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Everything posted by stewartingram

  1. Just a little fun shot - I took this one from almost the same spot on the dock many years ago: Stewart
  2. OK put it another way then? Head west out of Peterborough East, under the road Bridge. Fair Meadow is the present car park site on the left, bordered on the east by the road bridge, on the west by the ECML, on the north by the line from Pb East. Acros the tracks on the north side is the present substation(?) area, lots of pylons still going in there. Stewart
  3. Pylons existed in that area, don't forget the power station, there is still a sub-station opposite Fair meadow car park today. Stewart
  4. During the war they were extended to Whittlesey, to help by not clogging up the Peterborough yards. Somewhere in a book I have photographic proof. Stewart
  5. Code 75 this time, or stick with code 100? Decisions, decisions... Stewart
  6. I'm sure this was the one that contained some locos stored from the national collection (ie NRM) for a while - V2 nd GCR RoD plus a couple of others? Stewart
  7. Frogs out in my garden. Birds are nesting high, sign of a good summer. Stewart
  8. I don't have enough access here at work for map ref etc, but the old Cambridge depot on East Road is still there. After many years dereliction it was restored a few years back as a fancy pub. Stewart
  9. There was a HD V2 produced - a friend of mine has one. Not genuine HD though, there were done in relatively recent times by a Collectors Association or similar, I forget who. Basicallly you provided a donor loco/chassis (was it the 2-6-4T?), and received back a V2, built in traditional HD style, and in a repro box. Stewart
  10. Hows this for an idea - and I am being serious? When it is all done, re-open the line in style as a big PR excercise. Run a GWR Castle through in front of the TV cameras. (Not a bad suggestion seeing as I would rather see a GE Claud, but you can't have everything). Stewart
  11. Judging by the positives from all directions, I do get the feeling that railways are "in" again, they just don't seem to be quite on the receiving end as much these days as they used to be. Stewart
  12. There is now a memorial at Finsbury Square, remembering the victims of the Moorgate tube crash. sadly bringing this topic into today's real life scene. Stewart The Wiki page mentions it here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moorgate_tube_crash
  13. How can I order one from Hattons - SWMBO wil be in when the postie arrives? Stewart
  14. Thats a very early photo - note the single character "A" headcode for express passenger. Stewart
  15. I purchased one as a spur-of-the-moment thing. Co-incidently I had purchased a Hornby 60011 from Janes Trains of Tooting last week! This was bought to supercede my (old chassis) Bachmann A4 (getting complicated here...) so what did I do with the cheapy? Loco body & tender body were fitted to the Bachmann running gear. The tender chassis has a vertical lump in the centre rear, behind the corridor; this needed filing thinner to fit the GBL body, which was stuck on with mekpak. The loco body was ever so slightly more difficult. The front GBL fixing screw fitted ok, the rear one was also used but needed a solder tag to grip the rear of the chassis. Also a little filing here and there just to tidy up rough edges when I took it apart. So for less than 1/2 hour easy work, I now have a working Mallard. I will probably pinch some detail from the Bachmann bodies such as the whistle. The remains will go in the pending box as a possible B17 conversion. It will probably remain as Mallard, with new nameplates and perhaps even a repaint. That just leaves a Trix loco driven SNG and a Trix tender drive BR A4 to sort out! Both are suffering from damaged cylinders & valve gear, as is the Trix loco-drive 4472 with a 2nd (Hornby) tender..... Question is, do I want to subscribe to the others? Stewart
  16. Just to stir things up a bit? Don't forget they actually reached as far east as Whittlesey so as not to clog up the yards in Peterborough....during wartime I believe. Stewart
  17. Sorted mine out ok - I removed all the lighting. Much more prototypical for the green era. Stewart
  18. stewartingram

    Hornby K1

    Ah - 62015 at both March & Stratford, that's that one sorted then. Stewart
  19. stewartingram

    Hornby K1

    Don't suppose anyone knows the allocations of these locos? Stewart
  20. I read that last line as 15xx/16xx.....even though I'm not a fan of the GWR that does sound more appealling! Stewart
  21. Can I just comment that once again, this is RMWeb at its best? Good inside factual info, lots of pictures from everyone, sensible discussion around the subject, etc etc. Andy Y's monster creation is still alive and kicking! Thanks to everyone for their input, and for those involved at the front, well done & thanks. Stewart
  22. TBH I think you are right, the rebuilt version, though I would have to check my books. And can we put a myth to bed? The Baby Deltic's are usually quoted (by enthusiasts?) as being a failure for BR, which is apparently untrue. I have read in a number of places, (books, magazines, internet), comments from respected people involved with running them, that they were (and I suspect that is more after the rebuild than before) quite capable of performing reliably on their allocated duties. The main reason for them being culled was that they were a small non-standard class of locos. Stewart
  23. Rest assured, Baby Deltics turned up at Peterborough often. I have seen them myself, still got some of my old spotting books if ever I feel like searching through them. Resistance is futile... Stewart
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