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Everything posted by jcredfer

  1. Haa... You're quite right, there go many of us. :)
  2. Don't the Swiss tend to live longer than most other nations? So, would the iron be being applied to the topology or the population? :)
  3. Of course, but hardly noticeable when you've gone up and down all those mountain things, they have there. 🙄
  4. Ha!! I spent years living there, you don't fool me for one minute..... ..... and I taught photoshop in school, too.... 🤣 PS. I will admit to being on the cliffs of the North coast 'though... 🤔
  5. An intended ride through Churchill Gardens pathway, in Salisbury turned out like this... ..... Yes, I was a chicken and declined to see if it was as cold and deep as the fence indicated!!
  6. Maybe, if you have to ask the price... you can't afford it. 🙈
  7. Just the modeller expressing that nagging doubt that we all harbour..... ................... there has to be an honest MP, somewhere in all that number..... ..... ..... ... .. .
  8. I thought it might look like a female, rather than a male. The casual way he / she / it walked away from the car made me wonder about some sort of revenge behaviour. If it was stolen, the person would scat quickly, so as to reduce the time they may be spotted. If it was a failed motor, they would have been reluctant to leave, step to one side, to avoid personal co-lateral damage, yes, but go?... Recent acrimonious divorce and finds she / he / it still has his car keys... well now then - there's a reason not to stay. Want the best price to replace your car? Leave it in front of an oncoming train, walk away and report it stolen {preferably reported, some time before you leave it, so as not to be accused of thinking of the excuse, after the event. ..... ??
  9. Witnessed on one Tactical Evaluation at an RAF station in the far North of the Kingdom {first time I've used that expression feeling it's an accurate expression}, there was a practice Fly-off {cuzz - Buckets of, Exercise, Soviet Sunshine were on their way}. Umpires went round ticking their Clip-board checklists and stopped next to a Phantom, which was mid-service, so still lacking Flaps and Bang Seats. An umpire paused by the aircraft and stated that it could not be included in the ready count. The {RN} pilot happened to be standing by and disagreed. The {RAF} umpire stated, firmly, that it wasn't fully servicible, due to having no Ejector seat and no Flaps. The Navy pilot, looked the RAF umpire and stated, that, with the scenario threat of incoming nukes, I'll grab a box and take my chances, up there. With almost a "Gotcha sneer" the RAF umpire said, "How the hell are you going to land a Phantom, with no Flaps?" Calmly the Navy pilot turned to look the Umpire straight between the eyes and very firmly, said - - "Fast!" Looking at the Umpire's reaction made it very difficult indeed, to keep a straight face. 🤣 NB. He did get tick on the checklist - and a note was made, for future exercises, to include different standards for what could count as a flyable aircraft. 🧐
  10. I had a closer look and it seems to be the heater matrix from the cabin air intake. It also shows an alloy steering wheel and what looks like, Dog Tags hanging from the rear view mirror. {He nearly needed them!!} The Bonnet is also not in view, with a polished bulkhead on show, so maybe some sort of Hot Rod meeting - perhaps without having checked what those bolts, remaining on the bench, might be for..... 🤔
  11. It might make someone wonder where the Bell Housing went....???? ..... along with the gearbox and the connected other stuff..... ???
  12. Or, old illustration of ignorance of defensive animal behaviour.
  13. Shouldn't that read - "Ah, but in Glasgow you didn't need rails to see locomotives going along the streets... and still don't!" First city of Kil't-ur.....
  14. Cue for... My printer is so ancient and slow, it can never Ketchup.
  15. A welcoming message in a recent Next-door Neighbour chat. Quote:- We moved here 2 years ago and love it. So much to do. Xxxxxxx has a choir,a bras band,a Freemason's Lodge,the Goose Fair,a cinema club,gardening events and much,much more. Good luck. -: Endquote Good luck???.... they might need it! What with the bras band and Goose fair, the newcomer might wonder what "events" are going on in their gardens and how they have time for all the other things..... 🧐
  16. I am, fortunate to be living in Wiltshire part of the UK. Quite how the County of Sussex will respond to the call to arms is yet to be seen. It might be observed that those chosen to charge at the hole in the castle wall, were known as "The Forlorn Hope".
  17. So sorry for you... you tell a joke followed by a load of folks who want to water it down.
  18. One of the top designers, of the RR Jet engines, was on the way to the USA to finalise a deal for their engines. [It was quite a while ago, so names have gone to the mists of time]. He had a microphone thrust, rather lacking in ceremony, under his nose and asked whether, given the wonderful reliability of the modern Rolls Royce engines, would he prefer to fly with two or four of them. He didn't hesitate and replied ten, then walked quietly on his way. ..... That was in peace time, without the added risks of enemy efforts to damage his aircraft.....
  19. Perhaps the related joke is the insistence of the press that they are "simply" responsible reporters of the facts.
  20. Not always, it just depends on how the designer thought they might best fit in the space available. 🧐
  21. .............. Yes............. Inevitable.................. Just part of the facts of life...........
  22. We had them doing that on the kitchen window, when they saw their reflection and attacked it. After the third one, we got some stickers of Buzzards, for the windows... four seemed to be the prevention level. 🤨
  23. Damm!!!!! The secret's out now!!!!!........... Shhhhh!....... Promise you'll keep it quiet. 🤫 People wouldn't trust us if they knew about us and eating... cake!
  24. Too much for one person, but way too small for the staff of even a small school and even half a dozen disappearances might attract comment those who feign a conscience..... such are the disappointments of life. 🤣
  25. As a teacher for many years, we were widely expected to love the pupils in our charge [not in a sexually intimate way, clearly]. It was, however, invariably thought as being impractical, as they were generally of a size that prohibited eating a whole one.
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