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Everything posted by woodenhead

  1. @nickb4141 but this is all based on your belief that the C&C livery would sell, RevolutioN are in the position of understanding the market better - yours is based on your own bias for such a model versus theirs which is based on expressions of interest and the impact spreading yourself too thin has on sales. N gauge special commissions are not exactly common - Kernow did some but they stick to things that would be seen in the Southwest so you can count them out, Rails tends to focus on things they can sell or NRM specials and generally it is OO or O, Hattons sells it's own models and Gaugemaster still haven't delivered the Dapol 73 specials so a 314 would be well down any plans if at all. So that leaves C&M and one other you haven't mentioned and very much in the sphere of commissions - KMS Railtech. I am sure RevolutioN would happily supply either shop with a special commission, once they know that it wouldn't leave them with a stack of unsold 314s of their own. Perhaps then on a second run?
  2. I can see how it fits into the West-East rolling electrification programme which has rather stalled so it makes absolute sense to do all the way to Stalybridge, but a couple of sidings (or even just one) would offer the turnback facility at Victoria and it already exists on the Salford side. Clearly the Government signed it off to Stalybridge, it is a main commuter station which will be enhanced by electric commuter trains, it meant a substation was established as well for the next phase so all useful.
  3. Excellent @petethemole, best I'd got to was this, it mentions it was a show home for Barrat's but no more.
  4. Or there is the rump of the route to Redbank Sidings or even the old coach sidings up the bank at Collyhurst that could be used to hold turnback services. But they have chosen Stalybridge which requires wiring the whole of the route from Victoria to Stalybridge just to turn an EMU so there must be sufficient local traffic from Stalybridge (and Ashton) to justify electric services.
  5. Look at this, an art deco suburban detached house with garage right in the middle of Kings Cross - how did that get there?
  6. The Stalybridge wiring is to allow trains to not have to terminate from Liverpool in Victoria but sit at Stalybridge instead, it's not directly part of wiring between Stalybridge and Leeds which is subject to separate business cases/funding which may or may not then cover the line to Guide Bridge.
  7. My mate Richard Head really feels for poor old Karen's
  8. Some plywood, couple of long bike chains and some cogs......
  9. If Gordon orders one now, he may get it in time for the next passing of Halleys Comet. There are a few threads on here bemoaning the customer service of said company, Gordon though knows all this.
  10. I was actually reminded of Rage against the Machine & Killing in the name of - the profanic repetitive lyrics had a lot of the same construct.
  11. Euston regularly had trains backed in and backed out - plenty of video evidence. It's your railway, do as you feel is most appropriate to your circumstances, take a look at the Bradfield thread for some lovely video of how you can use this with further kickback to add interest to your stock movements.
  12. I really don't know what to make of that Twitter account, laugh, be offended, be shocked or simply gawp and step away from it.
  13. The Government have not indicated what restrictions will remain post June, it is possible that quarantining as well as facemasks may still play a big part in things, people booking holidays may yet get a surprise.
  14. I must admit I am surprised about the opening up of foreign holidays - I suspect the reverse of people holidaying to the UK will also feature in this - just because we're ok doesn't mean the rest of the world is. It is a rather selfish attitute of 'We're all right Jack. sod the rest of you', but I guess the Government cannot decimate the holiday sector any more than it has already done so without terminal effects on the industry.
  15. Including those who are offended by the offended Karens - it's an unvirtuous circle of hate - if people could learn to turn the other cheek again.
  16. I think if we look back 12 months, the person running the cabinet was a rather more mysterious character with a total disdain for anything that was generated within Whitehall. His modus operandi was to use people he knew and trusted rather than the establishment, he even saw himself above the law and held his own press briefing to stick his fingers up at us all. It struck me that the Government appeared to move better once he left, Brexit may not be perfect but there was an orderly exit in the end, maybe his hand was also all over the procurement as well.
  17. Fuelling from tankers - not seen this before. Train just arrived, carried on past the refuelling point, three tankers rolling alongside, then all stopped and now fuelling. Reason: it's a bl**dy long train, it wasn't obvious at first, but it it hauling a load of empties at the back so it is longer than 7000ft
  18. Possibly they pinned their hopes on vaccines as the way out - with the vaccination programme now having an impact on levels of hospitalisation it has played in their favour. You could argue on the one hand picked the right strategy, the vaccines do have a positive impact and are doing as expected and so was probably the correct long term strategy to follow as it is controllable by the Governement - i.e. they can both purchase it and produce them. But on the other hand, what if the vaccines didn't work or had been delayed - what if the virus mutates and the vaccines are no longer effective - that would be a disaster if your only real defence is the vaccines at hand. There will need to be a review to ensure we don't get back to where we are now, improved border controls, access to PPE, strategies for handling infectious illnesses, treatments etc and I hope now that governments throughout the world recognise that pandemics are no longer just a simulation in the WHO's computers
  19. I recently found out my sister is a fan of all things zombie - was really taken aback, known her 50 odd years and this was the first I knew of it, the gorier the better apparently.
  20. My Decoder Pro doesn't look like that, I would surmise as BoD states you need to drag them to your desired size Excel style.
  21. I guess not wiring the Guide Bridge route goes along with not having to bother with Standedge Tunnel later because the trains will be mostly bi-mode or will use the Ordsall Curve to access Piccadilly and the Airport.
  22. Interesting RevolutioN have tagged this with 2mm as well as 4mm so perhaps another announcement in the future...
  23. You don't need sound, anywhere not on the Earth sounds like this:
  24. Lets not go there, facial recognition and CCTV in China is used oppressively, it's a big concern but not really for this thread I don't think. During the pandemic some of the scanning cameras in big UK cities were turned away from monitoring traffic and began watching human behaviours regarding distancing - it was quite Orwellian.
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