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Status Replies posted by PhilEakins

  1. Walking the fields of Hamble, hunting valves in the rain.

  2. Comes the Inquisitor

  3. has put the heating on

  4. I think I'm in love with Lenka..

  5. feels the need to draw a carrot and two petit pois in the dust

  6. is watching a post-mortem on the telly

  7. I wouldn't say that, but I was earlier considering sharing an umbrella with CTMK for pudding.

  8. I wouldn't say that, but I was earlier considering sharing an umbrella with CTMK for pudding.

  9. How loud is your sausage?

  10. Self flagellation....

  11. Self flagellation....

  12. How loud is your sausage?

  13. oooh, got 37099 tomorrow

  14. Doesn't anyone pay by cash anymore...

  15. I appear to have a cheesecake all to myself.

  16. Have you tried reversing the polarity?

  17. Seen in a news report; "Police said they did not know if they were investigating what happened".

  18. Ok so what now? Ive read all the internet..

  19. Cluster flies !

  20. Why do I always fancy modelling places I've never been to?

  21. Mobile phone: ring-ring. Hello. My names Julie and I understand you have been involved in a car accident. *****! How do we stop this outrageous, privacy invading rubbish?

  22. painting little people....

  23. Recieved two of the new five pound notes from cash machine this morning - and no I am not going to sell them on ebay for £200 each!

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