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Everything posted by ikks

  1. Many thanks for your help folks. Rgds.....Mike
  2. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I cannot for the life of me find out where to buy these things....anyone help please Rgds......Mike
  3. ikks

    Jock 67B

    RIP Jock, I always enjoyed your posts........Condolences to Joanna and Karen at this very sad time. Regards......Mike
  4. Don't care as long as it comes! Mike
  5. I too have had good experiences with Hattons, only one complaint and that was quickly and efficiently sorted, I have a Garratt but have never run it, just wondering, Rob how long did you test them for please? Rgds.......Mike
  6. I traveled from Derby to Leeds by train for a football match in the early sixties and I recall(I think!) passing a scrapyard and seeing Southern engines in the line?? Am I dreaming or was that a possibility. I can't put a date on it but the score was Leeds 1: Derby 1, Jackie Charlton was playing for Leeds that Day and Bill Currie was his direct opponent at least that's in my memory. This has been puzzling me for years. Rgds.........Mike
  7. What is it that people have to be communicating 24/7, I had to have a Company mobile and access to the computer system to approve or otherwise, customer transactions, after the first few novelty days it became unbearable. My jurisdiction was Australia/New Zealand from memory around 6-7 hours time zone difference, the calls just never stopped. When I retired the relief was incredible!. Now the only time I use a mobile is when I need to check the shopping list with Ruth when I am at the grocers . Sitting in "the field at Tamworth in 1959 had a lot going for it.....mum and dad could never call me and tell me it's time to come home!!! Rgds........Mike
  8. Great modelling. this is a wonderful layout congratulations. Rgds.......Mike
  9. Thanks folks for the likes and info thingy, yup I'm so glad she is what she is now(except for the odd grimace when she sees my model train expenditure ) would hate to be without her y'know. Rgds.....Mike
  10. Really good, she has always been a bit of an exercise freak, the only thing she won't do now is running and that is because of the jarring on the hip, she does however swim a kilometer a day six days a week and rides her bike whenever she can, not things that were possible prior to the op. So she's really enjoying a new lease of life. Rgds.....Mike
  11. My wife had a hip replacement in August last year(she is 54),prior to the operation she was in a lot of pain and had limited mobility. I took her into the hospital for the op early on the Thursday morning and when I went to pick her up on the Sunday morning she was standing by her bed! I was gobsmacked. She endured some discomfort for the following week, mainly tiredness and some pain but had been given medication to counter this. After that week I was driving her to and from work and in a couple of weeks she was almost back to normal, the only issue was that she was not allowed to drive for six weeks after the op(although she did!). She has absolutely no regrets about it and now wishes she had had the op ages ago when she first experienced the issues. I have witnessed first hand the exceptional transformation in her........hope this helps to set your mind at ease. Rgds........Mike
  12. Not bad I spose......always thought you were an ex LMS man loike me grrr actually it looks absolutely great. especially the motion just how I remember it. Rgds.......Mike
  13. Looking magnificent Tim, these were always one of my favorites. Rgds.....Mike
  14. Fantastic video Dave, thanks for posting. Rgds.....Mike
  15. Does this mean we will see the hybrid prototype Deltic on the the tracks?.......serious question ,I am really interested. Rgds.....Mike
  16. Lovely workmanship David she's going to be a beauty. Re Hellfire Pass.........my father managed to escape Singapore when it fell to the Japanese, those of his mates that didn't ended up on that railway very very sad. Rgds..........Mike
  17. Oy've bin eatin' bacon butties an drinkin' lots of Coopers Pale Ale fer the last 15 years an oy aint dead yet!.................Oy think!! ferk the Government Oy say. Rgds......Moyke
  18. This a great thread and fantastic to see the young bloke enjoying trains, only difference between he and I is about 65 years and hair !! Rgds........Mike
  19. One of the last walks I did before leaving for Australia was over the old Midland line from Monsal Dale over the viaduct, through the tunnels(still open then) to Millers Dale, I seem to remember the track being lifted(not sure, August 1971?) but the ballast still in situ. I wore thin soled desert boot and the next day both feet were covered in huge blisters!!. The views were absolutely spectacular----I will never forget that walk. Sad though, only a few years earlier we used to sit at Monsal Dale by the river and watch Jubilees, Black Fives etc. thundering over the viaduct. Rgds.Mike
  20. I placed an order for two of these items from Model Trains 4U in 2014, they are holding my payment pending delivery from Hornby!!!, no issue with this retailer as they have offered a refund but I'm still waiting, they do seem as scarce as hens teeth. Hornby can't or won't supply them direct. Rgds............Mike
  21. Did I give you my permission to photograph me in my best brown suit!! Great modelling Newtz Rgds.........Mike
  22. ikks


    Absolutely beautiful.........now how do I get to the credit card statements before SWMBO
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