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Everything posted by hornbyandbf3fan

  1. Jet lag...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swifty11


      Thankfully I'm over my jetlag... Next round 2 of jetlag

    3. hornbyandbf3fan


      Feels like 4 in the morning when it's actually 9:50

    4. Swifty11



      Sorry,,, I'm 3 hours ahead so it's 16:18 here

  2. No problem and I won't try to take over from Tom, yet...
  3. Looks like a 5 year olds painted it with orange paint. Did any HSTs even get scrapped in BR blue?
  4. Will be back in the present tommorow

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      what happens if somebody doesn't ready that status until tomorrow?....


    3. Swifty11


      Then he will be in the present but his status will be past... Having just read that back it makes absolutely no sence whatsoever


      People reading this status tomorrow which will be today, will is now in the present

    4. hornbyandbf3fan


      Yep Tom and I think you and Satans goldfish have confused everybody LOL! No layout updates for a bit though as i'm going straight down to Cornwall until the 29th I think..

  5. He's done it wrong, he's only half finished it! It's missing some Network rail transfers
  6. I think you ought to replicate that first shot again, but with an express in the other platform to the WD. That'd be the perfect picture of your layout!
  7. Video hasn't been posted yet, so I will (sorry Tom )
  8. They look amazing, I can't wait until my birthday now. Only 1month and 8 days (sep 25th, put it in your diaries ) As long as they move smoothly and slowly over short radius points, I'll be happy as they'll be perfect for my layout. Can anyone get a measurent of their length as hattons haven't put up any pictures yet! The cab detail looks superb, it'll be a shame to put a crew in it. The detail looks amazing, especially under the boiler. Anyone got any videos? It should do, I have a Bachmann 4mt which was exactly the same. Overtime it'll get better, especially after a long running in session
  9. For anyone whos interested. Click They do look good, I can't wait to get one. Has anyone oredered one yet?
  10. Can't wait for these, I'll have to wait until my Birthday though
  11. I like how it says lots of pictures, when there's only two!
  12. Looks like a great layout, I didn't realise you had a layout or a youtube channel. I'm following this and I've subscribed to your Youtube
  13. I might try that textured paste for my goods yard, or at least part of it
  14. Has set a notification calender thingy-ma-job (technical term) on my phone so I remember two railtours and where to see them, just in case!

  15. At railfest. Not the best photo ever and taken on my phone. Hopefully I'll be able to see a Colas one when they're running through Nottingham again
  16. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OO-Gauge-Hornby-NRM-R2565-BR-4-6-2-Britannia-Class-Loco-70013-Oliver-Cromwell-/400539563501?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item5d4204b5ed Another *NRM model means bump up the price* listing
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