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Everything posted by lofty1966

  1. I forgot about one of the dimensional inaccuracies on the Colletts in that the last 1st class window on the corridor side is almost 2mm shorter than the others which threw out the doors lining up on the compartment side. Too late for the first cut n'shut but the opposite hand (which is a real jigsaw) everything is in line.If anyone is thinking of trying to make one I recommend using a Brake 3rd as the basis as the 3rd class compartments are pretty much in the right spot to start, where as the composite the whole sides have to be stripped off. Whilst I was in the mood I made another one of the original hand.
  2. Thanks for the info Mike, though surgery is required to the body. The E115's had four 1st compartments and three 3rds.(against the four 3rd and three 1st's of the Hornby shell). I have taken a razor saw to one and a second shell is sat quivering waiting to be butchered to the opposite hand)
  3. Wizard/Comet Models do an Etched brass with whitemetal cosmetic overlays. Anbrico cast whitemetal ones pop up on eBay regularly. C7 I think is the code.
  4. Glazing bars in on the kitchen car and the second side of windows on the 3rd class saloon. I don't have any more Railroad restaurant coaches here in Canada (got two at my mother's in the UK, but she has stopped sending stuff on. Grrrrr) Time to chop summat else up !(and no, not the ex wife).
  5. I’m blaming you for this Khris....I have cleared off the desk in my room and pulled out my cutting mat and made a workstation.Pic of progress on the 3rd class dining saloon to follow (cripes)
  6. A taster of the project I started whilst I was in my previous lodgings The three car articulated dining set.
  7. Compartment side the guards first window should be a door. Where the door window is should be blanked/solid.
  8. Be a devil Steve and bash 'em (the old Colletts) into something more exciting
  9. The D95 is screaming out for the guards compartment to be "corrected" Lol
  10. Love it Khris! Fires me up wanting to break out the razor saw again!
  11. Hornby have done pretty much nothing to “improve” from the original Airfix tooling.The coaches are pretty ‘spartan’ No grab handles by the doors , moulded lump instead of wire for roof grab rails and very basic under frame details. You can pick them up cheap on ethief if you keep yer eyes peeled
  12. But it’s fun to hack the living daylights out of them.
  13. Does this mean I'll be able to retire the battleship armour thickness sided Lima and Hornby offerings?
  14. Looks rather interesting. Maybe time to start oiling the hinges on the Lofty wallet !
  15. Maybe I will get my shortchanged missing model!
  16. lofty1966

    New Hornby 14xx

    Not sure cost cutting can be described as “tweaking”
  17. Only problem is I currently rent/lodge in a room (12’ x 9’). Not sure my hosts would appreciate their dining table being turned into my workshop. Lol
  18. Only taken 8 months but finally managed to get my entire railway collection back from the evil b*tch of soon to be ex wife! Today is a good day!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tassie Tex

      Tassie Tex

      you certainly are one of the lucky ones, even used my layer and I got nought.


    3. bgman


      Well done stay positive.

    4. Sails


      I bet she was running all the steam loco's running tender first while laughing maniacally

  19. Wow! I tip my hat to your bravery ! All those door handle recesses.
  20. I'm still waiting on a kit that I ordered and paid for back in November. It was out of stock when I placed the order. The rest of the stuff arrived safely but the missing kit has never been sent on despite assurances from Samantha back in Feb.
  21. my comment was not meant as an attack personally on Rob. I enjoy Robs pix when they are set into "lifelike" settings/art piccys. What I obviously didn't articulate nor understand was why tart up what could have been a very revealing personal exposé of the model. So apologies to Rob !
  22. Why edit it at all? People (like me) would actually like to see what they truly look like.
  23. If the Canadian Justice system is as thorough on its shakedown of “real” criminals as they have been on me , I am amazed there is any crime at all ! Now the “proud owner” of a criminal record ! Thanx Ex wife-to-be ! Grrrrrrrrr

    1. KalKat


      Buggsration ! *hugs*

    2. Lancaster622


      On what grounds if I may ask?

    3. lofty1966


      Spousal assault for a single push. I got pushed and shoved about a dozen by my wife before I pushed her away from me during a heated row.She went to the Police and I got arrested and charged. At no point would the police allow me to counter claim for assault nor were they interested in self defence. Couldn’t afford the legal fees to go to trial so had to take a plea bargain . Absolute bl##dy joke !

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