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Ian Hargrave

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Everything posted by Ian Hargrave

  1. Given Hornby’s recent awkwardness over The Titfield Thunderbolt copyright etc. I had wondered that. But I don’t think any bones are broken here. At least,I hope not.
  2. Ah yes,I see now what you mean.Had you not pointed that out to me I wouldn’t have known it was lurking there. The Bachmann service sheet isn’t informative about it. It certainly isn’t visible under normal operating circumstances and AFAIC isn’t a game changer .
  3. Just looked at both versions to confirm.In. In neither is it visible.
  4. Absolutely agree. In fact the Bachmann referred to in my earlier post is a weathered 92189.
  5. Please let’s not be unkind. Sam has a proficient knowledge of the workings of rtr models as he ably and frequently demonstrates. He just needs…excuse a phrase of sinister overtones….re educating. And please do not make suggestions as to how on this forum which will incur the wrath of our Mods.
  6. But the ones I’m using are Castle Cement of a quite different era..Nice photo though
  7. So then,to return to the 9F. Having been initially unconvinced by Hornby’s release,being the train tart that I am,I succumbed and thanks to excellent service from Bure Valley Models,I have now been running 92167 for a couple of hours or so. It is indeed a lovely thing.Beautifully and securely packaged in an attractively styled box.It is,as expected an excellent performer.on my 8’x4’ tabletop . The test train consists of 15 Accurascale cement tanks ..not prototypically correct I know but they just happen to be there conveniently. Also at hand is a Bachmann 9F of fairly recent vintage. So then is there atm any significant advantage one way or the other ,bearing in mind that these observations are relevant only in my circumstances and on DC only with Gaugemaster new Combi on new fluff free track 28 “ radius pinned securely on board ? As of now,there is little difference in performance and both are convincingly models of a BR9F. This however is just my rambling and I am no YouTuber. You pays your money and you makes your choice
  8. Litigation is the land of last resort. Over model trains ? We are ourselves responsible for the phenomenon by giving him and others like him air.
  9. Exactly so. The only “good news” is no news. Shock horror news arrests our attention and sells ( but not it appears in the case of Sam’s 9F ) Two possible conclusions : either Sam is allergic to 9F’s or they to him and his.
  10. And not just those but the condition of his track and its coping capacity with the carpet subsoil. Not the optimum situation to test something which he considers overpriced.
  11. I think we need to exercise our own judgment on this. Examples running on this forum would seem to confound his observations.We’re again into the Sam locomotive trials,21stC style. Why ? Because it’s all too easy to allow someone to make up our minds for us as opposed to buying one and running it for ourselves and because we’re over dependent on media influences. Every layout is different and subject to differing track and control variables,carpet notwithstanding. I despair. I’m buying one in any case.If it doesn’t live up to my expectations,then so be it.Life’s like that.
  12. Delving into the working life of the coal containers,I discover that they were used in the transit of phurncite from Abercwmboi .Which brings memories of the plant and its revolting polluting fumes back to me. We lived just a couple of miles up the valley in clear sight of the plant which was designed to produce a cleaner fossil fuel. Maybe so,but for years I breathed in the air tainted by sulphur yellow clouds ( made much worse if it became foggy,which it frequently was during the 1950’s. ). The stench was quite something,for a fuel designed to burn cleanly.Heaven knows what long term effects on the health it had on all living within range .So,in memoriam, as it were,I’m assembling a rake of Cawoods..I think both my late parents and grandfather would have a chuckle over this….especially as mum was a District Nurse..
  13. My experience with Accurascale dispatch and DHL delivery has also been entirely positive throughout the last few months.,matching the quality of the product.
  14. A very far reaching judgment.And I would imagine that this is headed for the Supreme Court. Environmentalists aren’t going to let this one rest when apparently they have concerns for the liability of those going about legitimate work on HS2 sites. Legal fees must be astronomical.
  15. It is indeed green .Derails have it at £160.
  16. That’s a Hattons response from time immemorial.All it usually means is “we can’t get any “ .Look elsewhere.
  17. Many thanks .. No qualms about this,even given concerns re: smokebox plating. I had expected good performance but this is exceptional.
  18. Viewed just the committal service from St. George’s Chapel which for me was the most moving part of the whole day.Near the end of the ceremony,the Orb & Sceptre and Imperial Crown were taken from the top of the coffin and placed on the High Altar. Today’s BBC commentator,David Dimbleby informed us that they were ceremonially presented to Her Majesty at her Coronation in 1953 by the Archbishop of Canterbury. As a boy just having passed his11+ to enter Grammar School,I watched and listened to it all on a neighbour’s 9” TV ( We had no TV ). The BBC commentary on that occasion was ,of course,David Dimbleby’s father,Richard.. So here am I. At the joyous start to the New Elizabethan age ……and at its stately ending. I have no words that could describe my thoughts.
  19. A fitting,dignified and moving service.Pomp,Circumstance and the best of British choral tradition from the Abbey choir.New pieces specially composed including one by appropriately enough a Scot…Sir James MacMillan…and a favourite of mine personally My Soul There Is A Country Far Beyond The Stars by Sir Hubert Parry…a composer much admired by our new King. In my days as a choir member,I’ve sung it a few times. Two other things that touched me were the piper’s lament and the few words,no more than that,by the BBC’s Fergal Keane in commentary. Refraining from over intrusive commentary made the ceremony all the more appropriate.
  20. Good point. One of the features where it should,given the amount of die cast metal,is in performance.That said,despite Sam’s YouTube assault,there’s nothing wrong with the Bachmann 9F on that score.Well not in my experience anyway. It would have been helpful ( he says,tongue firmly in cheek ) if there were some degree of parity on price point .There isn’t.Which,contrary to usual perceived wisdom, is seemingly reversed in Bachmann’s favour.So I need a degree of positive evidence before I fork out an extra £30…..current figures on new to be released Bachmann 9F available on Rails website…on one of these. ATM I’m not getting it.
  21. Curiously enough,one of Bachmann’s future releases is 92212. Viewing the current images on Rails website,it does not have the smokebox plating joins. Who’s to say which is correct and for which period in the loco’s history ? The revelation of scanning details by Hornby R&D might give us a clue. It appears then that they have decided to award all three new releases with this “modification “ regardless. Looking at an image of 92214 taken at the Bachmann Collectors Club day at Quorn on 26 June,the “mod” is not present on the “prototype “. Tried just to have a look at the new Hornby at my nearest dealer. No luck.Sold out. Getting more in next week.The guy ( and no names mentioned) can’t fathom why this when Bachmann produces ….and continues to do so…a very good model. I can’t disagree with that. But certainly in my neck of the woods,the new H 9F is going like hot cakes it seems.
  22. This issue is almost as old as time itself,I’m afraid
  23. The first named Standard 5MT’s 73080-89 went to the Eastern section ( Stewart’s Lane then 73A ,the kingdom for a while of the late Dick Hardy.) in the mid 1950’s mainly for Kent Coast workings from Victoria etc. . The Western section examples worked alongside the aged Arthurs for a while,until they were eventually withdrawn. I have an abiding memory of seeing 30453 …Arthur himself….charging through Yeovil Junction,shrill whistle sounding on an up West Of England Waterloo express in August 1958 whilst waiting for my train taking me on a spotting trip to Salisbury. That arrived shortly,hauled by airsmoothed 35003 Royal Mail. During that day,I “copped” 73117,73110,Arthur 30773 and the very first of the defrocked MN 35018 British India Line. Curiously,my return journey to Yeovil Junction was again 35003 making her way back to Exeter and her home Exmouth Junction. My aunt,with whom we were staying for a while,couldn’t comprehend my obsession with trains and suggested seriously to my father that he should seek psychiatric help for me. I’m not there yet.
  24. Dire is perhaps OTT but certainly Hornby have added “details” to the smokebox not in Mr.Riddles original design. Its Bachmann counterpart lacks them. Though there is no “depth” to its chimney. It all depends upon how it affects its presence in your eyes whilst on your tracks I imagine. If I bought one,I’d want to see it in a retail environment before parting with ( a lot ) of cash.
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