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Everything posted by Rowsley17D

  1. Wrong spelling of Stephenson too.
  2. Are, with you now. I put small pieces of phosphor bronze strip under the rails which are soldered to the copper clad timbers to make the rails level with the ones in chairs on the ply sleepers. To be honest, I rarely fit half chairs to the soldered rails as when painted it's hard to see usually.
  3. The main crossing road is very nearly straight 17m radius curve, the other is straight, so I hope what you say will happen! If all is not well I plan to get a FineTrax 4SF double slip. 0.5mm risers? The rails are in C&L chairs so I'm not with you.
  4. Probably finely bedded sandstone or shale.
  5. I had unsolder and resolder the second side several times before everything seemed "right". Test vehicles pushed through seem to run okay but whether powered stock will is another matter.
  6. Save for wiring up and a couple of dozen slide chairs, the double slip is finished. C&L are at York over Easter so I'll pick some up then. I tried to get the rails in the right places using a digital vernier caliper but it wasn't easy where the adjacent rails are so close together. It's not possible to test it properly either until it's in place. It'll go the other way round from the photo on the layout.
  7. I've put this over to our friends on the Good buy from eBay thread, just in case they've not seen it yet. I imagine some who go in for 7mm stuff would be very interested.
  8. Anybody fancy taking this on? Wrong gauge for me. I should think there's at least one complete kit. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/185826127789?
  9. My copper clad is single sided. I do have some double sided which is useful for attaching pick-up wipers to. The copper seems to glue better to the underside of kit locos.
  10. Slow progress continues on the replacement double slip. One side is now finished save for adding slide chairs and the odd half chair. The gaps in the timbers are for copper-clad ones to get power to the four non-moving rails coming off the crossings.
  11. Just for future reference, how do you live chat on eBay? Thanks.
  12. The timbers have been laid. and the vees put in place. The extra lengths of rail will be supported by existing timbers on the approaches to the slip.
  13. Nearly clear of the dreaded Covid. The line can hardly be seen on the self-test kit, which is just as well as my rearranged scan is on Friday. Since I finished, for now, the 1P and Flatiron I've been running trains. The double slip has been causing problems for some engines preferring the slip roads to the ones across the diamond. So I've decided to have another go at it. As I have a new laptop I have to download Templot again but Norton wasn't having any of it. It had to be uninstalled before I could download. Next was the fact that my previous Templot files were on the laptop that failed. I had to guess the radius of the mainline formation at this point and I don't think things have worked out badly. Here's the final template on which to start building.
  14. Sale now pulled. Item now lost or broken... no kidding.
  15. The Driving Standards Agency have an office and test track at Cardington.// I went there on course for work and the hangers are seriously impressive. The test track was fun too.
  16. After opening the photo in a new window and enlarging it I can see it's a shadow that makes the bogie look off the rails. Is the loco going any better?
  17. "Oh bu**er" said Joe looking over the cab doors, "Re-railing jacks, required!"
  18. I think that will be the case, Lez. The docs say with being up to date with jabs I shouldn't have any severe symptoms and the anti-virals will speed up recovery. I've not had headaches, loss of taste or smell or shortness of breath.
  19. Got the NHS phone call and am going on anti-virals which have to be picked up from one of our local hospitals. Also had a call from the GP who suggested I use an oxygen monitor as this will give the first indication of problems. Feeling a bit better today and my temperature has returned to normal. Fingers crossed for continuing improvement.9
  20. Another user of take away containers.
  21. No modelling today as I come down with the wretched Covid. I don't know where I picked it up from but I guess many people don't. My scan has had to be put back but another appointment has come though and in plenty of time before I see the oncologist. So far it's like a bad head cold. I'm glad I've had all my jabs. I reported it on the NHS website and I may be eligible for some Covid treatment due to my ongoing condition. I'm awaiting a phone call.
  22. Martin beat me to it. Flatiron because that what it looked like to the crews with the cut-outs above the drivers. They were also known as Pom poms and Hole in the Wall tanks. I doubt any got to Buxton and my excuse is that one will be on a running in turn following repairs at Derby. That's the excuse I use for my Compounds too.
  23. Hi Alan thank you for your kind comments. The Hudd ATC was a trial between Buxton and Millers Dale before installation on the LTSR. Now that loco building has been finished for the time being, I'm going to turn my attention back to the layout. There's lots to do: painting the sides of the rails on the new formation, point rodding, more low relief buildings for the backscene, a slightly larger goods shed, vents to the engine shed roof and so on and so on...
  24. Well that's about it for the Flatiron until I can get it into the queue for the paint shops. It needs a bit of filler, back-head and reverser in the cab, a couple of Ross Pop valves for the boiler and electrical connections to the motor. The body is sitting a bit low on the chassis, but a couple of shims of Plastikard should sort that out.
  25. Given that's it's a very, very ancient tree I doubt it would be very verdant at its time of life. To me it looks just right (other opinions may vary.)
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