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Everything posted by bgman

  1. What's the point ! Well I'll tell those who would like to know I'm not certain if I mentioned the proposed use of mtb MP1 point motors previously however, as this Italian themed layout is only a small diversion it still presents some interest for using different modelling / techniques on which the motors will feature. I think they will be more suited because of their relatively small cross section compared to conventional or servo motors. Many years ago I used a Digikeijs accessory decoder to power some signals on a Bavarian HO themed layout and managed to find it for the purpose of addressing the MP1 motors ( more re-using old stuff ). The Digikeijs DR4018 was originally used on my ESU ECoS Command Station for signals but as I intend using a simple multiMAUS controller here, albeit branded as a Fleischmann product, I had to do a reset of the DR4018. Quite an easy process and once done the unit will control 8 point motors which suits the multiMAUS controller. Here is a brief shot to show the unit, a couple of motors and an original German semaphore for which it was originally programmed to operate The wires from the motors to the DR4018 ( all red ! ) are just a temporary measure just to ensure everything works correctly. On the multiMAUS unit it shows up as this on screen Happy with that now onto the next ideas / thoughts. I said previously that there will be a small bridge / culvert affair, well, I am in the thought process on this one and am thinking about reducing it in size thus As the whole layout is somewhat experimental I am considering the introduction of printed brick paper plus some 3D work as walling to combine with this, I will do an update when I think it is suitable to post. Over and above that I am taking a radical......well it is for me.......approach to couplings and changing the stock for this to Kadee's. Once again I found these in my stash and were also purchased many moons ago, some from my friends shop in Exeter ( sadly now gone ) and some from Express Models at prices well below todays costs. I have a coupling gauge which ensures all line up when pushed into the NEM pockets on the coaches and wagons that I have.... I know that none of this is ground breaking but I am still running with the theme of using what I have got, with the occasional purchase to suit. Uncoupling will be done using some Neodymium magnets I have, to be placed either side of the rails at set places thereby making any shunting / uncoupling moves easier, hopefully, and make the layout as hands free as possible. If you've stuck with me on this so far I thank you. G p.s O Gauge is NOT forgotten !
  2. 'When seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. ' E.Cantona Nope me neither !
  3. With all of my locos I first remove the capacitor which in some cases helps to improve running straight away. Zimo decoders have always seemed fine with it left on but as a matter of choice I snip them off. If using a Loksound decoder one easy way to see if it improves running is as follows - Set CV 54 to 0. Place loco on the main powered track (if not there already). Have at least 2 feet of straight track in front of the locomotive and press function 1 (the bell function). The locomotive will run at a very high rate of speed and then slow to a stop with it's bell / whistle on. Turn the bell off and then test the locomotive for smoother motor control. All grist to the mill eh ! G
  4. I have heard that the GWR employed members of the Magic Circle especially for that purpose !
  5. I always find these to be extremely interesting and far, far better than the awful war / shoot-em-up type computer games. Very clever stuff.
  6. bgman

    Little Muddle

    A rum lot I can tell you, but what would I know !
  7. That's bad enough ! I sincerely hope you recover quickly from it and feel well soon. Take good care of yourself. G
  8. Thank you George, It is one of my "happy mistakes" which comes from not planning too much in advance. I wanted to produce a wider bridge but I thought it looked too grandiose and wide when first placed so I've reduced the width and as I did so I thought about a Mini in a famous scene ( no its not a cue for lots of Italian Job jokes ! ) and am going to adapt it to suit hopefully. G
  9. Making stuff, shuffling stuff and having Minestrone soup with croutons ( yeah really as I am typing ! ) It's been a few days since my last post here and during that time I have drawn up a few ideas and made a base unit for a small chapel for the Italian themed layout. There is a sort of plan / idea in my head for a final layout ( that's how i like to work these days ) and a bit of make it up as I go too. OK I know it can lead to mistakes etc but some have been happy ones which I like to turn into something useful. Here is where I am currently, showing an overall shot with a few close ups and a drawn up idea for a large culvert. I say culvert due to the fact that in my head ( where else would you find something like this ) the layout is based close to the border with Switzerland which from time to time will discharge amounts of water into a dried up river bed running below the track. I want to try and make up some suitable iron gates across the opening onto a grassed area hence the lower radius of the arch. An overall shot of my messings so far..... The large culvert, which will have some decorative stone / brickwork eventually, well that's the idea so as to give it some relief above the arch. And the beginning of a small-ish chapel, not sure whether to make this in stone or give it a rendered finish yet ....... You may also just be able to pick out another ROCO FS E 626, here she is having arrived today to join her sister loco...... New and never used, accessories still in the plastic bags so she will need a good running in ! I'm also waiting for more brass rod to enable a few more catenary posts to be made ( far cheaper than buying ready made ). Chao ! G
  10. And it's local-ish Dave ! ( Plymouth ) Andy produces some very useful laser cut models in his range and very approachable. G
  11. There is also another solution..... Just lay a few of these below the area in question !
  12. i think his young nephew went to Stratford ? shed ( well London anyway ) with his mates on a £ 19/6d Day Rover in the early '70s and took this, he wasn't too good with a camera as it was his mum's box Brownie and she didn't know he'd borrowed it ! Happy dayz and the shed foreman didn't mind either ...... Mr.K.Odak was on a roll in those days ! G
  13. Looking at that image it makes me wonder why some manufacturers still leave the tyres in the natural state rather than blackening them to match the rest of the wheels ? I think it would look a lot less "toy like" if they were blackened.
  14. Excuse the blatant intrusion Rob, here is a link to a DC model I purchased at the weekend arrived today and converted late last night to DCC. It's owner had looked after it very well and with a quick service this is what can be done when converting an old analogue to DCC, I think it was first released back in 1994 so you don't always have to purchase the all singing / dancing models made today. If it runs well on DC it's worth converting in my opinion and with certain DCC decoders you can also run on DC too. Just a bit of food for thought once you get into it further down the line. G
  15. What, Newton St. Cyres ? I always felt extremely emotional when I came out of there, but then I think it was down to how much I'd spent on beer !!! Speaking of which, the Taw Vale Hotel which you have modelled so well wouldn't have appealed to you ( believe me ) and the Beer Engine has always been a better watering hole !!! G
  16. Just for info I purchased several A1 sheets from my local Hobbycraft store recently at a cost of 4 for £10. I am sure they can be purchased for less elsewhere but it was the convenience that suited me on this occasion plus I knew that they wouldn't be damaged in the post !
  17. New Arrival / Old model ROCO FS E 626.409 Quick update on the Italian based layout... I took delivery earlier today of an old analogue version of a FS E 626 locomotive which was produced by ROCO I believe back in 1994. It was kept in excellent condition by its previous owner and ran well in analogue mode. As I operate in DCC I managed to find a spare Lenz decoder, so out with the soldering iron etc and converted her this evening and here is the result..... ( rubbish video but it gives an idea of her running ) There is a company* in Italy who produce DCC conversion boards complete with LED's which fit into older models but I always like a small challenge. The next stage will be to obtain some suitable LED's to fit inside but for now I am happy with the slow running and response to the decoder fitted. G * The cost of posting is actually more than the cost of the board in this instance !
  18. bgman

    Little Muddle

    Let's not forget where we are ! By the way Kevin, did you write for Monty Python by any remote chance ?
  19. Excellent video and explanation for anyone who doesn't know the area and history around the time you've modelled it. I had an interesting conversation with a "local" resident one warm summer afternoon on the bridge which leads to Nymet Rowland about his cottage. Whilst the initial conversation was about the on-going work he was also interested in respect of railways in general and also this line. He lived in the first cottage on the righthand side as you enter the village ......his name..... David Suchet. He was having some work done to the cottage at the time by local builders and I used to visit about once a month. Also, I don't know if I mentioned it previously but George ( Rose ) who owns Rose Removals also had an interest in the railway, so much so that he had made some enquiries with NR to see if it would be possible to open up and use the siding on his property for containers to be used for his removal business. Unfortunately it didn't come to anything. Keep up the good work. G
  20. Take your time Rob, you can't really mess things up too much and there is always a "get out route" with decoder settings once you get to that stage, in the mean time enjoy the new experience. G
  21. Hi Martin, I used this product many years ago and if I recall the Woodland Scenics offering has a split line down the middle which can be used to separate the foam and then each piece is laid individually to the required radius. It is very pliable and easy to use when laid and is one method to lay track onto. These days I work mainly in 7mm and use a rubberised cork sheet to lay track onto. G Look here at approx 2.17 into the video.....
  22. Here is a better description ( hope you don't mind Giles ? )
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