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Everything posted by manna

  1. G'Day Folks Nice video, but what's that hanging on the back, is it a Class 33 ???? manna
  2. manna

    Edgware GN

    G'Day Folks I haven't really gone in to that yet, biggest problem is you don't see many pictures, so you can work out colours, E-Bay's handy on that score, as you can see what colour your buying. Got to go down to Adelaide on the weekend, so I might be able to pop into the model shop. manna
  3. manna

    Edgware GN

    G'Day Folks With all this beautiful weather it's nice to get over the shed to work on the scenery (now that's perverse) but it's perfect to dry the glue out really quick, which allows me to 'plant' grass almost continuously. I've had my static grass machine for about 5 years, time to test it out. I though I had a lot of static grass, bags of it, couple of days and it's starting to run out, some has been ordered from the UK, 12 mm green, it's easier to order from the UK as it delivered to the door, otherwise it's almost five hours in the the car and $40 in fuel. Anyway, he's where I am at the moment, only the first cover. manna
  4. G'Day Folks Enjoying the close up's of the terminus, but are we going to see a 'Dirty Great arched Roof' at any time ?? manna
  5. G'day Folks, Have heard, from drivers that they have had lumps of coal so large on the tender, that they have partly demolished signalboxes, and taken down station awnings, when they fell off the tender. manna
  6. manna

    Hadley Wood

    G'Day Folks Yes I believe they did, easy enough to read through there thread. manna
  7. manna

    Edgware GN

    G'Day Folks Bus drivers going to pick up a load of 'Oldies' for a day trip to 'Sarfend' innit. ! Competition for the railways, I'll have to run a Day special to Southend, B17 coming up. manna
  8. manna

    Hadley Wood

    G'Day Folks What about brass nails, knocked into the baseboard, and rails soldered to them, might speed it up a bit and keep the cost down ?? manna
  9. G'Day Folks No DCC for me, the closest I come is, I crank up the Gramophone, chuck on a Argos, 33 rmp record, and relive the sound of Gresley's Pacifics belting through Hitchin..........Bliss. manna
  10. G'day Folks Sorry about that, I missed a whole sentence out. wife called me for dinner.I should have put in that I'm building the later rebuilt version, with the taller shorter cab, I don't have that plan, the plan I have, is the version built for use on the Widened Lines , I'm working off of the RCTS, green book, which give's the cab size, I have made another cab, I'll put up a pic tomorrow. manna
  11. G'Day Folks A little fiddling and faffing about with the cab, but it doesn't look right, 'to high' ? to short ?, you judge. manna
  12. manna

    Edgware GN

    G'Day Folks The weather is so much kinder at the moment, about 25c, more time in the shed, finished off most of the plastering, gave it all a rub down and a coat of Green, nearly ready for some grass, put a couple of trees on the cutting sides, a Southend Corporation bus on the bridge, and and some cut up scouring pad, as hedges, just to get the feel of it. Sheep, Horse's and cows scattered about the fields. Please feel free to laugh your heads off. LOL
  13. G'Day Folks Hope this works. No it didn't, *%$*@#, it's a story about Chinese hackers, stealing Navy classified secrets, and not only US Navy
  14. G'Day Folks One small point on the Widened Lines, no problem in using a class 08, as there is 'No' third rail. manna
  15. G'Day Folks Love the old wagon turntable well, looks good. manna
  16. G'Day Folks Yes, I've stood on the footbridge many times, but only with the high timber cladding, bikes were handy to stand on to see over it. Any Idea when the timber planks went up ?? must have been pre 1958. manna
  17. G'day Folks Eastleigh wasn't known for being a coal hot spot, so when booking on one night to work a class 6/7 goods to Willesden, I had to have a wander around to find a bit of coal/wood for the brakevan, wasn't to bad to Willesden, and the van was warm by the time I got there, but I didn't get the same van back, so at 0130, I was scrabbling around on the deck with my 'Bardic' trying to find 'Anything' I would have had more luck getting water in the Sahara, I found about a bucketful of whatever, but it wasn't enough, and the van was surely getting cold by Basingstoke, ever so glad to get back to Eastleigh. manna
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