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Everything posted by hornbyandbf3fan

  1. When I come to power Christmas songs will be banned from playing until mid-December

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Horsetan


      Ban all religion.

    3. yorkie_pudd


      Horsetan you must have read my mind - but I advise against it to save your sanity lol

    4. GWR88


      I agree totally! Our next door neighbour leaves their decs up all year...The matches beckon every year!

  2. Balls..... Sorry about that Graham and thanks for clearing that up, still didn't really know where Axminster was though!
  3. Thanks Andy I tihnk I practically took everything, including glue, scenics, lots of locos etc. The only thing I could have taken was a DC controller and loco in case my DCC controller packed up. About 1 and a half hoursI Thanks Gary and yes it is pretty good! Looking forward to hopefully see the layout in print That I did, many people made comments on my age and how good the layout was; it was started when I was only 14! Bit late for moving stuff for photograph now though!
  4. If I started a few weeks before I guess I could!
  5. I won't be able to get up to Gartel as it's a two hour and a half hour drive!
  6. Axminster is the 5th of November I think and I'll look up the show Callum and see what I can do
  7. I've only seen Dan's so far with mine in, I'll be uploading my small amount of footage hopefully soon. I did have a great time, even though it was tiring. How far away is Axminster as you're welcome to come along to help if you can?
  8. Thanks Jock It was surprisingly successful, my next project may start next year, but there's still things to add to this layout and a possible extension in the future... It will probably be joint ER and MR region as I don't have enough locos to do either on there own. Could you give me a link to Barry O's show report as I'd be interested in having a look as I spoke to him a fair few times! Thanks Neil It was good to meet you too, even if I didn't recognise the name at first! Please add all the photos you want as well. As for the cameo, it isn't quite finished, but I have found a figure for the crane. There was a pallet on the lorry you saw, but that somehow ended up underneath the Land Rover which we found when the photographer stopped by. No problem Richard, I only managed a quick few looks at Orchard Road as well unfortunately. I assume you saw Craig when I was having my lurch as I only arrived to help with the last few, including use as a light blocker with a bit of paper! On an unrelated note, I'm glad I'm not in any of the above photos, but Connor (DCCmad) is in quite a few
  9. Thanks Robert, it was good to see Grantham in the flesh as well, I would have stayed by for longer but I was busy all day as I'm sure you were!
  10. Thanks Matt, it was a great show, I was knackered after it though. You'll after make it up at some point, hopefully by then I'll have past my driving test and be able to terrorise the roads. You have to remember, this was my first layout and many things went wrong, so don't worry of you b******s something up, I've mad too many mistakes to think of
  11. Thanks for posting the pictures Daniel, it was good to meet so many people over the weekend, some I saw more than others due to a lack of time/ being halfway across the hall from, thanks goes to Barry for weathering my 16ton mineral wagon brilliantly, far better than my efforts and Barry and Connor for coming to help! The layout ran really well, the only troubles bring the Jinty which I knew about anyway and the black 5 which was behaving weirdly. I barely took any pictures, and those I took mainly being or my layout, Primrose hill and the motive depot??There was plenty of people taking pictures, videos and talking to me including a chat to someone who's name escapes me about accidents in goods yards (I know have an excuse when the 4f decides that going over points nicely is too mainstream!) I have three possible exhibitions lined up including Axminster 2015, Bodmin 2015 (possibly) and Warley 2017 if I extend or improve the layout. Finally, the layout will be appearing in a edition of railway modeller once I complete the write up-photos were taken at the show.
  12. I had a quick look today good to see some proper locos and no doubt I'll have another look tomorrow as I'm not far away
  13. Thanks Callum the Hornby stand us on my hit list The layouts up here now ready for setting up early tomorrow morning
  14. Wooden floors so that wasn't an option unfortunately! It's a horrible old rug, I won't tell you anymore but it's better than nowt See all three of you there
  15. No pictures I'm afraid, you'll have to come and see the real thing or wait until Monday I've almost finished packing, lighting all working and paints drying. Tomorrow I need to write some info and break the layout down See you there Thanks, Will
  16. Thanks Jock, only just seen this post for some reason, I blame Andy P for filling my notifications I'm sure I'll find time for photos and videos, may even upload to youtube if I get chance No chance of me building anything Southern or Western, they don't have proper locos! In news, I have a couple more wagons to weather and around 15 to seal and the lighting board is almost finished. The layout has also received a full repaint. Thanks, Will
  17. FINE, FINE, I give in, I'll buy a DJM J94/Austerity Now which one?
  18. They're all great, I think I prefer number 2 to be honest though
  19. I saw that at Nottingham last year, really nice layout
  20. I gave up after every time I checked in, I had a couple of pages to go through!! And the sheds looking really good
  21. Thanks Gary, I found it the other way round at my previous shows, but they were a fair bit smaller than Warley so hopefully it will be like you said. I've been putting together a list as well, seems liken I'm taking half of my workbench but oh well So far I've filled an A5 sheet Thanks Jaz, the people I have coming to help are very skilled in this area so hopefully they'll be able to help. If not, I might steal Richards 08 as that runs amazingly smooth!! If the J11 has a front coupling fitted, you'll all know why now I hope they will find it good and not just because of my age, at previous shows I've had a lot of comments, including one guy who hung around so he could tell me how good it was (and yes I was surprised!) Thanks Richard, I'd completely forgotten about that, on the list now Thanks Jock, I'll have a look at that a later time when I'm on my next project (and yes it is already planned, Matt (Southern) might know what of....
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