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Everything posted by woodenhead

  1. All those times I have been past that site on expresses and never once noted it, but from Google you can clearly see where they were.
  2. I did get a choice but all very local medical centres - some people were/are getting invites to big vaccination centres - which are oddly underused because over 70s typically do not want to travel miles and miles during a pandemic when they can just go down the road. I'm in my fifties, they've got through all the more vulnerable folk where I live and now onto us youngsters.
  3. I was confused, I was thinking pressure ventilated was different to air con - they were pressure ventilated air con https://sremg.org.uk/coach/coupe/coupe_se09.pdf
  4. Here is someone doing their own from old Airfix Mk2s There was also Hurst Models, dont know the current status http://www.hurstmodels.com/4/4mm_mk2_body.htm
  5. Mk3 Pullmans began in 1985, before that the coaches were a purpose built set of Mk2 style coaches - but not like the other Mk2 air cons - in fact they weren't even air conditioned and were vacuum brake only.
  6. My invitation came by text and it was a personal link, I had to provide my DOB to confirm it was me and then booked. As a lot of the vaccination drives are GP driven the actual method used will be specific to each GP or group of GPs as many are pooling resources. Mine was booked via accurx which is an NHS service provider. The invitations to the big vaccination centres I would imagine may be less personal and it may be that where the problem lies - many people don't trust random emails anymore and if GPs are driving their own vaccination programmes then most people would prefer to pop down to their local surgery than to travel to a central vaccination point.
  7. The Mk3a buffets were delivered after the first and second class coaches but before the sleepers, so depending on your chosen period your trains could use either Mk1 buffets or Mk3a buffets, after 1979 the Mk3 buffet began to be seen on trains. I can remember Mk1 buffets in the middle of the Mk3 trains.
  8. The LNER were certainly serious about electrification in the 1930s and after Woodhead they would have eventually wired the ECML. But the war came and after it the LMS designed the twins and Bulleid followed with his diesels and the rest as they say is history - English Electric clearly had friends in high places
  9. Something different about Andy, can't quite put my finger on it.
  10. I was thinking earlier, the route from Piccadilly to Hadfield has been 25kv much longer now than it was 1500v
  11. Wouldn't mind one, with a speaker fitted of course!
  12. My first Deltic day was also my first 313 day, and 312 day - a sunny morning at KX in 1977
  13. How do you herd 10,000 people in a socially distanced manner though? If one person amongst them is infected, does that then place a black mark on all those around that person?
  14. I dont think anyone on either side of the debate has been anything but pleasant.
  15. A few 68 sets at Crewe today, two sets in the first line, are there more behind attached to those other 68s? https://youtu.be/N9s5aVJq48I?t=918
  16. woodenhead

    Dapol 142

    I sort of fancy one too in Provincial, then I would need a 150/1 and a 150/2 as well and there is the 156 and 158 - it sort of creeps on doesn't it and it's stretching 1976 a bit.
  17. I think London will be ok - you've still got CrossRail to come which will benefit Canary Wharf and it's environs, I reckon it will be further out where the reductions will happen, perhaps intercity - Manchester to London will not fully return to 20 minute departure intervals.
  18. Manchester Central Nightingdale reaching the end of the line (pardon the pun) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-56194378 The Birmingham one is still shown as non operational - so hopefully it too will stand down soon - opening the doors for a possible Warley in November ()
  19. Latest thoughts on post pandemic travel - discuss https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56198750
  20. 25/1 and 25/2 they are producing with the latter very similar to a 25/3 https://www.Bachmann.co.uk/product/category/153/class-25-2-d5282-br-two-tone-green-(small-yellow-panels)/32-341
  21. Will SLW just continue to sell direct? If so then it's market will be smaller than Bachmann's, Heljan too use Bachmann to extend their market through the EFE brand so Bachmann has a good base from which to continue selling models that are duplicated. The Heljan 25 has been well received but there are plenty of people also saying they will wait and buy the Bachmann (perhaps though they may now also wait for an SLW and many Heljan purchasers also). If you've committed funds to the development and are nearly there, do you write off the investment or plough on and recoup your costs?
  22. Maybe they didn't feel the need as they were making sales regardless of whether they had a special place in the forum or not. But now they have a couple of models perhaps they should. Still thinks that GF N class 24s and 25s are fine (just)......
  23. Your weathering and detailing skills would be wasted on modern clean stock - your preservation stock is sublime.
  24. There's a part of me that wants one - it's 1976 and over in reimagined Chester Northgate they've borrowed a new 313 to test it on the shuttle service to Liverpool before commissioning the 507. Which is a variation on the real story which saw 313s in Liverpool in 1978 in the lead up to the introduction of the 507s.
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