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Big James

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Everything posted by Big James

  1. I think they presumed n15 pendragon in malachite. But off the top of my head that’s the only one been produced so far. When I eventually model the SR then m going to go for the olive period mainly because it’s my favours pre-grouping livery. Big James
  2. Appears all 3 have gone back to January which means my wallet can breath a sigh of relief as it gives me more time to save up. But then Royal Observer Corp & the restaurant cars was both pushed back by 3 months and both come out on time. So I’ll take it with a pinch of salt. Big James
  3. I’ve now got 4 days off. My plan is to chill and play trains today & tomorrow. Then Monday and Tuesday to complete the ballasting, if the weather allows. The mojo is slowly creeping back but I’m waiting for something to happen to ruin it for me. Big James
  4. I bit the Bullet and bought 10203 in Br green. She arrived just as I was walking out the door for work so I’ll play about with her tomorrow. Although to large for my BR(SR) branch line I couldn’t resist and compared to my 33 & 73 she’s a big beast. Big James
  5. One of the funniest things is when someone comes in claiming they know all their rights when it comes to refunds and warranties. I’ve spent a long time in retail quite a few of them as a manager so I know most of the rules and those I don’t the people around me know them. I do like to shoot them down which I know is quite sad and petty but when they are swearing in my face and being quite intimidating it’s a small pleasure. Big James
  6. A couple of memories that stick out from my time on the customer service desk. One was being told that they was refusing to be served by a man so I said “I was on the desk all day except for when it shut for my break and if they wanted to exchange it then come back tomorrow as I’m pretty sure the person running it was a women”. So they stomped off and come back the next day. To be served by my colleague who was a women. The other was a iron that was brought back, the man in question was very unhappy. He spent half hour telling me exactly what he thought of me, our products, the manager etc and he had a receipt so he knew all his rights. When he had finished with his rant I pointed out that yes he did have a receipt so he was entitled to a refund but he had bought it from a rival so he couldn’t exchange it. Working with the general public you need to have extra thick skin, a quick wit and a spine of iron or you’ll just get walked all over. Big James
  7. I spent 6 months on a customer service desk so I can sympathise it’s one of the the reasons I don’t do it anymore. Mainly because I got tired of the abuse and being called a liar. Big James
  8. I like the wish list idea. Maybe with a poll to. Might be a good way to gauge interest Big James
  9. That Peckett looks amazing Big James
  10. The BR versions looks gorgeous. Lined black seems to suit the class so well. Do we know when they will be hitting shops roughly? Big James
  11. I’m in the same boat I’ve always used Hornby points. And after repeatedly having to replace broken points I’m now running a rolling replacement program. As a point fails I replace it with a peco equivalent except in the fiddle yard mainly because the points haven’t failed yet. But I have to admit the peco points and track feel more robust compred to the Hornby equivalent. Big James
  12. I purchased one. Probably never turned up in my medium branch line but I really like it and I’ll use rule 1. Big James
  13. Some of the BR versions have come back into stock. Just treated myself. Waiting for it to be delivered now. The most expensive locomotive I’ve bought. Big James
  14. Gonna pop invicta tomorrow and accidentally purchase one. I wasn’t going to. But after reading this thread and the response from Hornby about the wrong tender it’s worth a punt. Definitely going to get a set of etched nameplates though for her. Also just seen on eBay golden arrow are doing a resin 5250g tender. I don’t know if this has been mentioned or not. Big James
  15. If I do get it and it’s big if right now judging by the pictures. I’m gonna swap the nameplates with an etched set to start judging by the pics. Big James
  16. Sorry to read this and it might not mean much but I know what your going thrhough. I recently went through this with our yorkie ruby, lovely sweet old girl who succumbed to the Big C. She seemed to be getting better and the vet said she had a good chance of making if. Then it come back with a vengeance and we had to make probably the hardest call i have ever had to make. She’s left a whole that can’t be filled and devasted our Pug Frank. But I have to keep telling myself she’s gone be reunited with my Nan and grandad plus her best friend Bella our cavalier who died of a heart attack 4 years ago. Big James
  17. A 4 rep my Bachmann. Couldn’t resist Big James
  18. I was thinking that to. As on the older models it was literally a case of just swapping tenders. But on 34013 okehampton and 34070 manston they was permanently coupled together. Big James
  19. Can anyone tell me how hard it would be to swap tenders please? Big James
  20. Maybe something modern image to conincide with the book. But my own personal wish is for a G6 to accompany the 02 and well tank. Big James
  21. As much as I would love to. The loft is to hot up to work up there and with a house full of kids down stairs I can’t even do any wagon building so right now all I can do is work in the evening, but my work arrangements in the evening has ground that time to a halt to. Big James
  22. I model the BR south western region so a lot of ex LSWR protypies, so being only 29 I’ll never get the chance to see a 700, a mainland 02 etc so I won’t be able to tell what is wrong with them. So if it looks like a 700 and it runs well it’s good enough for me. Big James
  23. Something large and freight wise I would say if it was southern a h15. Long lived, little changed and myriad of liveries to stick on it. Big James
  24. There was recently an article on a layout that matches your description in a recent railway modeller mag, I can’t recall the name off the top of my head though. Big James
  25. My mojo seems to have died with the summer as I can’t get up in the loft, as I can’t do anything as it seems to be getting hotter and hotter up their. Big James
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