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Everything posted by jcredfer

  1. The station buildings are still there, at Druid's Lodge, from when it was used in WWII, to service the impending D Day troops around there, as is the track ballast through the wood, in which the station was concealed. As an aside, the huge railway gun, Boche Buster was taken to Druid's Lodge, to be fired at the ranges on Salisbury Plain. Nice scene for the Oxford 00 model of the gun.
  2. Bare hand punches should best be done with the heel of the hand, to any bony part of the opponent - or so I was informed.... .....whilst the surgeon was trying to pull the knuckle of the little finger carpel straighter than it had ended up. The resulting reduced length of the bone attached to the little finger, is apparently called Boxers Knuckle. Whilst appreciating his informed comments, I couldn't help but wonder if the information might have been more use before the punch.... 😃
  3. Some years ago, I had a job, which included providing security for royals and senior politicians, whilst they were on RAF Stations. {Poison Chalice, or what??} At one such event the, then, current PM was being entertained at an RAF Anniversary celebration. All went well and whilst chatting to his Personal Protection Officer, during the reception drinks session, I asked if the PPOs were chosen such as to have the same political affiliation as their charges, so as to avoid conflict of interests. Apparently not, so the conversation moved on to the suit the PM was wearing. "Do you know how much that suit, that he's wearing cost?" he asked. "Not really, but it doesn't look to be very much." I replied. "That cost more than any other suit, uniform, in this room" he replied., adding "much of that cost goes into the cloth, but also into the treatment of the jacket pockets to make them baggy and look as if they had been stuffed with the weight of their contents for many years." {No more clues about the particular PM - enough already.} Back to the task in hand, conversation got professional about confirmation about previously discussed security arrangements were panning out. That confirmed to be in place, the conversation turned to his actions in response to events turning unpleasant. "Simple, try to sense where the attack is probably coming from, fire several shots in that direction and take to the nearest substantial cover." - I may be wrong, but I got the impression that the PPO wasn't of the same political persuasion as that PM.....
  4. Apparently, modern research indicates that the continued breeding of these specialised creatures is mainly down to the scurrilous activities of the Scottish Trans Haggis Hound dogs, who have benefited from the First Minister's decision to allow the leg operations on the instant declaration of their gender change.
  5. Well, that's two of the Staff that can't fix it then... the second clearly displaying the qualities to make a politician. 🙃
  6. ..... it'd be much easier to try using the Keyboard..... Runs and hides..... ... a very long way away!!
  7. I met my first real girlfriend as we were doing some nude modelling, to help pay the way through college. It was instant attraction for each other and the class couldn't help but notice...
  8. You should have seen it when it was first done, the 5 x outer Mini-roundabouts, slightly further in, to where those white spots are now. No guide lines like there are now, just a vast open grey tarmac space..... ..... and fear!! 😱
  9. Fortunately, normal sales of these vehicles, don't include "bonus adolescent baffoon, chauffeur".
  10. I don't kernow... ..... it's like coming up against a corn wall...
  11. That would suggest that it could be available, for anyone to purchase, should they wish to.
  12. It seems unlikely https://www.carcheck.co.uk/?not-found&exception=2&registration=LMS264T Julian
  13. With any luck the wx will turn to good soon. Salisbury isn't that far from your wx experiences and it is certainly rather encouraging indoor activities. Perhaps the Arctic regions will run out of sufficient wet-stuff to throw our way and that big yellow duster will appear to cheer us up. I could certainly do with getting out and about again. Julian
  14. In the absence of the RAF Police dogs or the RAF Reg't, they would probably have to resort to Conscripts... 🤣
  15. How did you get lumbered with all that lot??... We are downwind from you, but only got 2 / 3 inches, which wasn't much bother to clean the cars off, but the estate isn't yet adopted, so the roads to the main road, still had a covering. The busses decided they would not to run round the estate because of the snow, so I got to run the little one into school..... interestingly, followed round the estate... by a bus!! 🤣 I guess their website hadn't caught up with progress on the roads.
  16. A girl in exercise gear, a bottle of wine, labelled "Yoga", claims suggested that it's the wine that relieves the stress better than the exercise version {and... All on RM Web}..... and you checked the label..... ..... Oh ye of little faith!! 😂
  17. ...... such a disappointing attitude..... all tEEchers love the children they teach, but most of us couldn't manage to eat a whole one. 🤣
  18. Very true for so many, particularly for the RN WAFU, it always surprised me that naval gunnery / Army Artillery didn't blow their brains to slush, let alone their hearing. Remarkable people... big time respect!... and likewise for all the rest of those who have / are serving. Less sure where the folks with the earplugs on full volume and those wearing Ghetto blasters, likewise hoisted on their shoulders, to obtain the full effect, may find their justification in their latter years. Each to their own, I suppose, but I wonder if those with the earplugs will have been quite as aware of the effects as those with the guns are.
  19. It's not really open to debate, the damage is inevitable and irretrievable, although perhaps some debate as to how long before it vanishes completely. The sad thing is that the damage means that you can't hear the sounds, so you don't know you're missing them, unlike sight, where blurring / fogginess etc occur. Like many Ret'd military, I have shooter's ear, where the hair like stereocilia, get blasted so frequently that they get damaged and eventually disappear, so they can't vibrate the cells they were attached to, so no messages to the brain. It's only a narrow band of frequencies that go, but they are the ones that pick the explosive beginning of Ps, Bs, Ds, Gs, Ts and distinguish between Ch, Sh, Fe etc. [not the only ones, but possibly enough to get the idea] Lip reading helps, but two people talking at the same time is completely off the menu and initial problems with that is probably the first sign that you get, that all is not well. They don't grow back, hence, irretrievable in the first sentence and earplugs cover a much greater frequency bands than shooting ranges. Sad.....
  20. Where's the person with a sneeze like that?? 😲
  21. When are people like that going to realise the major flaw in their ranting... the EU couldn't run a tap, let alone run the UK Gov't, which doesn't even know what a tap is. UK gov't credibility doesn't improve when their choice of clean energy source to 'back' was and still is, wind farms. Clearly, not one voice in the green leather polishing factory, has indicated that they payed the slightest interest to their Physics or Geography lessons at very basic science level. Not to rant, it's pointless, but consideration of energy levels available from, the obvious, free energy sources {generally seen as Sun, Sea, Wind} and their predictable availability, in the UK, makes their devoted support for major areas of wind farms a mockery of their collective{?} ability for logical reasoning / physics / true costs. Julian
  22. Looks like they missed taking the digital clock... 😲 Julian
  23. Yup, that a great ice-breaker..... with a possible risk of a few more broken things. Congrats to Eddy, who managed to get the tone right..... Good man. J
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