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Everything posted by manna

  1. G'day Folks What's a Mobile Phone...... manna
  2. G'Day Folks Still quite a few of those type of bridges around in OZ. manna
  3. G'Day Folks Just a thought, Anyone done a study on what a 10 lane motorway would cost on the same route as HS2, and how wide it would be, how much land it would consume, and how many Newts would be inconvenienced. !!!!!!! manna
  4. G'Day Folks I started railway modelling in 1967, and I've never had a Point motor fail..............I've never owned a Point motor, but that's beside the Point.......... manna
  5. G'day Folks Love the sound of the Aussie bush, except for the buzz of the flies................ manna
  6. G'Day Folks. Funny I had my one running yesterday, 20 wagons, round and round.......perfect. Yours looks Good, and with all that weight.......60 wagons at least. manna
  7. G'day Folks You have to admit, for 30 odd year old units, they are still working. manna
  8. G'day Folks Coming on, like the line of steam power. manna
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