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Everything posted by Colin_McLeod

  1. I am at a loss to think of a good business reason why AS would deny themselves the income from the other 9 packs.
  2. I should have quoted your post Now that it's been removed my comment is now an orphan with no context.
  3. Got an acknowledgement of my feedback from KR Models, so I know they have received it and hope they read it.
  4. So where are the EU pre order coaches? Not got mine yet.
  5. Depleted Uranuim at a density of 19.1 grams per cubic centimeter is much heavier than lead (11.3 g/cc) Warning -has side effects lol, and I don't know where to buy it.
  6. Yes I got one. I have still to reply but will. Edit. My response is now sent.
  7. And there was I thinking that the sign was warning about pick pockets. 😄
  8. I used Just Snipe without problems. https://justsnipe.com/
  9. Have to wait until I and other EU/World customers get their pre orders lol 🙂
  10. That's exactly what I meant, however this is what I get on the EU site. (using Android)
  11. My suggested improvement relates to 'my orders' . Would it be possible for the orders (and pre orders) to show the item orderd without having to view the order? That would make finding a specific order a lot easier.
  12. What is needed is clarity. This hopefully will be available when KR Models get the next, improved sample. If they then set it up on a rolling road with good lighting and clear video of what motion works and in what manner, then individuals can decide whether to buy. I take @BVMR21 's point that it's important that the loco will "haul stuff". However I already have locos that do that and I would want Bellorophone to do the same, but what also matters to me is that the unusual valve gear actually works. Otherwise it's just another wee engine and in that case I will be cancelling my order and seeking a full refund. Like others have said, I'll wait and see before deciding.
  13. The difference between cars and model trains is that there are cheaper cars available from other manufacturers, whereas it seems that all model railway manufacturers are producing full fat items and/or charging full fat prices.
  14. Overlooking the effect of a curved wall this is probably not quite the effect Planus bathrooms wanted for their toilet range.
  15. @Jenny Emily did't you get a look at this locomotive in motion at one point? If so, can you throw any light on this discussion?
  16. Thee is a head on collission just waiting to happen lol
  17. Hey so, for those of us that might be of a certain age where we might require "readers" - just take them bad boys off and boom no squinting required. 😂
  18. With all those negatives I'm not clear what you are saying. Are you saying that it could be simulated or are you saying that it could not be simulated? A very good post. Video at 2:55 and following seconds shows the valve gear very clearly. I agree with "I cannot reconcile this lack of movement of the Gooch valve gear with KR's claim that it all works." If the model is "the only 'motion' that acheives motion is the coupling and connecting rods, just as on any model of an outside cylinder loco.," then I have changed my mind about wanting this loco. It was the unusually complex valve gear /motion that attracted me in the first place.
  19. Great carbon neutral idea to get from A to B, but how do you get back again? lol 😁
  20. The school motto is: "What are you looking at?"
  21. A little boy was in a bus eating chocolate, then he took another one and then another..... a man next to him said "Do you know that too much chocolate will damage your teeth?" The boy replied "my grandfather lived for 102 years." The man asked "was it because he ate chocolate?" The boy replied "no, it was beacuse he minded his own business." 😂😂
  22. I was asked directions in Calais once. The English tourist's French was as poor as mine so I understood what they were trying to say. I responded in my Northern Ireland accent "It's down that road then second right after the lights"
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