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Big James

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Everything posted by Big James

  1. The stress relief of shadow of war last night and taking on what seems like most of Mordor. I feel so much better today, today was pretty uneventful so I’m gonna try ballasting tonigh. although I did invest in a ballast spreader a few days ago so maybe that’ll help my stress levels go down. Big james
  2. Just had a day where everything has gone wrong. First been rejected for the house we wanted, then we found out we didn’t have as much as we thought and I know how much is in the pot which leaves an uncomfortable feeling that has been dibbing in and then on the drive home from Work someone threw a stone off the underpass & smashes my window screen. I was gonna ballast the track but right now I really can’t be bothered. It’s sad really I’ve been making leaps and bounds with the layout. So instead I’m gonna play shadow of war to take my mind off it. Big james
  3. The Bulleid light Pacific’s in original and rebuilt form are my Achilles heal. And the only locomotive other then the N15 I can’t say no to. So 34019 Bideford & 34050 royal observer corps yes please. Big james
  4. I’ve only got one 32460 (Brighton) in BR mixed traffic livery with early crest. She’s the only one of my locomotives I won’t upgrade as she was the last present bought for me by my grandad before he passed. She’s been serviced and still runs like a dream 10 years down the line. She’s currently my station pilot along with a Beattie well tank. Big james
  5. I’m 28. And tbh I do like the modern railways but they just don’t have the variety like the transition period that I have chosen to model. But I do appreciate a well modelled modern image layout like evard junction. But the pull of the beautiful LSWR and SR locomotives will always win. And BR mixed traffic livery is my favourite livery. I was influenced by my grandad and dad. Plus visits to the bluebell. Big james.
  6. I modelled the LNER as my gateway company when I was a teenager. Until I discovered the wonders of the Bulleid pacific. I still got some of my LNER stuff. But I’m now slowly moving forward after acquiring a class 33. Big james
  7. Amazing. Even as an EP she looks impressive. I can’t wait for Lord Rodney. Big james
  8. I’ve noticed the first Lord Nelson has appeared on a Facebook buying and selling site. I wonder how many more are going to appear before the new one comes. Big james
  9. Nothing to tempt me. But I’m glad Hornby are doing commissioned limited editions again. Big james
  10. The Lord Nelson is another example of the awesome naming precident set but the southern. Big james
  11. I knew she was part of the fleet that took on the Bismarck but I didn’t know she was missing some important crew members and wasn’t even meant to be there. Thank you for the information. Big james
  12. I’ll b getting Lord Rodney. Growing up on my grandads tales of the Royal Navy these sea dogs and their names hold a special place in my heart. Big james
  13. I’m gonna pay a visit to invicta model rail tomorrow and pre-order one. Big james
  14. Awesome. Loads of nice new goodies. Plus 2 more light Pacific’s to add to my collection. I am definitely gonna get a Lord Nelson as the the maunsell locos have been awesome. Big james
  15. Going over the list of buildings I’m guessing we are getting a fish and chip shop. And it did make me laugh with the name “in COD we trust”. I’m gonna get one just for name. It’s probaly the wrong period etc but with a name like that I don’t really care. Big James
  16. I’m excited for the 5MT and it’s sods law that the bullieds would be released as I’ve just built up 2 rakes I guess I can squeeze another one on. The H1 looks nice if they released it post war I would probably get one. Big james
  17. Colin treworrow (I think that his name) was meant to do episode 9 and gave up doing Jurassic world 2 to go it. But he left episode 9 for undisclosed reasons. So they got JJ Abrahms back to do it. Luke did go to strike the emperor down but vader stopped him. Which started their lightsaber duel. Big james
  18. To carry on with my new layout. I got really far on the last one before an unexpected house move and certain people skipped it behind my back. So this one will be completed by next year. Big james
  19. Rob I like your pictures to and your photography is amazing. Please keep posting Big james
  20. The further north you go I’ve noticed that the Saxon names drop off in favour of the Viking names like York etc. And along the south coast are a collection of Roman names like bath and portchester. Big james
  21. Lovely pictures mate. Big james
  22. I remember that one. And me in the excitement of new year forgot I had one Sir meliagrance. But it’s such a random name to use when they had quite a few others that are a little bit more awe inspiring like king sir galahad. Who I renamed mine to. Big james.
  23. I wonder if we will ever see a release of an N15 with a watercart tender. I do want to get another schools class. Probably be another late crest in green which is the livery they wore when they migrated west onto the former LSWR. Big james
  24. I’ve only got 34015 Brighton in green. Got to echo other people Sentiments. Such a handsome engine but extremely fragile. I’ve seen them for as low as £70 now. Which makes me wonder will we see another realease any time soon? Big james
  25. I’m surprised we haven’t seen a revised terrier to. Considering how long they lasted and the wide range of liveries. Some even escaped into industrial use so could be used alongside the peckett and hattons barcley. Big james
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