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Everything posted by Clagsniffer

  1. Would definitely have to say Black flag for my favourite assassins creed game. I’ve enjoyed all of them until Unity and have never played any after that. Black flag is a stunning setting, and you get to sail round being a pirate! The bits at sea are the best thing about it for me, ship vs ship battles and then the ensuing chaos of boarding and taking the enemy ship, never gets old! Tons of side quest bits and exploring to do alongside the main missions, plenty to keep you interested. Assassins creed 3 is also worth a shot, it’s main focus is colonial America but there is a naval element to it aswell, just not as much as black flag.
  2. Come on now, are you telling me you weren’t even the teeniest bit excited during the last hour of play? Granted parts of the day weren’t as thrilling but was still full of interest, twists and turns. You clearly don’t like this format of the game, and that’s fine, but you can’t deny the skill that was on show surely? The bowling of Plunkett, archer and de grandhomme, the stand between Buttler and stokes and the fielding of both sides, all added up to keep me gripped. Bit disrespectful to all the cricketers involved to refer to what they put on show as ‘a weird form of baseball’. Aren't you even a little happy that we won the World Cup?
  3. Why can’t we just be happy that we won, come on FFS! The players representing England are all legit according to the regulations and we won by the rules of the tournament. It doesn’t really matter what people’s opinion of the one day game is, doesn’t matter if they think the rules are daft (the rules are the same for all teams) and it doesn’t matter if people think certain players should be on the pitch or not. WE WON!!! Just enjoy it, it’s a huge achievement!!!
  4. Just read that the ECB have said there isn’t going to be a parade or anything as it’s so close to the start of the ashes. I mean come on, REALLY????
  5. So how many of you watched he World Cup final? Hands down one of the most thrilling sporting finals I’ve ever seen (rugby World Cup, Johnny Wilkinson drop goal was pretty close). The England boys got a fair share of luck, but we’ve come out on top, we should be proud of them! Rich.
  6. All done! Always good to have a manufacturer looking for modellers’ input. Rich.
  7. One thing that jumps out at me straight away is the curves at the top left. They look extremely tight radii.
  8. Do they have to be in packs of 5? Just that I don’t have space for a rake of 10 but would like more than 5. Just seems odd when previous releases have been packs of 3? Only a query, Im still super excited you’ve decided to do them!
  9. It’s showing the “metal bars” that have come loose. Looks like he’s put the bars on a magazine or something and took a picture.
  10. Looks like parts of the brake rigging, possibly linking the vee hangers.
  11. I’ve eventually finalised my fiddle yard design and I’m now at the stage of wiring it up. My question is regarding what method of wiring to use. Do I solder droppers to each section of track and connect to a BUS system? Or do I solder wires across each track connection on the outside of the rails? Thanks in advance.
  12. I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve only just discovered this thread! I’ve spent a few pleasurable hours reading through it all looking at your excellent pictures. I grew up in Blyth, my family still live there, so the Cambois photos and south newsham photos are of particular interest. There’s something quite pleasing about looking at a photo and being able to say “I know exactly where that is” without reading the description. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to post them all, I look forward to seeing more!
  13. My express controller flashes svda when there’s a short circuit.
  14. I bought Rage 2, been playing it all weekend and it’s great fun I have to say. Bit dissapointed with the selection of guns, but the ones that are there are good, with plenty mods. Big open world map, loads of things to do but all of it worth doing. I’d describe it as Mad max crossed with Doom (latest version). Anyways I’m enjoying it which is surprising as it’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed a new release.
  15. I’ve attached pictures of the ‘blurb’ on the back of a peco point and a 3 way point. As stated, for a standard point, you don’t NEED to do anything to the point for it to work. The extra frog switching is for greater reliability. The 3 way point however does require extra switches for it to work in electrofrog configuration. Hope this helps.
  16. I’ve recently done the same in my garage, albeit a single not a double. I also boarded and insulated my floor, made a huge difference. Temperature is nice and stable, didn’t even need heaters really. Looks like you're off to a good start, good work!
  17. And here’s me thinking that forums were for asking questions and getting information, silly me. This is the kind kind of thing that stops me posting more on this forum, you come across a thread and post a reply then you’re shot down and made to feel you’ve been stupid. I really didn’t think it was an outrageous thing to simply enquire as to the price of a model. Apologies to those who have been misled by my enquiry
  18. Jeez, I didn’t expect to get this backlash from asking a pretty simple question. Nowhere in my original post did I say that the price I was quoting was FACT, hence asking for the clarification. I can’t see how that would cost sales? i understand Charlie can be busy but posts very regularly on here, and as this thread is about the relevant model I thought it a good place to ask it so others could see the response. But whatever.
  19. By posting the question on here, where your good self posts, I thought I kinda was asking Realtrack Models.
  20. So am I right I’m thinking that a DCC sound fitted model will cost £360?
  21. Did you send the cheque by recorded delivery? Any way of checking it has been delivered and signed for? Just a thought.
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