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Everything posted by jcredfer

  1. A rare picture indeed. I never thought I would get such a close view of her differential, as that..... 🧐
  2. Indeed, that has been the case for decades..... I have taught such modules for many years. I wonder who told Sunak about such an inexcusable mathematical gulf and how that would disadvantage them, at the 6th form level. Re.. the included, statement that some 25% had skills as low as Infant school levels, then it would be logical to apply the remedy there. As a recent governor at a primary school, it was easy to note that there is a problem with Maths, English comprehension, or reading - for a few pupils. It was also observed that steps were put in place to assist them, as with all other primary schools. However, lack of basic resources, including time, staff, materials and the requirement to complete all the other parts of their education at the same time, puts serious limitations on what schools can achieve, for those experiencing difficulties in some part of the curriculum. Put it another way, the Targets set for school do not contain any realistic provision for assisting for pupils who have difficulties with any part of the curriculum. Such assistance, as is given, must be found from within the normal timetables. Perhaps Sunak might put his own maths to address that problem.
  3. Interestingly, his solution is motivated by a % of pupils not having more than the very basic PRIMARY levels of skill... ..... ....6th Form solution????
  4. Ummm... Pre-warmed petrol, that should get it flowing much quicker... ♨️.... 💥
  5. Well worth demanding 1% comision on the sale of the house.
  6. ........... Oh dear!... Not you an' all!.. Please, stem the flow...
  7. Some while ago, someone had a layout, which had a huge row of terraced houses, on a raised road, against the backscene. It looked like some of the multi tracks out of Paddington, with high arched walls and roads along the tops, although I can't recall the name. That one had made a play of different scenes in all the rooms, which could be lit up individually, to show their interiors. He didn't raise the rooves, but, similarly, had removable backs. [Oooh... that might well have been the fronts, either way the walls were removed in batches, several house fronts in one piece.]
  8. Would you like to reconsider that remark?
  9. My first German learned / taught to me... Zwei mal Bier bitter mit zwei mal Currywurst und mein Freund betzahlt. ...Didn't work very often...
  10. Given 1066 and all that..... we could have been speaking Normanese [French - ish?] 🤣 A sign of the times, I guess, as they would have had to find a way of educating everyone to speak it. So they probably, broadly, spoke what the, English, majority already spoke, for everyday things, introducing their own, in their more isolated and wealthier existence. {Obviously not the ones imported since those Medieval times.} Maybe that's just a figment of imagination from the ones I know that are from there [toilet, onion, succeed, magnificent, tailor, abundant, riches, ornament, library, tenant, noble, compartment, apartment, jewel, master, vassal, modest {well, maybe not! 😉}, apothecary, salver, lineage, quality, apparel, notary, blouse, prize, massage, kerchief, orator, benevolent, venison + others, ointment, opulence, lackey, culture, tutor, lounge, patronage, superior, village, treachery.....] Some, or perhaps many will also be French corruptions of original Roman words, as are a goodly number of our words English corruptions of the Roman words learned over here. Does anyone know any detail as to what extent the general use of French words came across with the Normans and rapidity of it spreading?
  11. One lucky guy [sat on the bank to the right], had to squeeze to the left, to avoid a medium size van coming the opposite way, taking up more room than it needed to. The road is narrow anyway, so the nearside front wheel went up the slope on the left-hand bank and was far up enough to cause the roll. Some of the soil scatter can be seen on the road-side, below the telegraph pole. To the side of the scatter, the route the wheel cut into the vegetation can just be seen.
  12. Now there's a man who knows the real meaning of the quality of life. Happy New Year to you and yours, Shaun... and to all those who visit your skills. 🥳
  13. Specsavers appointment booked for next week!! 😅
  14. That's never stopped Country singers... Or perhaps that should read, Country singers never stop. Yep, I am joking..... ..... Err, honest.....
  15. That's very kind and a pretty tempting offer, however, in truth my offer, of a cheap ticket to Portland, was a sideways nod to the various UK transport / border workers strikes, on the day of the ticket. Hence, the ticket going very, very cheap. 😆 P.S. The Border strike seemed to have backfired, at least in some places, as the troops and Civil Servants dropped in, to cover, were more efficient and effective than those persons they temporarily replaced had been... by a long way!!! Travellers were well chuffed. ... Ooops!!! 🤣
  16. It's possibly a small café, run by little old ladies, in black dresses, with small white, starched aprons and bonnets, the youngest of whom celebrated her 92nd birthday last week. 🥳
  17. The loose nut on the steering wheel possibly didn't help much, either... In a similar vein, did anyone else notice the improvement in driving standards on the day of the last ambulance driver's strike? Better spacing behind others, sensible overtaking, not one dive in front clown, not one beyond the signed speed limit [well... not very much above 😆 ]... Even some more politeness when getting round obstructions. I even saw some BMW / Merc / Audi drivers had retro-fitted indicators. 😱
  18. Is the second any different - given the mind set of those who mis-interpret the first? 😆
  19. Oh dear me. Anyone like to buy a return Heathrow - Portland flight ticket for tomorrow?......... ...... goin' cheap, honest..... PM me for details. J
  20. ................ ......... ................................ I know Naaathing!..... Happy New Year everyone. I'm off to find a decent, old fashioned Cafe, in the morning, to sit with an old fashioned cup of Tea and slice of Sponge cake [hopefully not quite so old fashioned]...
  21. I think I would want to be still moving away, too, rather than standing...
  22. An interesting Give Way road marking and signs, on the main road, perhaps stating the obvious. Either way, they are frequently ignored, in favour of the Give Way to Traffic from the Right. I have yet to see anyone coming out of Carting House Close, get given Right of Way from those coming up the main road. [Particularly as much of the traffic coming up the mainroad seems to just assume they see no vehicle from the Right anyway and barge over / or Right. It should, perhaps have an Approach With Great Caution, signage added!] https://www.google.com/maps/place/Salisbury/@51.0839835,-1.7974148,35m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x48738c5536009bb7:0xda3e080f25eaa06!8m2!3d51.068785!4d-1.794472
  23. Hi Sas, How are you holding up, with all that storm thrashing around. It must be rather bleak, to say the least. Wishing you a Happy Christmas and a fair-weather New Year. Best wishes Julian
  24. Interesting thought, that the number of the forces from Britain and the Commonwealth, was more than the total of all the others. Add that to the European and other nations, downed tools, and came here to join the fight. It's a simple indication of the strength of the world-wide opposition to the tyranny which the Nazis had created.
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