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Everything posted by Colin_McLeod

  1. Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end the faster it goes. ☹
  2. Apart from seeing a man in the mirror who looks like my Dad, what makes me feel old is when it takes a week to recover from a fall, instead of ten minutes and an ice cream. 😀
  3. Maybe it wasn't your fault this time LOL 😁
  4. Lots of Whacky Signs here: https://funniesnow.com/saywhat/7/
  5. I can never understand this. When everyone posted cheques, those bank details were printed on the cheques for all to see. Now they are a closely guarded secret. Why?
  6. Can anyone tell me which wire is the Up Home signal?
  7. There is room for a larger diameter turntable if you make the baseboard slightly wider at that location. There is no reason to restrict the baseboard to a constant width.
  8. I Just Paid £14 for Oxo Cubes! The Stock Markets Gone Crazy!
  9. Re dogs, sad news about Paul O'Grady. Rest in Peace Paul.
  10. Accurascale doing a class 40. Going head to head with KR Models lol 😁
  11. That sounds like Veroboard. I used that for my own diode matrix on a previous layout. Still availabke. Lots of suppliers on Amazon. https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=veroboard&adgrpid=55886365831&hvadid=259184773620&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1007850&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=16812913616728165380&hvtargid=kwd-297567844049&hydadcr=10929_1739155&tag=hydrukspg-21&ref=pd_sl_452fo7ho4m_e
  12. I know it's more complicated than that, but I was avoiding thread drift from the topic of model railway suppliers without an on line presence.
  13. News Alert: EEC (sic) isolated from the UK. And there was me thinking it was the other way round. 😂
  14. Fees may be on the high side, but the exposure to potential customers is much greater than otherwise.
  15. Our Springer Spaniel Ruby who likes to carry two balls in her mouth.
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