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Everything posted by lofty1966

  1. Dunno what came over me ;-/
  2. He never took up my offer of 50 quid :-(
  3. I have the layout planned and two of the baseboards built and ready to go. They are currently sat in storage.
  4. That is now but a pipe dream :-/Been told I have to find a new place to live in the New Year so looks like modelling will get put away yet again ! I’m so sick to death of all the BS I’m wading through!
  5. My effort. I had to add white metal brake shoes as the 3D print had two missing. Also chopped the dynamo as it was too far in for my liking and not the type shown in Jim Russells Pictorial books. Also replaced the tie bars as the print was badly distorted.
  6. Thanx Dana for the info. I'll be using the Keyser roof as it's pretty close and won't require to much settling.
  7. A casual scroll through this thread should give you some idea of the amount of diagrams I have produced. I think you'll be surprised.
  8. Don't suppose I should mention there's about another 10-12 more half done coaches hiding in a tote that I started years ago and not finished.
  9. Oh! I found the Keyser K14/ Siphon F roof is a pretty good match and with a bit of fettling and new gas tops should pass muster
  10. I’ve gone for the two panel route but got a paint reaction so am currently gently sanding things back. Will post a pic when I get it to a reasonable state.
  11. Hi John.It was PayPal but as it's been so long they declined to help. I have however had an apologetic email from Nigel at Dart who has promised to look into it !
  12. Hi Mr HI have followed this thread from the start. I have tried four Avenues of contact so far and received nothing back. Once I am in the UK , I shall be phoning and phoning until I get some "service" Very poor showing so far.
  13. Tried emailing Dart Castings direct. No response as yet. When I am in the UK in a couple of weeks they shall be receiving a phone call.
  14. Thank you Mr C. I look forward to reading about your exploits on the Baccy victims. I'm weighing up whether I can change the handing on an ancient Airfix centenary brake without too much huffing and puffing next.
  15. I'm off to get supplies today. The backlog of stuff is building up as I don't have the materials to finish stuff.(rumours I have too much on the go are unfounded) <cough>
  16. Hey, I resemble that remark! You'll be pleased to know I've stopped. Prices should start to tumble ;-)
  17. Still no word from Falcon. An approach through Dart is the next step. Grrrrr
  18. I have two of these chassis' to fit and as Mr Brossard recommends, I shall be replacing the tie bars as they are more "banana" than sausage.
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