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Everything posted by stewartingram

  1. Having enlarged the page to 400%, I'm convinced it is not coal. Could be large rubble (ie concrete not bricks) or some form of quarry stone. I would have expected the train to oringinate from the Cambridge line too. Could it have been to feed building works at Milton Keynes? Stewart
  2. Woodford, Central Line on the London Underground (ex GER line though). Stewart
  3. Pidley, Cambridgeshire (Fen Road) 24-12-2013 Stewart
  4. Nice choice in locos there, especially towards the top! Stewart
  5. You are happy with just a box for Xmas......? Stewart
  6. I'd take them back if they were cracking..... Stewart
  7. Not trying to hijack the thread, but remember this? Stewart
  8. I forsee some reader offers with the subscription copies next year.................... Stewart
  9. Looking at what was there, it amazes disgusts me how much as a society we have thrown away with the abandonment of the railway infrastructure we had. No-one could have dreamt that within 10 years or so it would all be gone. Yet, I suppose we now have the same infrastructure in place for the road network. Who knows, maybe within the same timescale it too could be replaced with new in favour of the railways? Wishful thinking I know, but....? Stewart
  10. Nothing beat the Gamages layout in my opinion. Strange that there is very little online about that shop though. Stewart
  11. A few shots from 126 Instamatic days, when she was actually steamed at Bressingham. Stewart
  12. I'm sure it is also against ebay rules to advertise items like this, and I believe they are pretty hot on stamping this out nowadays. Stewart
  13. Having built a kit, with my own mods, some time back (Genisis), and a dia 558 from scratch, I was looking forward to this one. I had my suspicions when it was announced and held back from ordering, rather glad I did. Stewart
  14. As far as I can remember (as I renumbered my original release) D5512 was the early one, which can be found with suspect chassis. The D5511 was a much later re-issue, which was often used by Hornby as a replacement for earlier D5512's sent in. Stewart
  15. I don't recall mention of the J70 yet? My Toby was built around 1965, as my first ever kit. Totally vanilla K's, apart from some brass buffers fitted later when I lost 1 of the originals. An absolute dream runner, slow, smooth, no pick-up problems despite its short wheelbase (weight maybe a factor?). A tad noisy on my pwm feedback controller, but that adds to its charm, and tbh is ok at slow speeds. A little while back it was sitting on the shelf over the computor desk, and got knocked to the floor by the cat. Almost went back to component parts, and most bent at that! The pics I enclose show it as pretty quickly re-assembled, with a little work to redo. I'm loathe to repaint it though. The whitemetal cow-catchers have suffered, along with the loss of the Traing coupling at one end. However, a fellow RMWeb member has etched me some nice brass ones which I still have to fit, and I will be adding simple brass wire loops to work with Spratt & Winkle couplings. Toby lives on. Stewart
  16. As I posted earlier, mine took about a week. Mind you I asked nicely for just a replacement block, and rebuilt it myself (as a basic build, no lights/pcb/working fan, don't need any of that rubbish!). Stewart
  17. I can't imagine that sort of service from Yodel. Stewart
  18. Oops my mistake, sorry! Stewart
  19. How about comparing with this one? Stewart
  20. EM2 = Heljan LMS twins = Heljan and Bachmann D600 (was) Dapol, now projectd by DJM. Agree that Heljan did EM2 & LMS twin, but otherwise different manufacturer, so no commonality!. And did Heljan reuse any parts? Stewart
  21. You missed my Grandad's motor off there though! We used to park up where that blue/cream Ford is, just so I could do some trainspotting while Gran did the retail therapy. A green Austin 7 Ruby, CPW835 btw, available from Springside still I believe (I have one). Stewart ps t'other side of the road was the BTP office, in later years at least. I was working as a radio engineer for Cambs Police and sometimes had to call in during the 80s. I belive it suffered from arson later?
  22. That is the optimistic approach, but try to find examples of it in the ranges today (ignoring old-style models of course). Stewart
  23. That can't be a model! Any respectable modeller would have lots of 500W leds blazing away..... Stewart
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