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Everything posted by jcredfer

  1. Along with the pedestrian crossing and the car pulling out of the road to the right..... 🤪
  2. Because camouflage is what you can see..... 🤣
  3. I really must read more of Darwin's works, there may be even more to learn from his theories..... 🧐
  4. It may be because the Spectator has a policy of trying to make people subscribe to their online newspaper content and limit what non-subscribers can view.
  5. Personally, I would have made the assumption that if the barrier remained down there was another train coming... I would guess that a character, who pushes a barrier out of the way, would not respond any better to an "Another train coming" notice either. {perhaps that was the intended irony in your comment...}
  6. ........... Errr?..... Quite how did you know that??..... ..... Just rumour??..... Eh... nudge, nudge, wink, wink... Eh..... 😉
  7. OOooohhhhh!........ PLEASE!!!!!!! 🥳
  8. I liked the development of these Jags... but... I can't help the feeling that the back end doesn't quite match the style of the other end. Sort of like a job half done... nice, but, ummm...?? 🤔
  9. Is this possibly an intro to a Specsavers advert.....? 🤣
  10. They appear to have chosen to have their picnic in / on a Loggers pile... somewhere to sit, rather than the snow, I suppose. Anyway, what I was going to say, was that there was a delightful Daimler, V8 of similar vintage. I got to deliver one back to it's owner, from our local garage in Crediton to way out in the sticks beyond Doddiscombsleigh. It was beautifully smooth and handled like a dream. I always wanted one, but never quite matched opportunity with availability. 🙄
  11. Umm... Lego - that could, possibly, be an "Ouch!!" moment... 🙈
  12. The point was that, back then, "people had to take responsibility for their own actions". That's a long mile away from people "allowed to have responsibility for their own actions". The former is a statement that a person would be be "called to account" for their actions - {responsible for the consequences of what they did}. To be "allowed to have responsibility for their own actions" allows them freedom to do as they wish, without any reference to responsibility for the outcome. Those who chose to be foolish at the Ford, causing delays for others, were not called to account for the results of their decisions, which led to others having to make the decision to prevent more idiots from mis-use of the freedom to have their own choice of action.
  13. HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you and your's Hopefully followed by a much improved and HAPPY NEW YEAR 😭 😥 😧 😃 🥳
  14. Ooh..... gosh.....! Ooh..... No..... of course not, silly me for having that moment of madness thought... wrong railway company..... stupid memories of the past, getting confused, with old age. ..... Although, they did go on Tour...????? Bad night's sleep ahead............. 🥺
  15. You're absolutely right, of course the majority of our country do accept and demonstrate acceptance of their responsibilities. I'm very grateful to be a part of our country that has that as one of it's principles. I believe that the comments are about those who seem to be less able to comprehend or follow those principles, which were not an option for the "baby boomers". Whether there are actually more of them, who fail to achieve that principle, now, compared to back in the "baby boomer" days would be difficult to quantify with any degree of accuracy. Whether there are less people acting responsibly or whether there is more access to media available, to identify them, would be impossible to quantify. There is certainty, however, that you are perfectly at liberty to sound like a grumpy old man and make such informative, entertaining and thought provoking comments as you may wish to provide for all our benefit... and media for us to share and enjoy them. 🥳
  16. I still prefer 'fessin' up, {Yea, I'm from that generation} as it actually makes everybody's life so much easier and straightforward - including mine. The word sorry, or other relevant apology is important too. "I got this wrong." The honesty disarms those who would complain that you were covering up, in your own interests and evokes, the - "How did that happen?" - response, in most - or at worst "How could you?" It removes all the remonstrations about, excuses {remembering the last cover story you said}, accusations of lying, lack of backbone - etc..... etc..... It leads straight to the best solutions for all involved and avoids the, endless, heated arguments from those who saw through your stories. In many cases it evokes sympathy {or at least understanding} of the situation you were in when you "f***** up, often folks can even be on your side. Often less expensive solutions, for all involved, too, as the heat is out of the kitchen. More importantly, it leads to calm consideration of what would be the best route forward, for all concerned. I'm not the only one in this country, by any means and I'm very glad to be living in a civilisation where that's possible.
  17. No worries really... most other road users will only get a view of the rear number plate. 😆
  18. Landrover came up with their 4 position knob, by the gearstick, with signs for mud, ice, ruts, gravel etc so as to compensate for not having a low ratio gearbox. I confess to being somewhat dubious about it for quite some time, but it simply prevents the driver from applying the sort of control functions that causes it to slide, skid, spin the wheels etc, so you just keep going. It also adjusted the ride characteristics, to match. About a dozen years back we had a load of snow, for several days, quite unusual for Wilts. I had to go into School to do some marking, not an option, despite most places shut down , as there was a layer of wet ice under the snow from an earlier partial melt. No-one had got out of our road, due to a couple of ladies using their front wheel drive motors to polish the surface on the corner at the bottom of the hill!! Had to go, so selected snow & ice, stuck it in first and approached with as much momentum as seemed safe, drove round the corner and straight up the hill. I got to the School car park / playground and decided to see what it took to get it to slide..... and failed. It might start, to go, when really extreme manoeuvres were entered, but they just petered out and wouldn't let it get back to the extremes. On the roads, it let me travel at 1/2 to 2/3 of normal speeds and it was very noticeable that other, 2 wheel drives, were struggling at way less than half what I was doing. Not for nothing did Landrover fit the same system to their other 4WD cars, low ratio or not... so a bit "get in, select and drive."
  19. I do get where your comment comes from, although there was a great deal of prior activity during the previous years. Perhaps they were more akin to a Semi-Colon and a Full-Stop.
  20. I was present at a re-union of Fighter pilots from the B-of-B days, not part of it, but it was held in the Mess I was living in at the time. It was quite clear that your Dad's comments were absolutely to the point, in both respects - and that it was what was needed at the time.
  21. I used to take the year 11 pupils to a swimming pool opposite the Dagenham new car parking area. I was a friend of their security boss, who confirmed that the parking area was a rather gritty salt flat - no wonder they have become rare. 🧐
  22. Similar experience, in poor vis, crossing from Dartmouth to Alderney, inc claggy misty stuff, as we arrived at the East-bound shipping lane. Ears and eyes, with all on deck, a Mast Light and Port light appeared, to Starboard, so a heading change was made to slip, safely, astern, not able to judge their speed or distance, in the clagg, to consider passing ahead. After a couple of minutes another ship's Mast Light appeared , distant, behind the first, but without an accompanying Port light... It didn't take too many seconds to work out that both Mast Lights were on the same ship, which was very much closer than had been evident, at first!... ! Seconds later, after a further heading change had swiftly been made, to move further away, glimpses of deck lights could be made out along a huge oil tanker, less than 50 yards distance!!! This was back in the days before affordable small ship radar and so a small, but significant, mental note was made... any mention of light patchy mist, or less vis, on a night passage, was a clear indication for a trip to a good pub and a good night's rest at the mooring... then check the forecast again, in the morning. 😉
  23. Perhaps the advertising agency could do with a new researcher...?
  24. That could cause a small amount of disappointment for the recipient.....!
  25. It was only last week that I realized that the song, I have heard for decades, was not about a Paperback Rider... True, too.
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