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Big James

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Everything posted by Big James

  1. Just played uncharted 3 and there’s a sequence from a Victorian underground yard. There’s even a metro tank in the middle of it all. Big james
  2. He was a true gentleman and encouraged my own branch line layout even if I’m still just an amature. I always enjoyed following your layout threads Rest in peace mate. Big james
  3. I ordered mine this morning. First engine since I’ve bought since the Beattie well tank my partner and Mum has described as cute. Gonna go get some track today to start my fictional Romney marsh layout for her to shunt on. Big james
  4. There’s a picture of a converted N15 on the semgonline website. Big james
  5. After just finishing a book on LSWR history and lines I’m surprised no ones mentioned the LSWR G6. It’s long lived, comes in a multitude of liveries compliments all the recent LSWR releases. But the main drawback I’ve seen is it’s similar to kernows recent O2. But otherwise I’m rooting for the pushpull stock to complement the G5. Big james
  6. I hope it is some pushpull coaches to go with the G5 not not my region I just have a soft spot for pre-grouping coaches. But if I’m being selfish an SECR D class to accompany the C, H & P classes. But what ever it is it’ll be a strong seller. Big james
  7. I’ve worked in Retail now for about 10 years now. In 2 if the big 6 supermarkets and if you work hard is show initiative you’ll go far in most of the stores. But the small minority of stores the management will promote their friends not the people who are good at their jobs. But these are the supermarkets you can see are failing. But the majority of the people I’ve worked with are good hard working people. Big james
  8. My H is allocated to my pull push set to. Ivr been eyeing an ancient L1 for refurbishment to haul it. If not I’ll get a golden arrow version. Although my Adams radial wasn’t sent west and is now wandering round Romney marsh. Big james
  9. Just treated myself to a 3 car set in BR crimson for my birthday. They are absolutely stunning, but Just wondering in BR days what would’ve hauled them. Don’t think it would’ve been a H class is an N class or standard tank suitable motive power? Big james
  10. But when does something lose its sentimental value and become viable for salvage, 100,200,300+ years look at the Mary rose she still stands at one of the worst ship wrecks in British waters. But we’ve raised her and put her on display as well as some of her crew. And now the same thing will be happening to the original HMS victory she was lost with all hands but due to the amount wealth on her she will most likely be plundered. Big james
  11. Coming into this late. I would like to do kit building but doing some weeks 40+ hours a week in shift work leaves me little time to build kits and little energy to work on anything but the scenery. Except on the rare occasions I have 2 days off on the trot. I’m now on holiday for 2 weeks and I’ve done more work on the layout in the last 3 days then I have in the last 3 months. So for me RTR is a boon. Big james
  12. Didn’t they raise a German bomber of the Godwin sands a few years ago. I know the devastater is a lot deeper but if it’s unique someone will find a way to bring her up. Look at the Mary rose she was probably a lot more fragile and in an extremely busy shilling lane but it was done. But like the titanic the Lexington should be left in peace. Big james Didn’t they raise a German bomber of the Godwin sands a few years ago. I know the devastater is a lot deeper but if it’s unique someone will find a way to bring her up. Look at the Mary rose she was probably a lot more fragile and in an extremely busy shilling lane but it was done. But like the titanic the Lexington should be left in peace. Big james
  13. Several Royal Navy ships from that era have disappeared and it won’t b long before HMS prince of Wales & HMS repulse follows. If the Lexington is in Australian waters then she will be safe and as well looked after as a wreck can be. Big james
  14. Indianapolis and the Lexington both located within months. After what’s been happening to HMS prince of Wales and HMS repulse as well as many other battle of the Pacific era wrecks I’m glad that both are to deep to reach with conventional diving equipment. Big james
  15. I once had a Hornby 4F make the trip over the side onto the concrete floor of my garage. It survived with a cracked buffer and the loss of a handrail. Wouldn’t recover any of my current locomotives would survive that. Big james
  16. Finally found a BR version in stock so plucked up the courage and treated myself. This is for my Romney marsh one day layout. Big james
  17. I got one of the later release and it just derails all of the time. I’m investigating ways to fix it. Big james
  18. What about the H2 being built on the bluebell, but is to the LSBCR standards or SR standards. And will they even paint in LBsCR colours. Big james
  19. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the Adam 415 at the bluebell in LSWR livery. But she won’t be running for years if ever. Big james
  20. I would like one to and I think the odds will go up once hengest starts running. Big james
  21. I also imagined that the number of models in a run has gone down to. Look at how many Wilton’s you see floating around and compare the amount bude’s out there. Big james
  22. I’ve used them for years. Every time I c Andy he comments on how Long his known me. I’ve always had good service from him. I’m glad his not selling the business. And I’ll continue to use them For the forceable future. Big james
  23. Talking about football a friend of mine took me to see arsenal vs Burnley. Neither are my team but his a die hard arsenal fan. I treasure the memories for ever of watching wenger get shouted at etc. My teams lower league and when I had a 9-5 Monday - Friday job I used to go every weekend and had a season ticket. it just meant it ate a little of my modelling budget but the atmosphere was unreal. Big james
  24. I would pay to c my dad face off against one of them. Although we did catch a shark when we was big game fishing in fort Myers. He wasn’t as brave as I thought he would be when we landed it and it started fighting back. I don’t mind fishing but I prefer the bigger stuff that does put up a fight to land. Big james
  25. My dads a fisherman. He only goes about 5 times a year. Last weekend he bought a bait boat for £1500. Compared to my model railway even he admits it’s better value for money. But it’s what he loves so I won’t begrudge him it and he won’t begreduge me dropping £100 on an engine. Although it was quite funny watching trying to sneak a massive remote control boat in while my mums watching tv. Big james
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