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Nelson Jackson

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Everything posted by Nelson Jackson

  1. Hello everyone, The layout had it's first outing this year last Friday/Saturday and it went very well indeed, The extension is now fully complete, and stands at just over 26ft in total, enjoy the pictures! Nelson
  2. Wow what amazing work and the fact it's N gauge is just awesome!
  3. Brilliant work gentlemen, everything seems to be coming along nicely, a level of modelling I can only aspire to, well done to all involved.
  4. Those look excellent Tony, thanks for sharing the pictures, I can't wait now haha.
  5. What a stunning loco, well done to all involved in making this possible in RTR.
  6. Just booked some tickets for a Waverley paddle steamer trip around the Antrim coast, can't wait :D

    1. bgman


      She's a lovely vessel, you'll enjoy the trip :)

    2. gridwatcher


      Superb.....class act!



    3. sigtech


      Had a trip on the Waverley from Glasgow to Dunoon. lovely vessel- sheer class..

  7. Getting some "drive errors" on here :S

    1. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Seem to have all gone for the moment

    2. mcrook62


      run defrag

  8. I use fox transfers 0.35mm general purpose yellow lining, Nelson
    1. Horsetan


      I think you're being had there.....

    2. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Indeed :D better off going with a RTR chassis, who's going to know about the missing 1 or 2mm.....

  9. It's strange how the the brain doesn't register the second "the" when written next to another "the", read it again.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GWR88


      I had to read it a few times before I realized. Brilliant!

    3. SHMD


      Caught me out!

    4. black and decker boy

      black and decker boy

      Read it backwards and you will spot it 90% of the time

  10. Love it! Your going to have to build a layout of either York road or Belfast central for all the 80s you have haha.
  11. Great pictures, I love this layout and the engines are superb, simply amazing
  12. Pete waterman, what a man! Incredible

    1. Merc435


      Who bought Kylie though? I out a bid in for her, but heard nothing.....


    2. Horsetan


      Oh, you've been listening to Radio 4's "The Reunion" as well, then.

  13. Wow this is inspirational, the amount of detail is incredible, such fine work, well done.
  14. If you get a reply and it works let us know as that would be awesome, and be a sigh of relief for those scared to make chassises (me )
  15. Fantastic sterling single model! Just out of curiosity what scale speed would you say she is doing in the video? And would it really have been like that in real life? It looks so magnificent at that speed
  16. I love that Stirling Single, a really beautiful model, great pics Tony, thanks.
  17. Beautiful model and the livery suits the class very well.
  18. Hello everyone, Not much done to the engine except it's primer coat has been applied, I've been stuck in bed all week with some sort of flu/fever so that's why. And to make things even better the tender dropped out of my hands taking off the steps and weight inside. Ah well. We learn from our mistakes I guess and from the primer coat it's easy to see what areas need to be improved before the black goes on. Nelson
  19. Snowing :O

    1. hornbyandbf3fan
    2. Nelson Jackson
    3. irishmail


      Had hail and sleet in Mayo this afternoon.. supposed to be spring!


  20. Lovely work on that wagon, so neatly done as well
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