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Everything posted by jcredfer

  1. Indeed so, especially as what is on display is mostly fruit, with thick skins, to keep their moisture content as long as possible. He / they might be referring to what looks like it could be a box of mushrooms, towards the rear left of the display...
  2. Don't give them any more ideas... they've got enough of their own already! 🙄
  3. Those 2 x Fedex trucks at 4:08 mins, seem to have crossed when the lights were not flashing and both barriers were up...
  4. I had a mate who had an Alpine and replaced it with a very nice dark blue Tiger. I seem to remember that the Tiger had the chrome side lines and a V8 boot badge, but the Alpine didn't. It also had an engine that required more rear axle tying down than the manufacturer provided!! Julian PS. He still has it, with a few more modifications, too.
  5. What do they do if there's no lorry available???
  6. ..... Quite similar in format and results 'though..... 😊
  7. I can only wonder if your profile indicates that you might have... well, sort of cheated, by knowing a little more of the language than andytrains... or perhaps not... ? Either way, congratulations on a winning opening line. 🍾
  8. What has it seen, that's so very... very bad??? 😇 ..... 😱
  9. I liked the rolling characteristics of the ancient older ones and their puncture resistance, in particular. Thank you for your experiences of the newer versions, which bodes very well. It sounds like the new ones will match up very well.
  10. As a [long time passed] gymnast, the technical aspects of putting that, recent, thought into action might prove, at the very least, less than easy and most probably, seriously damaging... 😱 NB. If it is of any assistance, I believe I may have a spare Beer Crate, tucked away in the garage, should you consider it may be of use..... 🤣
  11. Strange that you should mention that..... As it happened, I also was at home until two weeks before I was 26. In fairness, it wasn't deliberate, but simply that the best PE Teacher training College was St Luke's, in Exeter and the first job I got was Ladysmith Boys Secondary Sch, also in Exeter. The first teacher job might just as well have been the main Secondary Sch in Guernsey, had they rung a day earlier with their offer. [NB. Such was the reputation of St Luke's, that they made the offer without an interview, simply on the paper application. I would expect that they might have made a telephone call, or so, by way of verification.] The situation lasted until I joined the RAF, for which the maximum age limit for joining was 26, again not deliberate, but a lovely girlfriend was a, rather latter day, positive influence in persuading me to apply. There's hope for you yet. 😀
  12. I think I might have felt a little better, without that mental picture.... 🤣
  13. I managed to get down to the cycle shop, between the rain sessions, for some new Continental, Contact Plus [26 x 1.7 - 547-559], although I wanted Contact City Plus, but no-one had them in 1.7 size, only 2.2. The previous Continentals were Contact Sport, Safety System, about 12+ years old and had only been used in the last couple of years for some 3, 500 miles. They were always smooth tread, that groove is now much less than 1mm deep, but were showing somewhat less resistance to wear. Despite the signs of some, distinct, holes in the outer carcass, on the original Contact Sport Safety System, I never experienced a single puncture in all that time. However... on the first ride out on the new tyres, I got all of 10 miles before the rear tyre deflated completely in about 2 seconds. I could see no signs of any tread / side damage, so attempted to pump it up, to no avail. Attempts with the electric car pump, which my good lady brought out for me, were no more effective, with only 14 psi being possible and no signs of where it was leaking. Luckily, it was only a couple of miles to walk it home. 🙂 I took it back to the shop and they discovered that they had pinched the old inner tube between the rim and the tyre, causing it to split, when ridden. They were good enough to replace the old inner tube, which was likely due for replacement anyway, at cost and no fitting charge. [I was quite relieved that it wasn't a straight puncture, given the history of the old ones.]
  14. I get most of the information on the RSPB signs; Nature Reserve, Park-up, Holding hands, Voyeurism [possible connection with the first two signs? 😉 ], but what does the one on the right stand for?
  15. One of several likewise inside his head...
  16. Oh dear... clearly the author was on the Staff at the Military School of Service Writing... I hope that all Staff have made a full and rapid recovery, once posted to be able to contact with people doing the real job!!!
  17. A good few years ago, the Haggis was a regular appearance at New Year. When my daughter was about 6 yrs old we bought one from the NAAFI, which seemed to be from a good maker. After suitable time in the steamer, it was hauled out and placed, ready to carve on a carving board. It must have had a really thick stomach and kept the pressure inside it. The first stroke of the knife caused a pretty fierce explosion and she ended up wearing a large percentage of the contents, as she had been standing close, to see what the contents looked like. Fortunately it was spread out and cooled very rapidly, preventing what might have been some unpleasant burns. She did see the funny side, after the initial shock had calmed down..... 😱 The substituted Bacon and Eggs, went down well, too. 😆
  18. It's taken my daughter [17yrs old] over 12 months to stop texting me, when she knows I'm driving. She's definitely like all her "face-in-phone" friends and finds it difficult to stop her natural "first-go-to" reaction - text. She's actually got to the stage where she doesn't quite get irritated anymore, as she's now seen how many serious accidents are caused by drivers with their hands on a phone.
  19. The treatment of the steel sides of the bridge is just brilliant. Would it be correct to assume that the Speed Limit applies to the more distant line?
  20. Love the blue Riley. Our Biology teacher had one way back and would offer, very fortunate, boys a lift back from the playing fields, a mile away. He was a great teacher, but was most frequently imitated for his saying "You don't have to slam the doors on a Riley.", with a very well spoken accent, should one of his passengers dare to do so. 😀 Julian
  21. Ignorant, unadulterated Dog's Testicles.
  22. I have to wonder why you can't see that the growth in numbers is connected to the appreciation by those who are aware that our, continued, peaceful existence has come at a price. I have to wonder why you can't see that the Remembrance is us remembering the incredible sacrifices made by those who paid that price. I have to wonder why you cannot see that the longer we live in a peaceful existence, the more people feel that they should remember why we are able to do so. I have to wonder why you wouldn't remember how many paid the price for you writing in the English language and what life here might have been like if you were not. I have to wonder why you continue to ignore the fact that the remembrance is about all those who did and continued to go out there, more recently, to protect our [and other countries] from those who would wish to destroy our peaceful way of life.
  23. Naa... Yorkshire is always bigger, better, faster than anyone else, that's just a picture taken by a normal size Yorkshire adult, on the pavement... honest... J
  24. I have a RTR one, from the "Meeting of the Six", it's as good as can be expected from such a Limited Edition loco - that's very good. Your finished loco does look better... 🙄 J... sniff.....
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