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Everything posted by MarshLane

  1. If it helps, 'Browse > Blogs' off the hamburger menu is working here on a standard iPhone 13 with iOS 15.3. Very slow coming up - but does show after about 15-20 seconds Mikkel. Rich
  2. Hi Jon, I was being tongue-in-cheek sarcastic hehe (me? never!) but I know the quality of your work, it will look superb. Hope you (and everyone else on here) weathers the storm ok tomorrow, I look forward to seeing the outcome Rich
  3. Superb work as ever Jon - just confirmation I am getting the updates now! Dont get drawn in to that awful thing called FB! We can't lose you from here ... I have an account on there if I look at it once every two or three months I am doing well! Just too messy to use, at least here I can scroll back and see what I have missed or find something I want to look at! Can't wait to see what the lever frame looks like when its in the box ... I presume it will be fully working not just 'posable' Rich
  4. Hi @Hal Nail Eastleigh should generally be fairly busy, but I suspect it is time of day dependent. As for movements in the yard and the test trains, they are as required but if you look at: https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/search/detailed/gb-nr:ESL/2022-02-16/0800-1800?stp=WVS&show=all&order=wtt&toc=ZZ That will show all the freights for the day between 0800 and 1800 - just change the date and times either in the URL bar of your browser or in the date box when RTT comes up you should be ok looking up to 7-10 days ahead (although STP paths may not show more than 3-4 days ahead) and the info is available for 7 days after the date. Anything WTT is a standard path - may or may not run (most do), anything VAR/STP is likely to run (far more complicated, but that is the simple answer!). Anything showing (Q) in the actual departure time field is a 'runs as required' path generally very hit and miss, especially MoD traffic as it runs to the requirements of the MoD. Any queries, feel free to PM me. NO link to RTT myself, just a satisfied user! Rich
  5. Hi all, New to the German model scene, so interested in this discussion. Myself and a friend are throwing ideas around for a small DB Rhein style layout in N or OO. May or may not reach fruition! Could you chaps help me out (via PM if you would rather) at which German model shops your looking at please? Any other shop/mail order recommendations (without wishing to deviate from the thread) or anything to watch out for when buying from the EU when it’s bound for Germany would be welcomed. Richie
  6. Hi Jon, I was thinking you’ve been quiet recently then realised that rmWeb hadn’t been notifying me of your updates since around May!! Hope your keeping well. The signalling projects look as superb as ever! Rich
  7. Hi Duncan, Sorry not been around on rmWeb for a bit, other things have been getting in the way. Love the work that you have done on the locomotives. I really need to start weathering some of my stuff, but there is a fine line between total novice and total fear! I have got an old Class 33 body that I acquired from a swap meet ages ago for a couple of quid which has been paint stripped, need to have a go at masking and painting it, then weathering ... knowing if I c*ck it up it doesn't matter! I am tied up on the 19th unfortunately, but fingers crossed I can get over to West Yorkshire for the next one. Looking forward to seeing the layout in the not too distant future Rich
  8. Oh nooo! That will eat into modelling money .... <wispers> will a packet of Jammie dodgems be enough to bribe make one change ones mind?</wispers> The Ads issue is a shame I (like many on here) do love following what your doing, especially given the speed and ease that you achieve things, so dont give up. I am not really a YouTuber (although I do watch the videos on here) and never bothered with social media ... just monitor rmWeb and Western Thunder for the modelling. Glad to see the shed has got a roof - will stop the servicing crews and drivers moaning when they are working in the rain. Somebody at West Leigh Depot was saying something about H&S checks the other day and I briefly thought that may have been Health & Safety with having no roof, but then realised he was actually making sure his Ham & Salad sandwich was still in his locker Rich
  9. Hmm ... are you slowing down Andy? An hour without changing hehe! Looking good and as long as your enjoying yourself I am off to watch Video 44 with a good old cup of 'ot Chocolate to drink! Hope your keeping ok, haven't been on as much lately, due to work and family stuff, but there is the danger of some modelling on the horizon! Catch up soon, take care mate. Rich
  10. My British Steel examples arrived this morning. Not run yet, but superb and the detail on these is wonderful. Looking forward to getting things sorted out to be able to use them. Well done to all involved.
  11. Morning Rod (et all..) I really do not know what it is about modern day life that people think its a) acceptable and b) needed to swear and use the F word in the majority of sentences? Its the same as modern day comics, its not needed - Morecambe & Wise could make anyone laugh and there wasn't a swear word in it. I do not say I get offended by it, but it just dont think its needed, the English language has evolved enough that it simply doesn't need it, even to express severe disgust at something - or am I just getting older? I was out walking the other day and a group of four school lads passed me talking between themselves and the language was awful - Its only 25 odd years since I was that age but I would never have dreamed of speaking like that, even among friends. Anyway, sorry for the deviation, just a comment to say @pwr, I totally agree with you. Glad to hear you've solved the 03 problem. I do love to see an '08' pottering about in the station, but there is something about the '03' and its track circuit detection wagon that fits the scene well. Also love the busy scene behind. I know you love your DMUs, one hopes the loco-hauled service won't disappear entirely ... your not under new management who are thinking more about pennies than passengers are you Bring back Regional Railways 31s Loving the thread as ever mate, keep going! Rich
  12. Hi David, Totally agree with @DavidMcKenzie comments on those blocks they are good and quite durable, have seen them used, but not used them myself. Also bear in mind, while not as neat, there is nothing to stop you running a small cable, ie daisy chaining, all the ports on one side of the chockblocks so that part or all of the strip connect across multiple ports, I have done that in the past where multiple track connections have been required. Only used Gaugemaster controllers a couple of times a few years ago, but always found their connectors to be quite durable if that helps. Rich
  13. If cost is a factor, you can get screw terminal strips from Wilko's and the link that are similar, but screw up rather than being a flick-lock. I picked a few up the other week, about 10 or 16 'ports' on each side ... each of which pass through power from left to right, for about 59p each! Rich
  14. And to you Simon. Always love your updates with Dallam - here's hoping you might get to exhibit it next year! Have a great Christmas. Rich
  15. Hi Ian, Whose rail chairs did you use on your layout trackwork? Richie
  16. Hi Andy, Not getting on to rmWeb as much these days, with other things being required to take precedence, but you look to be getting on well with things. Love watching the videos when I get chance to catch up and the layout is really coming on well. Hope your pleased with it. Have a great Christmas with the family, and I'll drop you a PM about having a catch up at a convenient point before New Year. Take care mate. Rich
  17. I thought it was one of those wish you were here postcards … Llanyblod by night…
  18. Hi Kevin, Just looking at ways of building trees, but your article is coming up with a 404 error on that website. Was it published anywhere else or is it available anywhere else? Richard
  19. Hi Dave, Interesting idea, having 'swap out' scenic boards. Stops you getting fed up with a layout too Rich
  20. Superb Dave, All the wonderful qualities of your previous layout! Rich
  21. Hi Jeff, Really is looking good, your speeding on! Wish I was making the same progress I would agree with the previous posters about a dark colour on the fascia, as well as the camera issue, it would stop the viewers eye being drawn to it. Personally I prefer black fascias, as black is the one colour the eye doesn't notice, and a black surround to images always makes the colours more vibrant and visible. Just my two penneth tho! Rich
  22. I see that following the death of David Randles last year who ran the uksteam.info website, it has now been brought back on line by Railway Herald magazine as a historical reference. Not updated any longer, but useful for the old info that was on there.
  23. Hi David, Love what you have done with the station lamps, and the edging on the platforms looks equally superb, really getting the feel of a North London WCML station now. Rich
  24. Hi Ian, The Parts Officer has a B2B gauge made out of L shape steel that should achieve what you want I think. I have one - it came in useful for kit building too being metal! Richie
  25. @Scottish Modeller ove found some Ruston polyurathene sealer in the rainforest store. One thought, from your experience how does glue attach to it? The track work on the layout will be hand built, so sleepers need sticking down. I am just wondering how the glue for copper clad sleepers will take to it, as they don’t want to be coming off! Rich
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