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Everything posted by Erichill16

  1. Not all doom and gloom here. Bil just been and collected some of his stuff and swmbo brought me these back from Penistone !
  2. Afternoon All, Not having a particularly good day. Sorry it’s all I seem to report these days. Heating engineer arrived on time but unfortunately he’s found a leek in the boiler cupboard. It backs on to the guest bathroom and after a bit of detective work the the cistern is leaking. Unfortunately it’s the type that’s hidden in the wall cavity and can’t been repaired without removing part of the partition walling which is tiled. Mega Turdy curses. We have over the last couple of months noticed the skirting has started to warp horizontally and leave a gap at the top. I was told this was due to the timber trying out with the underfloor heating. Apparently not, it’s water damage and it’s spreading ll around the utility room, guest bedroom, living room and down the hall way. It’s lacquered oak so it’s going to take some sorting. Anyway an hour one the phone to the insurers and things starting to more. Heating engineer also does bathrooms and is coming around later to sort cistern out. On a positive note, done some paperwork whilst waiting about.
  3. (Early) Morning All, Cant sleep. Rather a sobering thought as this is less than 20years from now and I may be around contributing. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-66295170 Later, all being well.
  4. Evening All, An odd day here really and not very successful. Took mil to Sheffield to buy a new vacuum cleaner (Henry) but he was out of stock and while this non event was happening Hovis and myself popped down the road to a certain Emporium for persons with a ‘special’ interest. A purchase or two were made. Got home and tried said purchase, hobbles around like a three legged dog, even worse than my last purchase. I’d usually get things test run but as I’d got Hovis in my arms I gave it a miss this time. BIG mistake. At one time a shop would test run a purchase as part of the purchasing process but now it’s seems to be done begrudgingly when asked. Am I getting old or this that another rant? Spent another Deltic later with a training session for Hovis which I do think will be beneficial. Bloke does seem to know his stuff and gives us confidence in our endeavours but at a ton an hour it’s not cheap. Anyway, heating engineer coming ‘first thing’ to repair boiler, second time this year so a relatively early night. Goodnight.
  5. @BSW01 Sorry to hear your sad news.
  6. What, one of these? **WARNING**Dont click on the link if you’re eating a donut! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304981483617?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=304981483617&targetid=1404115579093&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=1007064&poi=&campaignid=17218284410&mkgroupid=142217514411&rlsatarget=pla-1404115579093&abcId=9300867&merchantid=101774336&gbraid=0AAAAAD_Lr1fFl94-9rpqUJLvfAi0gkGuD&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6r6HraSngAMV25GDBx0Q_gdJEAQYCCABEgJIOfD_BwE
  7. Perhaps a James Bond ‘baddy’ may have been a more realistic option.
  8. Morning All, Lovely day for cricket here, sun shining etc.!
  9. FYI and anyone else in need- https://www.myshreddies.com/
  10. Everything All, Special thoughts to those suffering or have family members or close friends suffering. Hopefully thing with pick up very soon. Took Hovis old for her walk this morning and got absolutely soaked and spent the rest of the day on domestic duties. After tea watched the F1. Go to the pictures a couple of times a year, boys night out treat. It’s very quaint with an interval and small bar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penistone_Paramount_Cinema @polybear we don’t seem to get spiders on in the ceiling, they tend to hide under the bed. One evening last week there was a bit of a commotion in the bedroom and when I turned the light on Sydney was staring at the curtains and in particular at a giant (well for the UK) spider. I thought about clobbering it but thought better of it as I didn’t want it snatching the implement of me and chasing me with it! I caught it in a glass and escorted it off the premises. Oh jut to let you know, nobody turned up to sort their items out. At this rate I’m gonna need more then physical help moving stuff. (Another rant) Goodnight.
  11. Morning All, Been up a bit now and caught up with the ramblings on here. Still can’t sleep,but not the rain, I must have fallen asleep early last night probably about 8.00pm. As well as the vaulted ceiling we also have two Velux windows so when the rain is hammering down it’s like trying to sleep in a caravan. Anyway, managed to get to the exhibition in Mansfield. Wasn’t as good as I’d hoped but at least it was a day out. Think it may be breakfast time.
  12. Within a month, more like two weeks! Ive already shown four people around the property and bil and sil go on holiday in a fortnight. Once their stuff is out of the way I’d like to install some shelves from the old business premises and this will involve moving some of my stuff outside while I assemble it. Can’t do anything at the moment, it’s a bit like solitaire, but without the missing piece.
  13. That’s it, it’s not the rain. Sat having an early breakfast. Too much contemplating of how to accommodate the ‘stuff’ that I want to keep from the old business premises and Mums old house. Unfortunately a great deal of room here is taken up by other peoples ‘stuff’ which after a number of years is still waiting to be disposed of on the bay. I’m getting a bit pigging sick of it now. I don’t want it ‘listing’, I want it xxxxing removing! If it wasn’t for SWMBO, I load it all in my van and dump it on their drive. Just in case anyone is not clear, that’s a huge rant, possibly my biggest yet. Have a nice day.
  14. Not sleeping too well here either. Bedroom has a vaulted ceiling and if there’s anything on the roof for example rain, as now, or birds tap dancing I can’t sleep.wouldn’t be so bad if I’d had an early night but I didn’t. Contemplating breakfast and a visit to an exhibition in Mansfield, wait, the rain has stopped, perhaps a few more Zs are on offer.
  15. What, not even cooked? Anyway Goodnight
  16. These are beautiful, take a bit longer than tinned ones but worth it. We always have them with Xmas dinner. Not keen on mint sauce though. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Batchelors-Quick-Soak-Dried-Peas/dp/B00IJJX9Q6/ref=asc_df_B00IJJX9Q6/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=207965804074&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7042614100551416&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006496&hvtargid=pla-419966361246&psc=1
  17. I can get you some empty ones, they may need washing before use though!
  18. You need it formulated as an enema. Something like this-
  19. Roll over Beethoven. Chuck Berry
  20. And when you had an ear infection you didn’t put the antibiotic capsules in your ear did you?
  21. Evening All, A great deal of traffic on here today so haven’t been able to read all posts especially as most of the day was spent with Mum down in Newark. A pleasant enough day but her hearing is getting worse and it’s not easy having a conversation with here if there’s any background noise. Anyway she was pleased to see us all, SWMBO Hovis, Sydney and myself. Spent a birthday voucher from last year a the ‘special interest’ shop there. Not much else to report so goodnight. ps @iL Dottore can you ask CC when to expect the payments for my book?
  22. Must be 20years since I saw any of this, if fact I didn’t think it was still available. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ergotamine
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