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Mike Bellamy

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Everything posted by Mike Bellamy

  1. Thanks Andy It's now 1.14pm and site is still working - so I guess the 1.00pm shut down wasn't needed ? Looks good but I need to use it more to get the best out of the new software
  2. Don't be late back to work Neil . . . . . . . I'm all on my own - but at least I'm making use of my highly valued skillset and knowledge base whilst I'm trying to navigate the new site !! Mike
  3. Very interesting - many thanks for publishing the results of your extensive research. Mike
  4. Mal - I have just clicked 'Agree' to the nine postings above as they have all said what's going through my mind at the moment and so there's nothing more I can add. . . . . . . Best wishes to you and your family Mike
  5. I never log out - I'm always logged in on both home and work PCs and I have VNC saved as a 'favourite' so that's the page I see as soon as I open the browser - never look at the home page. If I miss a few days then my VNC goes right back to whenever I last looked - it doesn't just show one day. .
  6. Gloss paint on a door 40 years ago - full of runs and the wife banned me from painting - that's still the case and although I do preparation and the ceilings, she does everything else . . . . .
  7. There's a yellow banner over the top of each page indicating that some upgrade work is going on in the background and so that may be the problem. Regarding VNC, I assume that if you don't log in, the system doesn't know who you are and will give you all 'new content' which would be thousands of postings over more than 10 years. By being logged in, you only get those new items since you last logged in.
  8. . One for Jamie to remind him of home - Cultural Development of Wakefield . . ! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-46906485 Mike .
  9. . The Mickleover Model Railway Group commissioned a limited edition Class 37 (37114) from Bachmann and had more expressions of interest than we had models (500) but then when it came to collecting payments (no deposits) we found that about 70 failed to complete the deal with some giving us email and/or phone numbers that didn't exist and so we had no way of getting in touch. In addition we found that we had phoned a couple of widows as their husbands had passed away since placing the order! There are still some locos left and can be ordered though our new website https://mmrgexclusives.co.uk/ So even though we originally thought we had sold out before delivery, the reality was that there were some left over - perhaps the situation would have been different if we had taken deposits (or even full payment) in advance ? .
  10. Phil - Pleased to see you are getting settled into the new house - 12 months after our move, my books are still in boxes in the shed. At least we aren't storing stuff in the bath anymore as I took that out over Christmas (don't worry we still have a separate shower !) Mike .
  11. . I wonder if the Model Bus Federation could help ? https://www.model-bus-federation.org.uk/ On the 'Links' page there are details of some specialist traders. .
  12. . Looks good - now I know what you are doing while the rest of us are in the office . . . . . . see you Monday ! Mike .
  13. IPA is also known as 'Rubbing Alcohol' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubbing_alcohol Similar health warnings there . . . . . . .
  14. I thought I recognised the logo in the background of your photo as I drive past Etwall twice a day. A search shows me that you are a military man - Major Klein will be pleased that his vans are going to a good home . . . . . I won't add any more - I'll let Chris search around to find the connection ! Mike .
  15. Near Tamworth - a very large narrow gauge collection. Only open on specific days by advance ticket. Well worth a visit http://www.statfoldbarnrailway.co.uk/ .
  16. Many congratulations - I'm sure the 7mm Narrow Gauge Association could be persuaded to give Bachmann an award if only they would upscale their models to 1:43.5 !! In fact, Lee Riley of Bachmann USA received an Association Award for the development of the very popular On30 range . . . . . . .
  17. Tony All covered on the .Gov website https://www.gov.uk/winter-fuel-payment EDIT I tried to copy the table off that site and it went all over the place - payment depends on age and personal circumstances .
  18. Looking forward to seeing the Railmotor book at the Warley show I would suggest a change in your username as it's never a good idea to disclose your email address. Original post reported to Admin. .
  19. Correct but no mention of crowdfunding in their press release on the BRM newsletter. I suggest that those who were pushing me to reveal the details should subscribe to the BRM newsletter then they won't feel left out . . . . . .
  20. No. It was listed as a Warley announcement but may have been sent out too soon. I will leave it until Saturday unless Andy or Phil want to add anything from BRM. I have recently caused upset in another topic and was over ruled and so don't want to antagonise another trader who might be a potential advertiser. .
  21. Subscribers to the BRM Express Newsletter were advised a few days ago of another OO loco announcement from a new manufacturer - I won't give the game away but I'm surprised that it doesn't seem to have been mentioned anywhere yet. Their website only has a single page with a photo of the loco - no other details given. .
  22. This is covered in 'Forum Rules' available to all at the bottom of every page . . . . . Please do not post any content or links that serve to promote or offer for sale any goods, services, transaction or commercial entity that you have any involvement with until express permission is sought from the forum administrator. .
  23. The reason we sell to the queue is so that those who do arrive at opening time (and are at the back of the queue) are able to get in more quickly. I'm sure there would be lots of complaints on here if someone arrived at 10.00am for a show that was due to open at that time but couldn't get in until 10.30 . . . . . .
  24. Ian Mellors (Redgate) is listed as the demonstrator for Loco Servicing. (Tony Wright is listed as 'whitemetal kit building') The full team led by Barry O is listed here https://www.thewarleyshow.co.uk/demonstrators.html .
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