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Everything posted by lofty1966

  1. Yes. The sound of silence from Falcon is deafening!
  2. I think Dart have kinda "mothballed" Falcon.
  3. Well it's been 12 months since I placed my order for several wagon kits. All arrived bar one which Samantha told me would follow in February. This has (obviously) failed to materialise so I sent a refund request via their PayPal payment email address and heard nothing for a week so now tried filing a complaint via their website. Here's hoping I get my £18.85 back, though I won't be holding my breath.
  4. Can’t say as I’m saddened by that news. The 14xx and Kernow’s own 1361 class are not as good as they should have been. IMO
  5. I finally got around to testing the two that I purchased when they first came to market. Pleased to say they ran up and down the test track very smoothly indeed. Big sigh of relief after all the misgivings aired on here. Now back in their boxes for the foreseeable future though now.
  6. You have to be quick but you can mix liquid poly with it to extend its cure time
  7. Had 21 items on eBay Canada today.....not one bid ! Guess I’m bringing some goodies back to sell in December

    1. highpeakman


      Just sold a Athearn BC Rail Boxcar on UK Ebay last week. Maybe the market is better here?

  8. Before anyone pipes up and says there should be eight cars in the set.....I know ! I have two restaurant coaches at my mothers in the UK which I shall be collecting on my visit there in Dec ! Their mutually assured destruction into the last car is imminent. Mwah ha ha. My suitcase is going to be overflowing with goodies on the return trip!
  9. I use the XURON Mini shear cutters and they work well. It's the fact I had 7 vehicles to do. 14 connectors to snip off and clean up along with the moulded on handrails. Urrrgh. Can't wait <cough> to start drilling all the handrail holes and bending all the wire and adding the cable jumpers. Lofty1966 coming live-ish hanging from the ceiling beam soon.... tee hee
  10. Thanks Peter. Progress is being made but got sidetracked by a couple of K’s K14’s and some Shirescenes Brass sides onto some Ratio 4 wheelers along with 2 more (got six now in various stages of completion) Keyser E 116’s. The Articulated sets are driving me slowly mad with all the repetition. Cutting away Hornby’s horrible corridor connectors and cleaning up the resulting mess. I feel an aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggh coming on !
  11. I’d grunt if I had six P’s tooI’ll get me coat....
  12. Slow progress on the D115's and 118's. Primed to see how bad everything was then sanded back and refilled and then sanded again. Shell vents replaced and most of the end details added.
  13. I often can’t leave feedback as I get stuff mailed to my mothers UK address and for some reason she no longer mails them onto me in any great hurry if at all! So I have no idea what’s turned up and in what condition until it’s too late. Most annoying
  14. Evergreen microstrip 1.5mm "L" section I think the code is 291
  15. Hmmmmmm. Health and Safety regulations require a tidy workbench. Nuffink wrong 'ere
  16. Thanx to Mike (Coachbogie)for a pic of the BSL kit sides alongside a ruler for dimensions I have cut n'shut a Brake 1st.(actually I made two but the first one I screwed up on a couple of the dimensions and it cheesed me off so much I lobbed it back in the "parts bin") Anyhoo....MK2 made out of lots of basically scrap bits as it's all I have left and plenty of filler P.S. I have run out of bodies to slice and dice!<edit> in case my a$$ of a probation officer is reading this I had better clarify that it is model coach bodies I'm chopping up not psycho ex wives. <ahem>
  17. <ahem> Sorry...(thrusts hands into pockets, stares down at ground while shuffling nervously)
  18. Well due to Lofty1966's new squeeze’s resignation, I had a lot of time on my hands today so what's better than slaughtering some Colletts? And my what a massacre! As I had already started some articulated kitchen/diners they would need some thing to run with, so here are the two 3rd Class Saloons, Brake 3rd and the 1st Class Saloon. Anyone got a drawing of the Brake 1st ? I can do the compartments from standard spacings but does anyone know the overall length please?
  19. As it’s a Hattons exclusive commission they hold the rights to the product not DJM
  20. I forgot about one of the dimensional inaccuracies on the Colletts in that the last 1st class window on the corridor side is almost 2mm shorter than the others which threw out the doors lining up on the compartment side. Too late for the first cut n'shut but the opposite hand (which is a real jigsaw) everything is in line.If anyone is thinking of trying to make one I recommend using a Brake 3rd as the basis as the 3rd class compartments are pretty much in the right spot to start, where as the composite the whole sides have to be stripped off. Whilst I was in the mood I made another one of the original hand.
  21. Thanks for the info Mike, though surgery is required to the body. The E115's had four 1st compartments and three 3rds.(against the four 3rd and three 1st's of the Hornby shell). I have taken a razor saw to one and a second shell is sat quivering waiting to be butchered to the opposite hand)
  22. Wizard/Comet Models do an Etched brass with whitemetal cosmetic overlays. Anbrico cast whitemetal ones pop up on eBay regularly. C7 I think is the code.
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