a member of a pension scheme, made 'safer investments and been prudent (mostly) with my disposable income and hopefully that will be rewarding in the future. I had a plan: To be debt free by the time I was 50 (tick) To find a job where I felt truly valued (tick) thought it turned out to be different to what I'd anticipated and I was somewhat older too. And finally, I continue in my quest to understand what happiness and contentment really are; I'm still working on the last one - wish me luck?
  16. Slightly fewer for me at 2060, that's assuming the number of bank Holidays remains the same between 2023 and 2030.
  17. Currently drinking eurofizz in the form of Hellas Pils, but wait.... It has an uncanny taste of Castle Rock Harvest Pale about it and moreover it ain't too fizzy either.
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