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Everything posted by Chris116

  1. I would suggest that what you need is some name and number plates to replace those on the model as supplied.
  2. Chris116

    On Cats

    If you feed and allow them to do whatever they want they will be no trouble at all.
  3. The quote you give says the review was in MRC which means Model Railway Constructor nothing to do with Hornby or Model Rail magazines.
  4. Your memory is spot on. Currently I am not getting anything done as wiring a layout is my least favourite job and it is the one I am supposed to be doing at the moment!
  5. I have just checked my stock for my HO scale US layout and it makes worrying reading when you know that the layout is just 8 feet by 1 foot! 2 Steam Locomotives 15 Diesel Locomotives 10 Passenger Cars 73 Freight Cars (40 box cars, 19 hoppers, 3 tankers, 4 flats, 4 caboose, 1 crane and 1 boom car) I think I may have bought rather too much!
  6. Just be glad you didn't have to get the tattoo done on yourself! Well done on the money raised.
  7. Just seen the latest edition and maybe I my eyesight is not as good as it should be but the new 0-4-0 appears very tall when compared with the van on the back of the train. Given that the loco appears to be the same height as the 3F they put beside it at one point. So to my mind they need to sort out the new van for their starter set.
  8. No rush at all. I am certain you have a lot of far more important things to do. Scrolling down from the top of the page is not a problem but thought you should know in case it gave you any clues to other bigger problems. I am happy that it will get dealt with when it gets dealt with after all trains run for those who wait and they don't wait for those who run!
  9. Sorry to bring up what appears to be a further problem. Since the start of this week when I go to read the unread part of a thread I am now left at the top of the page instead of going to the first unread post.
  10. More great photos and I am sure I am not alone in being pleased you got good news from the hospital. Get some rest and we all look forward to your next photo instalment tomorrow.
  11. Our judicial systems view of how long life is and the government's view when discussing pensions appear to be moving further apart every year! If the government used the judicial length of life we would all be pensioners before we could vote.
  12. Didn't SK say in one of the TV shows that Hornby models were for life! Maybe we should be asking what they are going to do to replace the affected models with ones that don't slowly explode. Surely if they don't replace them then trading standards ought to be getting involved for false advertising.
  13. Having lived in London most of my life, I claim the prize for knowing it is the Heatherslaw Light Railway. EDIT:- Totally wrong! I now think I have the right answer but I won't make a fool of myself twice in one day!
  14. Just like all of Little Muddle, nothing much gets done!
  15. Very glad to report that I am not having any problems with adverts but on my phone the small picture we have by our names in posts has suddenly got much bigger and now appears over the top of the first two lines of a post. Hopefully this can be sorted at some point. I like the bigger picture but not when I can't read the first two lines of posts.
  16. A couple of years before Covid struck I went to Crich and rode on a horse tram. That year it was running about three days a month and the dates were all advertised on their website. It was a very enjoyable ride and one I would happily do again.
  17. I think you are skating on thin ice!
  18. Better jokes here than the jokes thread has seen in months.
  19. Very true. That would be a way to deal with the situation provided they can justify it for reasons other than prices charged.
  20. The sad thing is that Hornby could land up on the wrong side of the law if they try to stop anyone selling items at a particular price so there may be nothing that can be done.
  21. Only by asking the right person will find out the answer you (and others) are looking for!
  22. My membership pack which was ordered on 28th October arrived today but still haven't received the newsletter that was said to be more likely to arrive first. Probably Royal Mail strikes to blame so will enjoy continuing to do the proof reading of the catalogue that Hornby failed to do.
  23. Chris116

    On Cats

    Two lovely looking cats but I do wonder how long the Christmas tree will last!
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