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Everything posted by hornbyandbf3fan

  1. Wow! What a layout. How do you connect your electrics together?
  2. Well 5 would be even better......
  3. Thanks, hopefully it'll be up and running tommorow. Then I can start sorting out the backscene and contours
  4. There's some at the bottom of my layout topic and more when it's up and running!
  5. Thanks, the layouts coming along nicely, the baseboards been built and the trackplan is just about sorted. I'm planning to scratchbuild a cattle dock, unloading/loading platform, goods shed, stores shed and guard/entrance building at least.
  6. They're amazing, I wouldn't have the skill (or patientce for that matter ) to do that!
  7. I've posted these about a bit, but it's 66109 over Largin viaduct in Cornwall.
  8. Two LNER engines together, doesn't get much better!
  9. Class 66 over Largin viaduct Teddy at the NRM
  10. Did he take that picture with a potato?
  11. I doubt I'd be able to get there, but I'm going to York to see 60009
  12. I honestly thought that the first one was real
  13. So I got back form Cornwall today and the layout is safely stored in my room (which means my cat is banned from in there) I think I've come up with a trackplan for now, although it is confusing to look at the pictures due to the un-cut flexi track. I'll be getting the layout working at my club due to my inexperience and the fact that the members would know what's wrong with it if it doesn't work. The layout has been based around my Bachmann Ivatt 2mt and 4 wheeled wagons also from Bachmann (such as sand tipplers, cattle wagons, etc.) The baseboard legs fold easily so the layout is flat when being transported. The board is 12mm MDF with 34mm Pine (I think) supports all around the edge. If you have any questions, please say so as I've probably missed a couple of points!
  14. Thanks, ill be posting pictures of the baseboard later when I get home
  15. Heading back north today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hornbyandbf3fan


      How shall I put this, no... :D Youshuld have mowed the lawn quicker :P

    3. Mallard60022


      Oh OK. See you on Platform 1 sometime; maybe you can bring a pasty then.......:)

    4. Swifty11


      GM purple pasty for me :)

  16. I'll be playing around with the track when I get home from Cornwall. Then when I'm happy I'll take it to my club and I'll get some help wiring it up. After, I'll start to mark out the scenic parts. I'll be posting pictures when my baseboard is finished.
  17. I'll be playing around with the track plan soon on the baseboard as I prefer to have a physical plan rather then paper or computerised. Then I'll start to plan the scenery around the track as I don't want to plan to have a scenic feature and then find I haven't got enough space
  18. It looks like somebody put some playdough on top and then dropped something hot on it. TBH, it's a piece of c***
  19. The baseboard has been started on and will hopefully be completed tomorrow.
  20. Largin viaduct is amazing

  21. So does that mean that the 56s run through Nottingham? Stupid question I know
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