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Ian Hargrave

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Ian Hargrave

  1. I’m afraid whichever company is used it’s basically down to the man in the van. I think we must also bear in mind that since the start of the pandemic now over two years ago,we have needed to depend upon them more so than ever. Consequently,such companies are overstretched in terms of manpower….human resource…call,it what you will and stretch means give I’m afraid. I’ve had literally to depend on them for my very existence during that period. Firstly,I needed to be carer for my wife for a year prior to her death….literally from the Covid get-go .Then a few months later I had to admit myself to hospital with what turned out to be a serious cardiac issue which needed a complex operation,During this procedure,things did not go well and my son was informed not to pin too many hopes on my survival. But here I am,some eight months on,glad to be alive and enjoying my Deltics and the great cameraderie of this forum. So you see,I’ve needed my men and women in vans,whether it’s Sainsbury online,my pharmacist for essential medication ,my Amazon Prime (books to read to while away the time whilst I couldn’t get about)…..and of course those wonderful great big cardboard boxes of delights we all hanker after. Yes it’s frustrating if things don’t go to pinpoint precision,I know. But be happy we have this facility….please.
  2. KOYLI just arrived. Thank you Stuart. UPS however did not provide any advance email or tracking. In my porch just after a short visit to my local model shop. All well with the Deltic after short inspection & track test.
  3. My KOYLI just arrived. In the porch now on my return from a visit to my local model shop of all places !. Positively no advance warning . Bur it’s here intact and working after a quick track test so thank you Stuart.
  4. Yes..Only if they don’t sell out will they release for general sale. As has been posted above that seems unlikely. The complete Collector’s Club DRS rake of 4 x2F includes the DBSO and is £359.80. Fortunately,I already had the DRS 37 .Current membership stands at £35. No it’s not inexpensive but makes for a complete 21stC train….with an unusual twist. Very attractive too. Down to you,of course.
  5. I’m fortunate to be within 30 minutes drive of Quorn station on the GCR where the Collectors Club held an event today. It gave me an opportunity to renew my membership which had lapsed over the last 2 years for a variety of reasons. I spent a great deal of money…but what the heck. My DRS 37 ,still in its box in the loft after 4 years,finally has its train to haul. Absolutely gorgeous…..the full set of Collectors Club pushmepullyu complete with DBSO is now trundling around my tabletop. Great atmosphere in the marquee at Quorn and many thanks to Bachmann staff for creating such a warm,happy and welcoming occasion. . I felt like the proverbial doggie let off his lead. I love Bachmann 2F’s.IMHO one of the best rtr series of coaches.
  6. Over the years of running Hornby Pullmans ,I have found them to be prone to derailments or,as you have experienced,the cause of derailment. In any case,apart from Pullman brake ends,Deltics would haul MK 1 versions I. No MetroCammell brake ends were ever made. The Mk 1 Pullman has been manufactured by Bachmann and is correct rather than the usual version which Hornby do. So your Deltic won’t be hauling a prototypically correct ECML Pullman train for 1961 onwards. To satisfy myself,atm I have 55003 hauling a rake of 6 Bachmann 2F….the current production 2013 on…which thanks to good design manages to combine reasonably good close coupling with standard tension lock assembly.It’s now been running for 20+ minutes with no problem The coupling heights match btw. Kinematic coupling ?
  7. Locomotion have both D9002 and 55002 still on their website as of this morning
  8. Parcelforce 48 is Rails norm.. I now await additional gorgeousness from the DPS ( Tulyar ) and Locomotion. After a week as owner/operator of now two of these,I continue to be delighted by their elegance,performance and sheer quality. I keep returning to the “board” for a quick Deltic fix throughout my waking day. Well done,gents.Thank you. You've made an old man etc.etc…similar b/s.
  9. As is oft said….it’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.You’ve actually brightened my weekend….the original plans for which fell apart yesterday. Thanks for the news about the Quorn event.It’ll give me the opportunity…my first for 3 years…to attend an event and relieve the monotony . An easy drive through Charnwood. Yippee !
  10. My blue thoroughbred was due between 11:55 and 12:55. She actually arrived at 11:39. She is now in good fettle and is currently cantering around my tabletop happily. Well,my family has form with horses..except me that is…..Great grandfather was ranked as Farrier Major in the 8th Royal Irish Hussars, garissoned at Tuam during the 1870’s. Another Irish connection if you will but strange for someone born and bred in a South Wales mining community to own to. Just pray your driver hastens . After all. TGIF. He’ll want to finish early.
  11. Warley November 2018 I presume when the Deltic was announced ? Which is when I ordered,straight off the Accurascale stand .I had neither cybertrace nor papertrail so a few weeks ago I contacted them via email and was immediately reassured that both order and payment were secure.D 9010 arrived on Friday last. My second order 55003 ( May 2022 ) is pending.
  12. Sod’s law has just kicked in. My concerns are now immaterial in any case.My weekend has been cancelled.My niece has contracted Covid whilst on a business trip to Stockholm. So no need of panic rearranging of delivery .Hey Ho .Stuff still happens. Meanwhile,I look forward to Meld in my porch. Cheers !
  13. This is similar to my experience on Friday last. Put in porch.No courier contact. Fortunately I have an outer porch door so the box was not in plain sight. Earlier that morning,concerned that I wouldn’t be at home to receive it,I arranged online a diversion for a pickup at one of DHL’s prescribed collection centres…..or thought I did . The request obviously arrived too late or was simply ignored as,from inside my inner main door,at 12:45 I saw the guy drop the box. This was just 20 minutes prior to my taxi pick up to the station….lucky me. Not impressed but then this isn’t the first DHL lackadaisical approach recently. The last time,a parcel was wedged behind a plant pot two steps down from the front door,porch notwithstanding.. And yes,I had the same email experience..I’m I suppose doubly lucky because the outer porch door is locked when I’m away….which it was last Friday. Now what exactly do I do this coming weekend when I’m away until early next week and am expecting another Deltic ? Maybe ask my neighbour….but there’s no hope is there if DHL’s advertised systems simply do not work.
  14. The name Hawksworth bringeth forth sweetness in his final sentence……County. A blatant hint …..or a false alarm ? Surely they wouldn’t do that across us ?
  15. “Welsh Dragon” ? Maybe..but the SWP became a WR blue Pullman working well before pairs of 37 ( aka EE type 3 diesel ) worked for a brief period only from the spring of 1966,the XP 64 set on Swansea-Paddington workings. The experiment was not deemed worthy of continuation.
  16. Runs as smoothly as silk. DHL arrived in the nick of time too…..just off to London…by train of course…
  17. FYI all expectant Deltic owners. DHL email on behalf of Accurascale just received announces deliveries commence.
  18. As was posted here a few months ago,Dennis Lovett has indeed retired. Locomotion Models has its own space on Products and Trade Area,so this surely is a more appropriate place to raise the issue and not here. The guy in overall charge is Tom Mackie who is a forum member .He should be your contact for this and other issues. PM him.Stuart ,poor lad,is the fall guy and when things go wrong,he’s the one in the firing line.There is only so much one pair of hands can achieve…as Andy has posted.
  19. Rails have used this system for a long time and there hasn’t to the best of my knowledge been any difficulty over it. If it it’s an issue,then a suggestion might be to do as I do every day check your cc account & balance In support of Rails,my preorder items on my account became an issue between September and December last as I was hospitalised without warning and needed them to be kept on hold. Their understanding and support were exemplary for which I remain grateful.
  20. What about an SLW 24 ? 😄 Just for a novelty/ Platinum celebration/ the hell of it ,its arrival on H’s website gave me a timely prod to avail myself of the 20% celebratory discount. A nice distraction from news of holiday travel woes,bunting,street parties etc. BUT,a Spitfire did fly over the house this morning…..honest.
  21. And just right now Hornby need every bit of new arrival they can get their hands on as stock levels are depleted. An identical piece of marketing to Lilac Lil,aka WC “70”. .Lets please not get overheated about it. If this sells,ultimately it’s in the best interest of Hornby’s,even if some for some of us it gives the gripes.
  22. Before using challenging language,I suggest it would be appropriate to re read what I and other members of this forum have posted.Besides which you have no means of knowing what actually happens when research is undertaken,unless of course you are privy to confidential matters that the rest of us have no access to. What I posted is correct.Had it not been,I would not have posted it.Have the grace at least to recognise that Incidentally,I do not hide behind a nom de plume I find your response disappointing and concerned you remain a member of a forum which apparently you regard in some ways as a vehicle for hot air. It is so much more than that.
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