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Everything posted by RonnieS

  1. The slip is on a "lift bridge" near the doorway. The Bridge is a sort of copy from my mate Tony Wrights version on Little Bytham.
  2. The crossing on the right of the track plan is actually a single slip. We motorised this with 2 Guagemaster side mounted motors firing together to give the options of either a "figure of eight" or 2 separate circuits.
  3. Bognor Regis Model Railway Club has a diverse collection of layouts. Some go out to exhibitions and some fall into the category "Layouts that never leave home" One of the Latest Projects is "The American Layout". Early days still but at roughly 20 feet x 9 it is interesting (I think ?) A rough Track plan below.
  4. I thought I'd start a DO NOT topic. to prevent other modellers falling down the same holes as me. My latest "brick" is on a control panel utilising a WORKS〈™〉 box sprayed with HALFORDS〈™〉 white paint marked out with tape and varnished with LIDL〈™〉 clear varnish. Paint reaction! DO NOT
  5. RonnieS

    Old Mills .

    Well! Only 3 got built as the "Taunton Concrete" wagon snapped! I had had it in stock for a while and the plastic had gone brittle. No great loss as I have 3 times as many wagons than I need.
  6. RonnieS

    Dapol Autocoach

    When did the last one work as an Auto (I model 58-63)
  7. My Model Railway is The Bristol - Frome Branch and from photographs the coal trains were as short as 8 wagons or as long as 30 but that's short haul. The Brum - Bristol main line trains were 30 - 40 (long haul) the refuge loops on the line were 40 - 44 wagons long. I can't find it at the mo but somewhere I have some thing that claims average speed of a coal train was 17mph! That's because of being constantly side tracked into the refuge loops to allow faster trains to progress.
  8. As mentioned most lines were limited by the length of the refuge loops. Enclosed some Official stuff and notes from a Black Five Book
  9. Oh! I meant before you buy. Do I want Dark rust or Dark Earth? Is it the blue I want? Sort of thing. Labels and colour charts are often printed ink.
  10. Less of a Help more of a warning! Rail match have switched to using black Jars. Now 2 weeks ago I purchased a Railmatch matt varnish in a clear Jar but when I went up to Squires yesterday the varnish was in black Jars. Now I thought it was mislabelled so didn't buy it. On way home passed another shop; same! Shopkeeper told me all new stock is in black jars. Every colour! I don't know about any body else but I quite like to make my selection based on the colour I see.
  11. Down again (unless it's me?)
  12. Oh Thanks. I also asked Hattons and got this
  13. Has this loco tender pickups? Apologies if this has already been discussed.
  14. Despite having a lot of books and other research material on Standish Junction (Gloucestershire) I have been unable to find out what the gradient on the Western Region bit to Swindon is. South of the junction signal box the Midland and Western lines cross over and remain flat and level for a short distance then by the time the lines reach the "Black bridge" the WR lines are roughly 10ft higher than the MR line to Bristol. as can be seen here https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rail-online.co.uk%2Fp645313931%2Fh8D86743B&psig=AOvVaw2dyaaxjLGnWJj2sBq8nXDB&ust=1676992323735000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=2ahUKEwjw3p-vsaT9AhVUkScCHfNDCU8Qr4kDegUIARCWAg Where would I find this information?
  15. RonnieS

    Old Mills .

    Having far too many wagons I had almost decided to eBay the last few unbuilt kits but a mate sent me a photo of a "Taunton Concrete" wagon at Frome so back to the workbench! I always build batches so the last 4 will be done.
  16. D1832A M 215380 (P44 "The Acquired wagon Vol 4") had tie bars. Also 9ft w/b D1676 M 204565 (p36) this wagon is claimed to be piped and not fitted. However (murky photo) I think it is a fitted example? Other examples of 9ft fitted vans in the book have no tie bars. Over on https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/ most fitted 9ft w/b wagons have tie bars however these may be late additions as the vans have other mods (adapted to other usage).
  17. According to "The Acquired wagon Vol 4" 202840/42/53/59/80, 202942/44 and loads of others in the M2xxxxx series 450 were fitted, 2,500 were unfitted and 166 were thro' piped. Now I am doing a piped one but I can't find a pic. So were piped vans fitted with a tie bar and either side brakes or (as I think) no tie bar and one side brakes?
  18. No; I don't know it's origin as it was emailed to me ages ago by one of my mates.
  19. Research is a minefield! However a problem on rmweb is a problem halved (or solved} I have a photo that I can't post here for copyright reasons of an U/F O30 circa 1950 but I think it's ok to pm stuff?
  20. Apparently covered in Great Western Journal issue 38 and 40 2001
  21. Great! Not sure where my pic came from (or where it is!) John built one too https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rmweb.co.uk%2Ftopic%2F57232-recently-outshopped-from-the-cambridge-wagon-works%2F&psig=AOvVaw2NDr8mtRHtuu19FYD9-RlZ&ust=1675613099094000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=2ahUKEwitotitn_z8AhV7XqQEHVC-DeEQr4kDegQIARAs
  22. If Paul, Cambrian Models and all else I have read are listing O30s as 10ft wb then I am wondering where you obtained your info on 9ft wb? I am not saying you are wrong, maybe I have misread the information ( I just wired up a polarity switch wrong!) but?
  23. Good Morning all. I wonder if anyone can point me in the direction of a Fitted Ex GWR Diagram O30 steel open in BR days? I have photographs of 2 unfitted ones. One I purchased from Paul Bartlett's site but cannot find the photo of the fitted one I had at one time!
  24. Good Morning Readers Can anybody help with Conflat L Container Colour? I am not sure if the 3 containers on these wagons were painted grey or if they were a silvery metal colour. All the colour photographs I have seen are so dirty that its hard to be sure.
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