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Everything posted by Norm81

  1. A word of caution on the new items and the eras they appear under on the oxford website, the ERF EC14 comes up on the 1980's grouping but I'm sure they weren't around until at least 1992...
  2. I've yet to see a welsh layout with farmer stood (un)characteristically close behind one of his sheep
  3. Some more progress on the cab for the HIAB, when I checked the reference picture the cab is longer than the one I had so another donor cab was chopped up. The cab is just sat on the mudguards and bumper in this last picture. Next up is to fit them together and then get out the Milliput.
  4. Exactly the same thoughts I had so I took the plunge.
  5. She has sound in too as does 502, they're just waiting on me putting the crew in. Now I just need a layout big enough to run them as a pair on a rake of BAA's...
  6. Spooky, the same class 66 was on the bridge in my version of that view: No learner, just a minibus and a mini driver err.... asking for directions.... or something like that....
  7. Not all of us on, and aware of, social media are "saddos" either.
  8. Being off a fortnight means I got at least something doing on this stuff again. First problem I encountered was that 40 footer, I got it out the box it's been stored in for ~10 months and though I know it's destined for BT Yellow it's already gone a bit banana! Not sure how to sort this out, I had tins of beans on it for a couple of hours but it sprung right back to being bent. Ar** biscuits. I also revisited the Cruiser HIAB I had on the go, have cut up the cab to reduce it's width: Added the side steps to the rear bed: Next steps are to reassemble the cab and resize the glazing as it's currently a one piece moulding. Add a front mounting to the chassis to take the screw from the flatbed as it's shorter than any current Base Toys one. I'll use the dremel I just treated myself to so I can chop the mount from a spare chassis and a hole in this one to fit it into. And figure out how to recover the 40 footer...
  9. I too have a J72 with split centre gear, which is shocking considering it's been stored for years and barely run in. Will have to get it fixed, I tried gluing and even making a split ring type affair using metal tube to slip over to close the gap to no avail.
  10. Tim Horn Baseboard under construction on Christmas Eve in Living Room - SWMBO not amused...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bgman


      Brave man ! Go for it.....start as you mean to go on, she'll come round......eventually!!!!

      If all else fails tell her it's for serving the sprouts n gravy in the wagons to the table.

      Happy festives

    3. Stevelewis


      I tried that once, it got chucked out through the Patio Door , didnt try again

    4. blueeighties


      Lol, hats off to ya matey!

  11. Tim Horn Baseboard under construction...

  12. Tim Horn Baseboard under contruction on Christmas Eve - SWMBO not amused.

  13. Tim Horn Baseboard under contruction in Living Room on Christmas Eve - SWMBO not amused.

  14. Tim Horn Baseboard under contruction in Living Room on Christmas Eve - SWMBO not amused...

  15. Was it Kenton who had a severe dislike of the Fell or have I confused him with someone else? If it is, maybe he's being continually spammed with thousands of pictures of it an hour and as a result has a bit of a meltdown?
  16. The 60's do look good in large logo blue, had my Hornby one since about May this year: 019 by rothburyuk, on Flickr Has been laserglazed since that photo was taken. I've also got another Hornby 60 in Railfreight Red Stripe with a legomanbiffo loksound chip in.
  17. Good call in making sure the sleeper positions relate to the piece of track they join to, not as important for the test plank my current flexi in intended for, but it will be for the layout.
  18. I have a couple of lengths mid-respace as in all webs between sleepers cut but no further yet, what I plan to do is choose where I want the dropper and slide the sleepers a good inch away either side to hopefully avoid melting sleepers. Then space them using the tool after the droppers are soldered but starting where the droppers are to make sure they end up between sleepers. If that makes sense.
  19. Just a quick question for Charlie - will any of the 143's have the early 3+2 bus style seating?
  20. Another satisfied customer, ordered late Sunday night and the parcels arrived while I was at work yesterday. Good price, well packed and fast delivery.
  21. A couple of options I've found for rigid bars are brawa 2250 or ribu 85505 couplings. Can't post links at the moment as everytime I leave this tab the stupid ipad reloads it and wipes out everything I've typed! Norm.
  22. So did I, they were down to their last one by around 3pm on Saturday. I had mine round our layout a few times on the Sunday propelled by a blue 31, had to use the Bachmann rigid bar coupling meant for between coaches as the Bachmann and Hornby tension locks had a height difference causing one to ride up over the other. I'll have to have a look for a straight nem pocket - nem pocket bar rather than the one that's meant to look like pipes.
  23. Sometimes it works best if you put more solder on, then reflow each pin in turn going round and round them slowly edging them up one at a time. Something like a helping hands stand is required to keep the item still while you have the iron in one hand and levering tool in the other. The extra solder makes it easier to wet each joint and as long as you go round reasonably quickly each time you go back to it the joint holds more and more heat.
  24. Yes and no lol, I have something oxford diecast on it's way I have ideas for in addition to the conversion i'm working on.
  25. It's usually Saturdays or the odd day through the week I get up there to teach the worms how to swim...
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