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Lord Flashheart

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Everything posted by Lord Flashheart

  1. Hi Ruston Looking very good, I've not built a Judith Edge kit in any scale yet but really fancy having a go at either one of these or the Ruston 165 in7mm, will ccontinue to follow your build with interest. Rob
  2. Thanks James, as pointed out you only need the body, the last one I bought off eBay was only £6 so it can help keep the cost down by not buying a complete loco, Ive done 2 of these conversions now and have another body shell and a load of bits to do a third, there quite labour intensive compared to building a kit but well worth the effort. Rob
  3. Hi James With a bit of work the Triang Hymek can be made into a nice model, with mine I deviated from the PRMRP instructions by making a separate chassis and I sourced parts from quite a few other suppliers but it cost around £300 to build and that included one of Mr Chetters' excellent sound chips. Rob
  4. Thank you for the invite Phill, it was fantastic to see your railway and have a good natter, the Paxman don't photograph to bad either!. Rob
  5. Credit given where it's due Jamie, your obviously doing a lot of work and your getting good results for it, your vac brake 08 is on my shopping list for when the Dapol 08 comes out and I'll look forward to hearing your 31 and 47, keep up the good work. Rob
  6. By far the best Western sound chip ive heard yet, any chance a class 31 and 47?. Rob
  7. Thanks Paul, its Railmatch acrylic frame dirt and roof dirt airbrushed on and Humbrol weathering powders to highlight a few bits, nothing to technical!. Rob
  8. Thanks Phill, needs lowering on its bogies as it sits a bit high compared to the Easybuild mk1s we have but otherwise its done. Rob
  9. A bit more progress, windows, window bars and weathering added to the LMS BG. Rob
  10. Hi MartynBoth the coaches have brake shoes fitted, its my crappy photos that don't show them well, I do agree with you though, the LMS BG has Easybuild bogies and despite coming with brake shoes there's no (even basic) linkages with them or means of attaching them to the main bogie frame. Rob
  11. Hi JonCan't remember exactly how much they were but i think there only £5 -6 , if you look at the Heljan section on Howes website you'll find the various O gauge spares on there. Rob
  12. Hi JonThanks for your comments, I'm following your JLTRT GUV build, I did consider getting one of those but picked this Westdale one up cheap. To help me with this I used Heljan underframe trusses from their spares but everything else is as supplied and must admit its a nice kit to build and certainly looks the part. Rob
  13. Thanks Sean, looking forward to seeing the face lifted Rat. Rob
  14. Well over a year since the last post on our layout thread so an update on the latest items of rolling stock to come off the work bench and a couple of ongoing ones. Pleased to say there has been plenty of progress on the layout and an update and pictures will follow but I'll leave that for the brains of the operation! Rob Slaters 12t van Slaters Vanwides Westdale mk1 GUV Currently in progress are a Westdale LMS BG
  15. Hi Phill Good to see more of your fantastic work, the Skytrex Peak is looking good, I got one of their class 31 bodyshells the other week so hopefully I can make something decent out of that, can't wait to see those Warships finished. Rob
  16. A set of pics showing 08597,08605 and 47334 on 6/10/97, having arrived at Hedon Road 47334 promptly shut down and wouldn't restart, to the rescue came 08597 which towed the whole train to its required loading area. However thanks to the efforts of the driver and a fitter from Immingham the 47 was repaired and departed later that day. Rob
  17. Hi Phill Dmu looks superb, I did consider the Easybuild kit but as its based on mk1 coach profile sides it just doesn't look the right shape to me, to round, whereas the Westdale is correct, the J+M Hughes kit is pretty good as well . The LMS BG I have is also a Westdale kit, bought cheaply off eBay it came with a ready assembled brass chassis (CRT Kits I think) otherwise I'd have had a MTH like yours. Not got a workbench thread, yet, but its a maybe. Rob
  18. Interesting stuff, I've a Model Rail article on one from the early 90s that was built as a class 43 so it must be 30+ years old and must admit bit looks pretty good now never mind back then. Mines very much in the waiting list as im currently on with a Westdale 122 dmu, LMS 50 foot BG and the PRMRP VDA van I got at Kettering. Was very much hoping to get to Telford but further work on the house has cancelled that idea. Rob
  19. Hi Phill Fantastic work on those Warships, I've got a Model Express kit to build so your providing good inspiration for me, do you know how old the original kit is?. Rob
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