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Everything posted by hornbyandbf3fan

  1. Why are so many people incapable of spelling Hornby, it's not that difficult surely! *rant over*
  2. Highest in the world and the fastest in North America and i ride it, twice

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hornbyandbf3fan


      It was, but it gives you a headache and its over very quickly. The views pretty good though

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Yeah, that's what she said...... ;)

    4. hornbyandbf3fan
  3. Looks good and that reminds me, I need to watch your latest video.
  4. That's amazing, what did you use for the scenery (the long grass)
  5. They're not usually there, i think this was just before we were about to go out, which is why the keys were there and he was sat on there wanting to terrorise the neighboughood!
  6. I won't be adding uncouplers but I'll use an uncoupler. The track is pinned down, but I might try and curve it round if I get some more flexi track. The only problem is that its wired up
  7. Great photos Tom, I might go down to Nottingham when it's open to see a 56 there
  8. My cat used to be on a lead in the garden and we tied it to the washing line. He still managed to catch birds though... Now he spends his time fighting other cats and keeping everybody up at night if he doesn't come home! He isn't the brightest but he has worked out how to get out of the house from upstairs by jumping through the very top window onto the garage roof. Edit; just realised I didn't say what his name was! He's called Bob
  9. Thanks, not bad seeing as half of them are from my phone! The DMU was heading away I think... I have lots more pictures of the twins if you want to see them?
  10. Soem great pictures from angles I haven't seen yet, thanks!
  11. Once again, I'm not sure if I've already posted these. Some more pictures that I've found on my hard drive. Pictures from the GCR and the NYMR. Thanks, Will
  12. Off to new York for two weeks tommorow

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 69843


      Start spreading the news...

    3. hornbyandbf3fan
    4. trisonic


      Shame that rain is forcast for the rest of the work week. Past weekend was perfect.

  13. No as I can't do much as I'm on holiday for two weeks starting tommorow. When I get back, I'll be fitting point motors, the backscene boards and hopefully some supports for the legs. Then I can get started on the scenery. I don't want to rush this and I'll be making some scratchbuilt structures soon hopefully
  14. Great pictures and videos Jim, I loved the one of the pair of class 67's
  15. Apparently it's kit built too!
  16. As hoped, I (with quite a bit of help) got the layout working last night! The controller is wired up with just the two wires, the track was given a cover of track magic, and the flexi track was cut to size. I used two yards, with some rails left over (no sleepers) about the size of the smallest set track straight. So far I've spent about an hour operating on it and I'm not bored of it yet. I've been kindly offered 3 gaugemaster point motors which I hope to fit at my club when i get back from holiday. I still need to get some thin wooden boards for the backscene and to cover the headshunt/fiddle yard/controller area. I also need to get an uncoupler. As well, I've decided where what needs to go.
  17. Is that an Austerity 0-6-0 chassis?
  18. Some pictures I found on my hard drive. Sorry if I've already posted them
  19. My layouts working! Shock!

  20. Sorting out the garage (including my side) tommorrow, I wonder what I'll find...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 69843


      will you find Atlantis, home of the new build Atlantics?

    3. SHMD


      That's my weekend job too to get it ready for lining out and a new roof. Now what can I use all that nice new space for?

    4. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      My money's on "Lord Lucan".

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